Number of results to display per page
Search Results
21. Shaping a clay pot, Adadiem, 1994
- Description:
- A standing potter bends over as she begins to pull a clay lump upwards and outwards, using a draw-and-drag (direct pull) technique to form the walls of a clay pot. The clay rests on a metal plate (kpankpa in Nafaanra) which allows her to move the pot aside to dry once its body and rim are formed. Once dry, she will add a rounded base. The finger marks visible at this stage of the pot's forming show the direction in which she pulls the clay as she works. Adadiem, 1994.
- Rights:
- Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial
- Publisher:
- University of Victoria Libraries
- Location(s) Facet:
- Adadiem
- Subjects:
- Forming; Women's work; Potting; Adadiem
- Subjects Facet:
- Handicraft; Pottery making
- Identifier:
- 13
- Creator:
- Dr. M. Dores Cruz
- Contributors:
- Dr. Ann B. Stahl
- Date searchable:
- 1994
- Date searchable:
- 1994
- Genre:
- 35 mm slide
- Genre Facet:
- 35 mm slide
- Location(s):
- Adadiem;8.082874, -2.552821
- Date Digitized:
- 2016
- People Facet:
- Dr. M. Dores Cruz
- Commentary:
- Slide scanned by Veronique Plante
- Geographic Coordinates:
- 8.082874, -2.552821
22. Shaping a clay pot, Dorbour, 1994
- Description:
- A seated Nafana potter uses her hands to mold the sides of a clay pot. Beginning with a lump of clay placed on a round palette (kpankpa in Nafaanra), she has used a draw-and-drag (direct pull) technique to form the pot. Nearby are the enamel ware plates that she uses as palettes or turntables on which to form pots. Another partially shaped pot is visible at the top of the photo. Dorbour, 1994.
- Rights:
- Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial
- Publisher:
- University of Victoria Libraries
- Location(s) Facet:
- Dorbour
- Subjects:
- Forming; Potting; Women's work ; Dorbour
- Subjects Facet:
- Handicraft; Pottery making; Enameled ware
- Identifier:
- 20
- Creator:
- Dr. M. Dores Cruz
- Contributors:
- Dr. Ann B. Stahl
- Date searchable:
- 1994
- Date searchable:
- 1994
- Genre:
- 35 mm slide
- Genre Facet:
- 35 mm slide
- Location(s):
- Dorbour;8.090342, -2.517137
- Date Digitized:
- 2016
- People Facet:
- Dr. M. Dores Cruz
- Commentary:
- Slide scanned by Veronique Plante
- Geographic Coordinates:
- 8.090342, -2.517137
23. Shaping a clay pot, Dorbour, 1994
- Description:
- A potter seated on the ground starts to form a clay pot. She begins with a lump of clay resting on a metal plate (kpankpa in Nafaanra) which she can turn as she uses a draw-and-drag (direct pull) technique to shape the pot. A second lump of clay has already begun to be formed (lower left) and a clay bowl contains water that she uses to moisten the clay as needed (lower right). Lying on the metal plates to the left are tools that she will use as she forms the pot including two maize cobs, a spatula and a stone. Dorbour, 1994.
- Rights:
- Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial
- Publisher:
- University of Victoria Libraries
- Location(s) Facet:
- Dorbour
- Subjects:
- Forming; Women's work; Potting; Potting tools; Maize cobs; Dorbour
- Subjects Facet:
- Handicraft; Pottery making
- Identifier:
- 27
- Creator:
- Dr. M. Dores Cruz
- Contributors:
- Dr. Ann B. Stahl
- Date searchable:
- 1994
- Date searchable:
- 1994
- Genre:
- 35 mm slide
- Genre Facet:
- 35 mm slide
- Location(s):
- Dorbour;8.090342, -2.517137
- Date Digitized:
- 2016
- People Facet:
- Dr. M. Dores Cruz
- Commentary:
- Slide scanned by Veronique Plante
- Geographic Coordinates:
- 8.090342, -2.517137
24. Smoothing the inside of a clay pot, Dorbour, 1994
- Description:
- Yaa Tenabrԑ, a Nafana potter, stands as she uses a spatula-like tool to smooth and thin the walls of a large clay pot which she is molding. She has shaped the pot using a draw-and-drag (direct pull) technique, beginning with a lump of clay and using her hands to draw the clay upwards and outwards. The pot rests on a round metal plate (kpankpa in Nafaanra) that can be turned on the stump on which it sits and on which the pot can be moved and set aside as it dries. Dorbour, 1994.
- Rights:
- Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial
- Publisher:
- University of Victoria Libraries
- Location(s) Facet:
- Dorbour
- Subjects:
- Forming; Women's work; Potting; Potting tools; Dorbour
- Subjects Facet:
- Handicraft; Pottery making
- Identifier:
- 20
- Creator:
- Dr. M. Dores Cruz
- Contributors:
- Dr. Ann B. Stahl
- Date searchable:
- 1994
- Date searchable:
- 1994
- Genre:
- 35 mm slide
- Genre Facet:
- 35 mm slide
- Location(s):
- Dorbour;8.090342, -2.517137
- Date Digitized:
- 2016
- People Facet:
- Dr. M. Dores Cruz
- Commentary:
- Slide scanned by Veronique Plante
- Geographic Coordinates:
- 8.090342, -2.517137
25. Scraping a clay pot, Dorbour, 1994
- Description:
- Adwoa Fodjoa, a Nafana potter, sits on a wooden stool as she thins the inside walls of a clay water pot (chͻkoo in Nafaanra). The pot has been formed and set aside to dry before the potter thins its walls. The round-based pot rests on a cloth as she works. Other water pots on which she is working sit near her, turned upside down. A metal plate that she uses as a palette (kpankpa in Nafaanra) on which to form pots sits by her foot. The clay jar in front of the pot on which she is working contains the water she uses to moisten the pot as needed. A tray with lumps of clay and two enamel ware pots sit nearby. Dorbour, 1994.
- Rights:
- Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial
- Publisher:
- University of Victoria Libraries
- Location(s) Facet:
- Dorbour
- Subjects:
- Forming; Women's work; Potting; Dorbour; Water pots (chokoo)
- Subjects Facet:
- Handicraft; Pottery making; Enameled ware
- Identifier:
- 17
- Creator:
- Dr. M. Dores Cruz
- Contributors:
- Dr. Ann B. Stahl
- Date searchable:
- 1994
- Date searchable:
- 1994
- Genre:
- 35 mm slide
- Genre Facet:
- 35 mm slide
- Location(s):
- Dorbour;8.090342, -2.517137
- Date Digitized:
- 2016
- People Facet:
- Dr. M. Dores Cruz
- Commentary:
- Slide scanned by Veronique Plante
- Geographic Coordinates:
- 8.090342, -2.517137
26. Spinning cotton thread, Gbao, 1982
- Description:
- Ma Fiԑn of Gbao (left) and Abena Wusu of Dompofie (right) spin cotton thread. Their spindles (gԑndԑ in Nafaanra) are weighted by fired clay spindle whorls (gԑndԑ kaan in Nafaanra) which help the spindle to maintain an even spin. Ma Fiԑn uses a calabash bowl as a spinning surface. Abena Wusu uses an enamel-ware bowl placed on a basket. They use their right hand to guide thread onto the spindle as it spins. In their left hand they hold the raw cotton from which the thread is being spun. They control the tension and flow of the cotton by alternately pulling back and easing their left hands. Thread forms as the spindle spins, with the finished product building up in layers toward the spindle's lower end, near the whorl. The baskets on top of which they spin used to store spinning equipment when not in use. Until recent decades, spinning was a routine household activity for women who then gave thread to men skilled in weaving to make cloth for the household. Spindle whorls found on archaeological sites dating to the late 18th and 19th centuries tell us that spinning was also a household activity during those centuries. In the photo's background harvested foods are drying (groundnut, cassava, chili pepper). A large basket and other containers (including a plastic tub) sit next to dried calabash ready to be sent to market. To the right, a clay water pot (chͻkoo in Nafaanra) rests on a metal basin and in the top right is a metal water barrel. Four photos. Gbao, September, 1982.
- Rights:
- Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial
- Publisher:
- University of Victoria Libraries
- Relation:
- ;
- Location(s) Facet:
- Gbao
- Subjects:
- Plastic containers; Chͻkoo (chokoo); Cotton thread; Techniques; Water barrels; Women's work
- Subjects Facet:
- Gourd, Calabash; Enameled ware; Handicraft; Spinning; Spindle whorls; West African strip weaving; Baskets; Water
- Identifier:
- 27; 23; 24; 25
- Creator:
- Dr. Ann B. Stahl
- Contributors:
- Dr. Ann B. Stahl
- Date searchable:
- 1982
- Date searchable:
- 1982-09
- Genre:
- ;35 mm slide
- Genre Facet:
- 35 mm slide
- Location(s):
- Gbao;8.147021, -2.362744
- Date Digitized:
- 2016
- People Facet:
- Dr. Ann B. Stahl
- Commentary:
- Slide scanned by Veronique Plante
- Geographic Coordinates:
- 8.147021, -2.362744
27. Banda in the 15th to 17th centuries. Poster, 2011
- Description:
- An educational poster with pictures and text which describes Banda-area village life from the 15th through the 17th centuries. It briefly summarizes what has been learned from archaeological excavations at Kuulo Kataa about metal working. It also outlines the use of wild and domestic animals and the new objects and practices that developed in this time when trade connections with the Niger River area were strong. It is one of five posters prepared for a Banda community event held in July, 2011. Printed versions of the posters are housed in the Banda Cultural Centre, Ahenkro.
- Rights:
- Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial
- Publisher:
- University of Victoria Libraries
- Relation:
- ;
- Location(s) Facet:
- Banda
- Subjects:
- Kuulo Kataa; Community engagement; Poster
- Subjects Facet:
- Dogs; Handicraft; Metal casting; Smelting; Pottery making; Metalworking; Tobacco; Foodways; Ivory; Iron; Corn; Tobacco pipes; Copper alloys; Forging; Beads; Heritage
- Creator:
- Dr. Ann B. Stahl
- Contributors:
- Dr. Ann B. Stahl
- Date searchable:
- 1400-1650
- Date searchable:
- 2011-06
- Genre:
- Poster
- Genre Facet:
- Poster
- Format:
- Image
- Language Facet:
- English
- Location(s):
- Banda
- Date Digitized:
- 2016
- People Facet:
- Dr. Ann B. Stahl
28. Banda in the 13th to 15th centuries. Poster, 2011
- Description:
- An educational poster with pictures and text which describes Banda-area village life during the 13th to the 15th centuries. It briefly summarizes what has been learned from archaeological excavations about handicrafts at Ngre Kataa including metal working and pottery making. It is one of five posters prepared for a Banda community event held in July, 2011. Printed versions of the posters are available in the Banda Cultural Centre, Ahenkro.
- Rights:
- Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial
- Publisher:
- University of Victoria Libraries
- Relation:
- Location(s) Facet:
- Banda
- Subjects:
- Community engagement; Ornaments; Poster; Ngre Kataa
- Subjects Facet:
- Handicraft; Metal casting; Pottery making; Metalworking; Forging; Iron; Copper alloys; Ivory; Heritage
- Creator:
- Dr. Ann B. Stahl
- Contributors:
- Dr. Ann B. Stahl
- Date searchable:
- 1200-1450
- Date searchable:
- 2011-06
- Genre:
- Poster
- Genre Facet:
- Poster
- Format:
- Image
- Language Facet:
- English
- Location(s):
- Banda
- Date Digitized:
- 2016
- People Facet:
- Dr. Ann B. Stahl
29. Banda in the 18th & 19th centuries. Poster, 2011
- Description:
- An educational poster with pictures and text which describes Banda-area village life during the 18th and 19th centuries based on oral histories, written sources and archaeology. It describes early written references to Banda and briefly summarizes what has been learned about handicrafts like potting and cloth-making based on archaeological excavations at Makala Kataa. It is one of five posters prepared for a Banda community event held in July, 2011. Printed versions of the posters are housed in the Banda Cultural Centre, Ahenkro.
- Rights:
- Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial
- Publisher:
- University of Victoria Libraries
- Relation:
- ; ;
- Location(s) Facet:
- Banda
- Subjects:
- Makala Kataa; Community engagement; Poster
- Subjects Facet:
- Handicraft; Pottery making; Spinning; Elmina Castle (Elmina, Ghana); Wars; Oral history; Tobacco pipes; Beads; Heritage
- Creator:
- Dr. Ann B. Stahl
- Contributors:
- Dr. Ann B. Stahl
- Date searchable:
- 1700-1875
- Date searchable:
- 2011-06
- Genre:
- Poster
- Genre Facet:
- Poster
- Format:
- Image
- Language Facet:
- English
- Location(s):
- Banda
- Date Digitized:
- 2016
- People Facet:
- Dr. Ann B. Stahl
30. Clothing the family. Poster, 2014
- Description:
- An educational poster with pictures and text focused on how past people in the Banda area clothed their families. It describes how people dressed, how they made cotton cloth, and why cloth is no longer made in Banda. It is one of five posters prepared for a Banda community event held in 2014. Printed versions of the posters are housed in the Banda Cultural Centre, Ahenkro.
- Rights:
- Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial
- Publisher:
- University of Victoria Libraries
- Location(s) Facet:
- Banda
- Subjects:
- Community engagement; Poster
- Subjects Facet:
- Handicraft; Spindle whorls; West African strip weaving; Spinning; Dyeing; Weaving; Heritage
- Creator:
- Dr. Amanda L. Logan
- Contributors:
- Dr. Amanda L. Logan
- Date searchable:
- 1824-2009
- Date searchable:
- 2014-07
- Genre:
- Poster
- Genre Facet:
- Poster
- Format:
- Image
- Language Facet:
- English
- Location(s):
- Banda
- Date Digitized:
- 2014
- People Facet:
- Dr. Amanda L. Logan
31. Clay grinding bowls drying, Bondakile, 1982
- Description:
- Unfinished clay grinding bowls dry on the palettes (kpankpa in Nafaanra) on which they were formed. After they have dried to a leather-hard state, the potter will remove them from their palettes and score their interiors. The scoring creates a grinding surface used to process vegetables which are added to soups. These bowls may also serve as men's eating bowls (pԑԑ in Nafaanra). Immediately behind the drying bowls is a hearth, swept clean of ashes. Pottery jars can be seen drying in background, right. A chicken forages nearby. Bondakile, October, 1982.
- Rights:
- Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial
- Publisher:
- University of Victoria Libraries
- Location(s) Facet:
- Bondakile
- Subjects:
- Grinding bowls; Potting; Drying
- Subjects Facet:
- Handicraft; Pottery making; Hearths; Pottery; Chickens
- Identifier:
- 11
- Creator:
- Dr. Ann B. Stahl
- Contributors:
- Dr. Ann B. Stahl
- Date searchable:
- 1982
- Date searchable:
- 1982-10
- Genre:
- 35 mm slide
- Genre Facet:
- 35 mm slide
- Location(s):
- Bondakile;7.986031, -2.546331
- Date Digitized:
- 2016
- People Facet:
- Dr. Ann B. Stahl
- Commentary:
- Slide scanned by Veronique Plante
- Geographic Coordinates:
- 7.986031, -2.546331
32. Molding a clay jar, Bondakile, 1982
- Description:
- A standing potter puts the finishing touches on the rim of a clay jar that she has molded using a draw-and-drag (direct pull) technique. She has finished the body, neck and rim of the jar and will now set it aside to dry. After it has dried to a leather-hard state, she will remove the jar from the palette (kpankpa in Nafaanra) on which it has been formed and she will add a rounded base. Bondakile, October, 1982.
- Rights:
- Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial
- Publisher:
- University of Victoria Libraries
- Relation:
- ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ;
- Location(s) Facet:
- Bondakile
- Subjects:
- Forming; Women's work; Potting; Jars
- Subjects Facet:
- Handicraft; Pottery making; Pottery
- Identifier:
- 7
- Creator:
- Dr. Ann B. Stahl
- Contributors:
- Dr. Ann B. Stahl
- Date searchable:
- 1982
- Date searchable:
- 1982-10
- Genre:
- 35 mm slide
- Genre Facet:
- 35 mm slide
- Location(s):
- Bondakile;7.986031, -2.546331
- Date Digitized:
- 2016
- People Facet:
- Dr. Ann B. Stahl
- Commentary:
- Slide scanned by Veronique Plante
- Geographic Coordinates:
- 7.986031, -2.546331
33. Molding a clay jar, Bondakile, 1982
- Description:
- A standing potter molds the body of a clay jar using a draw-and-drag (direct pull) technique. As she began she drew the moist clay upward and outward from the lump with which she started. Here she shapes the jar's neck and outward flaring rim. Before doing so, she has smoothed away finger marks created as she formed the jar's body. As she works, she moves around the stump that supports the palette on which the jar is being formed. Bondakile, October, 1982.
- Rights:
- Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial
- Publisher:
- University of Victoria Libraries
- Relation:
- ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ;
- Location(s) Facet:
- Bondakile
- Subjects:
- Forming; Women's work; Potting; Jars
- Subjects Facet:
- Handicraft; Pottery making; Pottery
- Identifier:
- 3
- Creator:
- Dr. Ann B. Stahl
- Contributors:
- Dr. Ann B. Stahl
- Date searchable:
- 1982
- Date searchable:
- 1982-10
- Genre:
- 35 mm slide
- Genre Facet:
- 35 mm slide
- Location(s):
- Bondakile;7.986031, -2.546331
- Date Digitized:
- 2016
- People Facet:
- Dr. Ann B. Stahl
- Commentary:
- Slide scanned by Veronique Plante
- Geographic Coordinates:
- 7.986031, -2.546331
34. A partially formed clay jar, Bondakile, 1982.
- Description:
- A potter has completed the draw-and-drag (direct pull) molding of a clay jar body and rim. The surface of the jar has been moistened and smoothed. It will be set aside to dry. Once it has dried to a leather-hard state, she will remove the partially finished jar from the palette (kpankpa in Nafaanra) on which she formed it and will add a rounded base using fresh, moist clay. Bondakile, October, 1982.
- Rights:
- Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial
- Publisher:
- University of Victoria Libraries
- Relation:
- ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ;
- Location(s) Facet:
- Bondakile
- Subjects:
- Forming; Women's work; Potting; Jars
- Subjects Facet:
- Handicraft; Pottery making; Pottery
- Identifier:
- 9
- Creator:
- Dr. Ann B. Stahl
- Contributors:
- Dr. Ann B. Stahl
- Date searchable:
- 1982
- Date searchable:
- 1982-10
- Genre:
- 35 mm slide
- Genre Facet:
- 35 mm slide
- Location(s):
- Bondakile;7.986031, -2.546331
- Date Digitized:
- 2016
- People Facet:
- Dr. Ann B. Stahl
- Commentary:
- Slide scanned by Veronique Plante
- Geographic Coordinates:
- 7.986031, -2.546331
35. Molding a clay jar, Bondakile, 1982
- Description:
- A standing potter molds the body of a clay jar using a draw-and-drag (direct pull) technique. Beginning with a lump of moist clay, she has drawn the clay upward and outward with her hands. Here she begins to shape the form of the jar's neck and outward-flaring rim. As she works, she moves backwards around the stump that supports the palette (kpankpa in Nafaanra) on which the jar is being formed. Bondakile, October, 1982.
- Rights:
- Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial
- Publisher:
- University of Victoria Libraries
- Relation:
- ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ;
- Location(s) Facet:
- Bondakile
- Subjects:
- Forming; Women's work; Potting; Jars
- Subjects Facet:
- Handicraft; Pottery making; Pottery
- Identifier:
- 4
- Creator:
- Dr. Ann B. Stahl
- Contributors:
- Dr. Ann B. Stahl
- Date searchable:
- 1982
- Date searchable:
- 1982-10
- Genre:
- 35 mm slide
- Genre Facet:
- 35 mm slide
- Location(s):
- Bondakile;7.986031, -2.546331
- Date Digitized:
- 2016
- People Facet:
- Dr. Ann B. Stahl
- Commentary:
- Slide scanned by Veronique Plante
- Geographic Coordinates:
- 7.986031, -2.546331
36. Basketry fish trap used by Ewe fishermen, Agbegikrom South, 1982
- Description:
- A basketry fish trap (exa in Ewe) made and used by Ewe fishermen in the Banda area, Ghana. Traps like these were used for fishing between the months of August and November. They were effective in catching different types of fish three inches in length or longer. Agbegikrom South, December, 1982.
- Rights:
- Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial
- Publisher:
- University of Victoria Libraries
- Relation:
- Location(s) Facet:
- Agbegikrom South
- Subjects Facet:
- Baskets; Fishing; Fish Traps; Bamboo; Cordage; Handicrafts; Ewe (African people)
- Creator:
- Dr. Ann B. Stahl
- Contributors:
- Dr. Ann B. Stahl
- Date searchable:
- 1982
- Date searchable:
- 1982-12
- Genre:
- 35 mm slide
- Genre Facet:
- 35 mm slide
- Format:
- Image
- Location(s):
- Agbegikrom South;8.232275, -2.205676
- Date Digitized:
- 2019-05-28
- People Facet:
- Dr. Ann B. Stahl
- Commentary:
- Slide scanned by Mark McIntyre
- Geographic Coordinates:
- 8.232275, -2.205676
37. Molding a clay jar, Bondakile, 1982
- Description:
- A potter uses a metal spatula as she forms the neck area of clay jar which she has shaped using a draw-and-drag (direct pull) technique. The striations on the body of the jar were created by a maize cob (bledjukaan in Nafaanra) which she used to shape and smooth the pot's wall. These will be smoothed away as she continues to form the pot. She moves around the stump on which the pot rests as she works. Bondakile, October, 1982.
- Rights:
- Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial
- Publisher:
- University of Victoria Libraries
- Relation:
- ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ;
- Location(s) Facet:
- Bondakile
- Subjects:
- Forming; Women's work; Potting; Maize cob; Potting tools; Jars
- Subjects Facet:
- Handicraft; Pottery making; Pottery
- Identifier:
- 5
- Creator:
- Dr. Ann B. Stahl
- Contributors:
- Dr. Ann B. Stahl
- Date searchable:
- 1982
- Date searchable:
- 1982-10
- Genre:
- 35 mm slide
- Genre Facet:
- 35 mm slide
- Location(s):
- Bondakile;7.986031, -2.546331
- Date Digitized:
- 2016
- People Facet:
- Dr. Ann B. Stahl
- Commentary:
- Slide scanned by Veronique Plante
- Geographic Coordinates:
- 7.986031, -2.546331
38. Molding a clay jar, Bondakile, 1982
- Description:
- A standing potter molds the body of a clay jar using a draw-and-drag (direct pull) technique. Beginning with a lump of moist clay, she draws the clay upward and outward from the center as she moves clockwise around the stump that holds the movable palette (kpankpa in Nafaanra) on which the jar is being formed. The fingermarks left as she pulls and thins the clay will be smoothed over as she continues to shape the jar. Bondakile, October, 1982.
- Rights:
- Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial
- Publisher:
- University of Victoria Libraries
- Relation:
- ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ;
- Location(s) Facet:
- Bondakile
- Subjects:
- Forming; Women's work; Potting; Jars
- Subjects Facet:
- Handicraft; Pottery making; Pottery
- Identifier:
- 1
- Creator:
- Dr. Ann B. Stahl
- Contributors:
- Dr. Ann B. Stahl
- Date searchable:
- 1982
- Date searchable:
- 1982-10
- Genre:
- 35 mm slide
- Genre Facet:
- 35 mm slide
- Location(s):
- Bondakile;7.986031, -2.546331
- Date Digitized:
- 2016
- People Facet:
- Dr. Ann B. Stahl
- Commentary:
- Slide scanned by Veronique Plante
- Geographic Coordinates:
- 7.986031, -2.546331
39. Molding a clay jar, Bondakile, 1982
- Description:
- A potter uses a maize cob (bledjukaan in Nafaanra) to smooth the surface of clay jar body that she is molding by a draw-and-drag (direct pull) technique. Beginning with a lump of moist clay, she has drawn the clay upward and outward, thinning the walls as she works. Here she moves clockwise around the stump that holds the palette (kpankpa in Nafaanra) on which the jar is being formed as she draws the maize cob up, pulling it towards her body. Bondakile, October, 1982.
- Rights:
- Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial
- Publisher:
- University of Victoria Libraries
- Relation:
- ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ;
- Location(s) Facet:
- Bondakile
- Subjects:
- Forming; Women's work; Potting; Maize cob; Potting tools; Jars
- Subjects Facet:
- Handicraft; Pottery making; Pottery
- Identifier:
- 2
- Creator:
- Dr. Ann B. Stahl
- Contributors:
- Dr. Ann B. Stahl
- Date searchable:
- 1982
- Date searchable:
- 1982-10
- Genre:
- 35 mm slide
- Genre Facet:
- 35 mm slide
- Location(s):
- Bondakile;7.986031, -2.546331
- Date Digitized:
- 2016
- People Facet:
- Dr. Ann B. Stahl
- Commentary:
- Slide scanned by Veronique Plante
- Geographic Coordinates:
- 7.986031, -2.546331
40. Molding a clay jar, Bondakile, 1982
- Description:
- A standing potter molds the body of a clay jar using a draw-and-drag (direct pull) technique. Here she uses a flat metal spatula to smooth the now-formed jar's exterior surface. She places the edge of her tool at the neck and makes downward strokes to create a smooth surface on the moist clay. As she works, she moves around the stump that supports the palette (kpankpa in Nafaanra) on which the jar is being formed. Bondakile, October, 1982.
- Rights:
- Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial
- Publisher:
- University of Victoria Libraries
- Relation:
- ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ;
- Location(s) Facet:
- Bondakile
- Subjects:
- Forming; Women's work; Potting; Potting tools; Jars
- Subjects Facet:
- Handicraft; Pottery making; Pottery
- Identifier:
- 6
- Creator:
- Dr. Ann B. Stahl
- Contributors:
- Dr. Ann B. Stahl
- Date searchable:
- 1982
- Date searchable:
- 1982-10
- Genre:
- 35 mm slide
- Genre Facet:
- 35 mm slide
- Location(s):
- Bondakile;7.986031, -2.546331
- Date Digitized:
- 2016
- People Facet:
- Dr. Ann B. Stahl
- Commentary:
- Slide scanned by Veronique Plante
- Geographic Coordinates:
- 7.986031, -2.546331