Dear Joel,
Where do you see yourself in one hundred years? Dead, likely, of course - so perhaps it is far more helpful of me to ask where you see the world in one hundred years. Where will we be as a species, do you think? How will we communicate? What was once the prime form of human-to-human contact we now refer to, quite unkindly, as ‘snail mail’ - the art of crafting a letter now largely swept aside in favor of the lightning-fast reach email and text messages have afforded us. And perhaps it is a good thing - a letter, no matter how exquisitely crafted, resides in the realm of the ephemeral. Paper, given time and condition, will someday dissolve into memory. Ink will bleed, and edges will rip and tear away, but the internet is forever. Once the send button is hit what is said will never again be un-said. No candle is hot enough to burn away what is committed to the screen.