T.Z. (short for "tuo zafi," which means hot porridge in Hausa) is a staple food made from milled grain and served with soup. This short video shows the skilled stirring technique used in the final stages of preparing T.Z. as Abena Kuma prepares her family's evening meal over a stone hearth. Sabiye, 13 November, 2018. Length: 00:00:17 minutes.
A youngster (Mamee) uses a wooden paddle to stir a pot as a woman (Afiriye) tests the texture of its contents with her right hand. They are cooking T.Z. in an aluminum pot resting on three laterite hearth stones. T.Z. is short for "tuo zafi," which means hot porridge in Hausa. Surrounding the hearth are a series of plastic and metal containers used in food preparation. A large blue plastic barrel, used to store water, stands in a corner by the house wall. Partially obscured by Mamee's right hand and her paddle is a portable "coal pot" on which an aluminum pot with two handles sits. Unlike the stone hearth, which is fueled with wood, this portable hearth is fueled with charcoal and may be used to prepare soup while starchy staple foods cook over the wood fire. Ahenkro, 28 October, 2009.
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Location(s) Facet:
Women's work; Metal pots; Water barrels; Plastic containers