Destrubé family - Letter to Dear Ones from Paul, January 4, 1917, "Somewhere"
Destrubé family - Letter to Dear Ones from Paul, January 4, 1917, "Somewhere"
Destrubé family
Item is a letter written by Paul Destrubé to his family on January 4, 1917 from the Front in France in which he discusses his and Guy' s hopes for commissions coming through that would take them away from the Front. He also mentions that Georges is in France waiting to return to their battalion. Both Paul and Guy were killed in action a few weeks later on February 17.
World War 1914-1918; Destrubé family; Destrubé, Paul
Destrubé family fonds
[Upper left:] Copy
[Centre:] Dear ones
[Upper right:] Jany 4th 17
We recieved your letters together with a remittance
for which many many thanks
We have also recieved word from Georges who is at
the Base in France waiting to be sent to a battalion.
He wrote to our adjutant, asking that our Batt should
claim him, which they were good enough to do. We
therefore expect him back with us within a few days
Ye gods! but there will be some tongue wagging for
a day or two when we are reunited again! We hope
that it will not be long before he is recalled by the
Many thanks dear Syl for obtaining those papers but
was it was necessary to go to Sir Newman for them, I
thought they could be obtained easily in England?
I have as yet heard nothing from him, but wrote
to him yesterday quite a long letter (that is long for me)
There have been many irregularities in the leave question
so that it is difficult yet for Guy to judge when his [time?]
will come round; perhaps in three weeks time.
We have not much longer to remain here now,
but at least we got the Christmas festivities in,
which were quick, but pleasant enough.
There are no developments to report concering
our little schemes.
The mail deliveries have been very irregular of late,
some of the late letters we have received taking as
much as eight days to come.
I know of nothing further to say, so will close now.
With very best love
signed Paul