Side view of a broken pottery sherd with a large slag inclusion. The use of crushed slag as a tempering material included in potting clay is first seen in pottery associated with Ngre phase sites in the Banda area. The use of crushed slag as a temper intensifies during Kuulo phase times, after which it becomes uncommon. Ngre Kataa, June, 2008.
Gathered around a table in the Banda Cultural Centre's exhibit hall during a workshop to gauge student interest in learning from heritage resources, University of Ghana Education PhD student Esther Attiogbe talks with a group of Junior High School girls about how women in the area made pottery from locally available clays. The photos of local pottery-making laid out on the table are ones included in the Banda Through Time repository. On shelves behind them are examples of pottery excavated from archaeological sites around the area. Banda Cultural Centre, Ahenkro, 25 June, 2019.