An educational poster with pictures and text which describes Banda-area village life from the 15th through the 17th centuries. It briefly summarizes what has been learned from archaeological excavations at Kuulo Kataa about metal working. It also outlines the use of wild and domestic animals and the new objects and practices that developed in this time when trade connections with the Niger River area were strong. It is one of five posters prepared for a Banda community event held in July, 2011. Printed versions of the posters are housed in the Banda Cultural Centre, Ahenkro.
An educational poster with pictures and text which describes Banda-area village life during the 18th and 19th centuries based on oral histories, written sources and archaeology. It describes early written references to Banda and briefly summarizes what has been learned about handicrafts like potting and cloth-making based on archaeological excavations at Makala Kataa. It is one of five posters prepared for a Banda community event held in July, 2011. Printed versions of the posters are housed in the Banda Cultural Centre, Ahenkro.
An educational poster with pictures and text which describes Banda-area village life in the early decades of British colonial rule. It briefly outlines changes brought into effect by British colonial officers. It also describes housing and colonial-period artifacts based on archaeological excavations at Makala Kataa. It is one of five posters prepared for a Banda community event held in July, 2011. Printed versions of the posters are housed in the Banda Cultural Centre, Ahenkro.
Young girls wear the sacred beads and necklaces associated with the girls' nubility rites, known in Nafaanra as Manaa Ndiom. They are dressed in Manaa Ndiom attire as part of a cultural celebration associated with the commissioning of the Banda Cultural Centre. Manaa Ndiom is a time when adolescent girls come together to learn from their female elders as they transition to womanhood. Pictured, front row, L-R: Mariyama Puwee, Ama Kyerah (wearing white), Adua Bedeaba, Sarah Photo, Yaa Broni, __, Alamata, Adwoa Fordjour. Swordbearer, right: Kwabena Sekedua. Women in back row, L-R, Toryaa (center) and Afua Basabasa. Ahenkro, 21 July, 1995.
A toddler girl wearing a protective strand of beads sits beside finished clay grinding bowls that have been set aside to continue drying before firing. The scoring on the interior of the bowl provides a rough surface against which cooked vegetables can be ground into a paste before being added to a soup. These bowls may also serve as men's eating bowls (pԑԑ in Nafaanra). Bondakile, October, 1982.