Uploading Images


Upload a new image: Dashboard > Items [Curation] > Upload Item 

Upload an image for a Thumbnail: Dashboard > Featured Page or Browse > Edit > Thumbnail

Upload an image for a Compound Object: See Compound Objects

How to Upload Items in Spotlight

Before you begin uploading items to Spotlight, you should have a conversation with your Digital Scholarship Librarian about the types of images you would like to upload to the exhibit. 

There are three types of images that you will be using in Spotlight:

1. Images that already exist in the institutional repository  Perhaps you will be using images that have already been digitized and preserved by the library in the institutional repository. Or, perhaps we have written a grant and have attained funds for the library to digitize and create metadata for your images. In this case, the images will be pre-loaded for you and you do not have to upload them.  2. Images that you upload that are specific to your exhibit.  3. Images that you use as "thumbnails" for widget or link items. 

Uploading Your Own Images to Spotlight

1.  Using the Dashboard: Uploading One File at a Time  If you have a small exhibit, you may have been asked to upload your own images into the repository. In this case, you will upload your items from the Dashboard and add your metadata once you've uploaded an image.  a. Go to your Dashboard and look for "Items" in the Curation Zone.  b. Click on "Items"

c. Now, click on the box, "Add items"

d. You will now see the Item Upload Form. Navigate to your file on your hard drive, and enter in the metadata that you've discussed with your librarian or archivist.

e. When you are finished, scroll down to the bottom of the page and click "Add Item" if you are finished. If you would like to add more items, click "Add item and continue adding."

We have just gone over how to add an image to the Spotlight repository along with relevant metadata. We will now look at how to upload a simple image (with no metadata attached) or a thumbnail image (if you do not want to use an image from your exhibit). 

Uploading an Image for a Thumbnail or a Simple Illustration

 (no metadata associated with image) Sometimes you will want to upload an image that does not need to have associated metadata. For example, when you create a link to a "Featured Page," you will be given a blank square in which you can 1. use an image from the repository, or, 2. upload your own thumbnail image.  For example, the squares below show a link to the "Curation" Featured Page. The image on the left shows the standard, default featured link that does not have a thumbnial associated with it. The image on the right is what featured links look like when a thumbnail image has been uploaded and associated with a link. 
Nothumb curation copy

If you upload a thumbnail image, it will NOT be saved in the repository; rather, it will be preserved in a separate Spotlight database. It is best practice to use images from your exhibit's data for these types of links (but it is not required).  You may also upload images directly into your exhibit when you are building pages. But do note, if you upload an image from the content-block builder and NOT the dashboard, your image will NOT be saved in the repository. If you want to maintain your images over the long term and apply metadata to those images, you will need to use the uploader under the Items link on the Dashboard

Add an Image to a Thumbnail

When you "edit" a page or browse category, you will see a tab that said "Thumbnail." This is where you'll select or upload an image for your Featured Page or Browse category:

You'll notice that a bounding box appears. This is the maximum image size for thumbnail you would like to create. Drag it to the area you want to use as the thumbnail image and click "Save changes."

Compound Objects

If you need to create compound objects, we recommend that you speak to a Digital Scholarship Unit member so that we can determine the easiest way for you to manage your compound objects. It may easier to pre-load your images and metadata using a CSV file. Otherwise, in order to create a compound object you will follow the directions for uploading individual images. You will then need to follow the directions for creating a compound object