Joshua Tandor uses a metal blade and a mallet to split a calabash (chrԑ in Nafaanra) in half. The pulp and seeds are removed and the calabash walls scraped clean before being set aside to dry. The resulting calabash bowls (chrԑgbͻͻ) are sold at market while the seeds are a prized soup ingredient (fnumu). Farmstead on the outskirts of Banda-Ahenkro, August, 1982.
A curved, tanged iron blade (brɔfiɛn in Nafaanra), slightly shouldered at the base (right), with a short narrow tang for the purpose of hafting to a wood handle. The tool shows signs of corrosion. The artfiact was excavated from a house mound. Scale in cm. Length: 19.1 cm. Weight: 54.7 g. Ngre Kataa, 4 June, 2009.
Tanged iron blade with pointed tip (left) and rounded shoulders. Two large concretions adhere to the blade's corroded surface. The tang (right) would have allowed the blade to be hafted to a wooden or bamboo shaft or handle. If hafted to a long shaft, it may have been used as a spear (chombo in Nafaanra). This artifact was found closely associated with a copper alloy twinned figurine, an iron bangle, a rounded quartz pebble and several other objects, which archaeologists interpret as a shrine cluster. The cluster was placed among metal-working features in a metallurgical workshop. Scale in cm. Length: 8.6 cm. Weight: 12.6 g. Site Ngre Kataa. 19 July 2008.
A curved iron blade (brɔfiɛn in Nafaanra), rounded at the tip (left), slightly shouldered at the base, with a long tang (right) for the purpose of hafting. The tool shows signs of corrosion. The artfiact was excavated from a house mound and found in a level of midden-like deposits. Scale in cm. Length: 11.2 cm. Weight: 11.7 gm. Site Kuulo Kataa. 14 June, 1995.