Browse items from the Sandra Meigs fonds 29 items

1. Brochure for exhibition "Canadian," 1995

2. Untitled drawing, 1976

3. Photograph of the multi-panel art installation Angel Eyes (1988)

4. Sea Saw (1999)

5. The Crocodiles (1976)

6. Proposal for artist's book Sea Saw, 1999, after JOYJOYSORROW

7. Sketch of Angel Eyes (1988)

8. Sketches and text for Baby, 1994, page 1

9. Sketches and text for Baby, 1994, page 2

10. Drawing for Angel Eyes artist’s book, 1989

11. Drawing for Angel Eyes artist’s book, 1989

12. Self-portrait for Angel Eyes artist’s book, 1989

13. Drawing for Angel Eyes artist’s book, 1989

14. Drawing for Angel Eyes artist’s book, 1989

15. Drawing for Angel Eyes artist’s book, 1989

16. Drawing for Angel Eyes artist’s book, 1989

17. Drawing for Angel Eyes artist’s book, 1989

18. Drawing for Angel Eyes artist’s book, 1989

19. Drawing for Angel Eyes artist’s book, 1989

20. Drawing for Angel Eyes artist’s book, 1989