A courtyard hearth in a Dorbour household. The hearth "stones" are clay pots turned upside down and embedded in the ground. A pottery cooking jar rests on the hearth, the firewood pulled away from the hearth while it is not in use. A metal cooking pot and headpan have caught the interest of a foraging goat. Dorbour, 1994.
Two young boys tend to a pretend tobacco drying barn that they have built on the south side of Ahenkro, near to where tobacco is being processed. A functional drying barn is visible in the background (center) alongside large piles of wood that will be used to fuel it. Two photos. Ahenkro, 1995.
Ama Georgina cooks on a wood fire in the old settlement of Bui. She stirs soup in a cast aluminum pot over a hearth comprised of three large laterite stones. Ama has placed small stones between the pot and hearth stones to hold the pot in place as she cooks. A young boy reaches into a small aluminum pot containing peppers as other small children look on. To the left, the edge of a second hearth is visible. Bui, 3 August, 2009.
An adolescent girl (Mamee) uses a wooden paddle to stir T.Z. cooking in an aluminum pot over a wood fire. T.Z. is short for "tuo zafi," which means hot porridge in Hausa. The pot sits on a hearth made of three laterite stones. Surrounding the hearth are aluminum and plastic pots and bowls used in preparation. A proper stirring technique is needed to achieve the springy texture of this starchy staple, which is served with a soup. Aluminum sheets in the background enclose a bathing area, behind which a raised platform holding firewood can be seen. Ahenkro, 28 October, 2009.