A container of fish covered by leaves sits near a smoking over, awaiting processing. A plastic hanger and a Guiness carton site nearby in the resettled Ewe village of Akanyakrom. Akanyakrom, 16 July, 2022.
An aluminum headpan holds fish known as Asentewe (Alestes baremoze) that are ready for smoking. The fish have been scaled and gutted, and a bamboo skewer placed through their tail and head to hold them as they smoke. The pan sits on the edge of a smoking oven, next to two wooden and mesh smoking trays in the resettled Ewe village of Akanyakrom. Akanyakrom, 16 July, 2022.
Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial
University of Victoria Libraries
Location(s) Facet:
Akanyakrom (resettled)
Women's work; Headpans
Subjects Facet:
Fishing villages; Food processing; Smoking of food
An Ewe woman removes fish from an aluminum headpan and places them on a wooden and mesh tray placed over a rectangular earthen smoking oven. Other trays sit behind the oven. These will be added to the stack as lower trays are filled with fish known as Asentewe (Alestes baremoze). In the background are houses built by Bui Power Authority when this Ewe fishing community was displaced by construction of Bui Dam. Akanyakrom, 16 July, 2022.
Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial
University of Victoria Libraries
Location(s) Facet:
Women's work
Subjects Facet:
Fishing villages; Food processing; Smoking of food
Fish known as Asentewe (Alestes baremoze) have been laid on their backs in a wood and mesh smoking tray. The fish are oriented on their backs to retain the fat in their belly. Multiple trays will be stacked and covered while smoking for up to four days. Trays are periodically rotated in the stack to ensure even smoking of all the fish. Two aluminum headpans used to carry the fish sit nearby. Akanyakrom, 16 July, 2022.
Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial
University of Victoria Libraries
Location(s) Facet:
Akanyakrom (resettled)
Women's work; Headpans
Subjects Facet:
Fishing villages; Food processing; Smoking of food
Owusu Alexander weaves a large raffia palm mat. He has tied the in-progress mat to a raffia palm stick to anchor the mat as he weaves. The mat is wound around the stick as weaving proceeds. To the left, wrapped on a stick that is leaning against a stack of sun-dried bricks, is a narrow mat that he wove to demonstrate mat weaving techniques. Four large pottery jars rest upside down near a house wall in the background. Sabiye, 22 July, 2022.
Owusu Alexander weaves a raffia palm mat. He has secured four split fronds around his left index finger as he weaves with his right hand. Sabiye, 22 July, 2022.
Five wooden racks containing fish sit on top of a rectangular earthen smoking oven in the resettled Ewe village of Akanyakrom. A metal roofing sheet covers the stack. The metal-sided shed behind the oven is where women scale and gut the fish in preparation for smoking. A deep wooden mortar and five pestals of varying size and shape rest against a nearby house. Akanyakrom, 16 July, 2022.
Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial
University of Victoria Libraries
Location(s) Facet:
Akanyakrom (Resettled)
Women's work
Subjects Facet:
Fishing villages; Food processing; Smoking of food; Mortars & pestles
Ewe fishermen Maxwell Gbadago (left) and Dzobo Sebastian (right) use knives to remove knots and shape bamboo sticks that they will use in weaving a basketry fish trap. A number of unsplit bamboo stalks await processing. A large blue industrially made fish net is laid out behind where they sit. Akanyakrom, 18 July, 2022.
Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial
University of Victoria Libraries
Location(s) Facet:
Akanyakrom (resettled)
Men's work
Subjects Facet:
Bamboo; Fish traps; Handicrafts; Ewe (African people)
Dzobo Rubben, an Ewe fisherman, twists a vine that will be processed into rope for use in fish trap making. The twisted and coiled vine will be allowed to dry for several days before it is processed by pounding with a wooden mallet. The surrounding ground is covered with bamboo sticks and shavings, also part of the materials used in fish trap making. Akanyakrom, 18 July, 2022.
A dried raffia palm frond prepared for mat weaving. The stiff end of the frond has been removed and the frond has been split into two pieces almost to the base. Owusu Alexander folds and layers the two halves before weaving. Leaving the pieces attached at the base facilitates his weaving process. Sabiye, 19 July, 2022.
Owusu Alexander weaves a raffia palm mat. He has tied the in-progress mat to a raffia palm stick to anchor the mat as he weaves. He weaves with his right hand as he secures the work with his left hand, wrapping two frond portions around his index finger as he weaves. Sabiye, 19 July, 2022.
Owusu Alexander holds a bundle of raffia palm frond strips. He has removed these from the leaves as he prepared materials for mat weaving. Sabiye, 17 July, 2022.
Owusu Alexander demonstrates the process of starting a raffia palm mat, beginning by layering fronds that he has split down the middle. He folds one set of fronds over the other with his right hand, while using his left index finger to secure his work. Sabiye, 17 July, 2022.
Owusu Alexander demonstrates the process of starting a raffia palm mat, beginning by layering fronds that he has split down the middle. Sabiye, 17 July, 2022.
Owusu Alexander uses a knife to split dried raffia fronds in preparation for making a raffia palm mat. He removes the stiff rib and splits the resulting two side pieces of the frond in half, leaving a few centimeters at the base of each half unsplit. Here he folds the unsplit end in half, which allows him to easily layer the two halves when he adds them to his mat. Weaving with layered frond pieces makes a thicker and more durable mat. Sabiye, 17 July, 2022.