Item is the first of eight diaries written by Archie Wills during World War I. The diary covers the period of his training at Fort Macaulay and relocation to the Fort Work Barracks, both in Esquimalt, British Columbia between February and May of 1916. Wills writes of his decision to join the 5th Regiment, C.G.A, his anticipation of overseas service, camp life and conditions during a blizzard at Fort Macaulay, the transition from office work to hard labour, guard duty, food rations, leisure and sports activities, and interactions with fellow soldiers and officers. The diary includes descriptions of military training and exercises, including instruction in artillery, signaling and trigonometry, shooting practice and rifle and bayonet drills, and horseback riding lessons. Wills' diary illustrates the attitudes and activities of his fellow soldiers and records humorous dialogue, nicknames given to Fort Macaulay by the soldiers, comments on military hierarchy, and an account of a discussion about Canadian identity. At the Work Point Barracks, Wills writes about swearing in for overseas service (April 14, 1916), working in the orderly office, and his promotion to "Bombardier" (May 13, 1916). People mentioned include: Bill (William) White, Lieutenant Clearihue, Lieutenant Prior, Sergeant Major McDougall, Bill (William) Creach, Bill (William) Newton, and George Lomas.
World War, 1914-1918; Wills, Archie
Volume 1: my life in the army by Archie H. Wills. Fort Macaulay, Feb 1-May 28, 1916.
Archie H. Wills fonds
British Columbia--Victoria; British Columbia--Esquimalt
People Depicted:
Wills, Archie; Clearihue, Joseph B.; White, William; Newton, William; Creach, William; Lomas, George