View of the Banda hills extending southward, standing on the small hill west of Kabruno. Two cleared fields are visible in the foreground. The rooftops of Makala are faintly visible to the left of center. Banda area, June, 1995.
The Banda hills viewed from the small hill west of Kabruno, looking northward. Center photo are tobacco fields that have been clear-cut and tractor-plowed. Tobacco began to be grown as a cash crop in the area during the mid 1980s. Banda hills, May, 1995
The Banda hills viewed from the small hill west of Kabruno, looking southward. Two cleared but unplanted fields are visible in the foreground. Roofs of the small village of Makala are faintly visible in the distance (small patch of light color, left of center). The gap in the Banda hills through which the Tombԑ River flows is visible center photo. Banda area, May, 1995.
The Banda hills viewed from the small hill west of Kabruno, looking northward. To the right of the mountains (center photo) are tobacco fields. Tobacco began to be grown in the area as a cash crop in the mid 1980s. Banda hills, May, 1995