By 1994, work on the 4th Republic Road (as it was then known) extended the grated motorable road from Kanka to Nyire. Westward view mid-way between Nyire and Kanka, June, 1994.
A woman carries a load of calabashes (chrԑ in Nafaanra) en route to Kabruno from Ahenkro during the dry season. View looking south from the south edge of Ahenkro on the old road that led directly into Kabruno. December, 1982.
Recently paved road connecting Ahenkro with the Wenchi-Bamboi road (N12) via Kanka. Photo taken in-between Nyire and the Kanka traffic circle leading to Ahenkro. 9 July, 2011.
View to the south on the old Bongase road, Banda hills to the right, roughly 3 km southwest of Bongase. The low area (ahead in the road) was inundated by flood waters as the lake formed behind Bui Dam after 2012. A bypass has been constructed and the road here now passable only by a narrow foot bridge. 18 June, 2016.
A new road (known in the 1990s as the 4th Republic Road) connected Kanka directly to Ahenkro, first as a grated road and, after completion of Bui Dam, as a paved road. Viewed here from the north edge of Kanka, looking northward, Ahenkro is visible in the distance. 18 June, 2016.
Road leading into Ahenkro from the south with the Banda hills in the background. Two cell phone towers are visible on the south edge of town and electrical power lines run along the east side of the road. The new market building located on the south side of Ahenkro is visible at the point where the road curves in the distance. A motorized three-wheeled car and a motor cycle travel on the road ahead. Ahenkro, 19 June, 2016.
View to the south on the Bongase road, roughly 1.7 km west of Bongase. The peak known as 'Chuli' is visible in mountain range to the right. 12 June, 2009.
View to the south on the Bongase road, roughly 3 km southwest of Bongase, with Banda hills visible to the right. The low area (ahead in the road) was inundated by flood waters as the lake formed behind Bui Dam after 2013. A bypass had to be constructed as this road became passable only by a narrow foot bridge. 12 June, 2009.