Afua Wewa is pictured on the occasion of a filmed interview with the Banda Heritage Initiative Local Committee during which she spoke about life in earlier decades in Wewa village. Ahenkro, 24 August, 2018.
Afua Fawoman is pictured on the occasion of a filmed interview with the Banda Heritage Initiative Local Committee during which she spoke about the events that led to Fawoman people moving from Brohane to Fawoman. L-R: ___, ___, Afua Fawoman, ___. Fawoman, 1 October, 2018.
Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial
University of Victoria Libraries
Location(s) Facet:
Relocation; Family history; Village founding; Banda Heritage Initiative
Women of Brɛmawuo house, most of whom no longer live in the house, have come together for an interview sparked by a 1986 photo of them gathered around hearths in the compound's courtyard preparing food. As they talk, several of the women are processing calabash seeds (fnumu in Nafaanra), cracking the hull to extract the seed. An audio recorder sits on a low wooden stool with a lidded iron pot nearby. The binder of photos that has sparked the conversation sits on the veranda to the right. Enoch Mensah of the Banda Heritage Local Committee (interviewer, on left) sits on a blue plastic chair as he listens to the women talk about changes in foodways. L-R the women are Ama Mensah (black head scarf), Ama Nwotwenwaa (orange dress), Adwoa Hana, Yaa Yaa Dankwa and Abena Kuma. A video of the full interview can be accessed through through the "iaff_works" link below. Sabiye, 13 November, 2018.
Irene Mensah, a member of the Banda Heritage Initiative Local Committee, uses a camcorder to shoot video footage in Boase during a visit by the Local Committee to document the songs and dances of Nafana puberty (Manaa Ndiom) and marriage (Bijam) ceremonies. She volunteered to join the Local Committee after hearing her grandfather tell stories of the area's past during an interview. To the right, a group of young people are gathered near a small kiosk which is surrounded by a bicycle, a motorcycle and a motorized three-wheeled cart. Metal-roofed houses line the main street. Boase, 11 November, 2018.
Two women (Ama Nwotwenwaa and Yaa Yaa Dankwa) view a binder of photos during an interview in the house of Brɛmawuo about cooking practices. The interview was sparked by a 1986 photo of these and other women in the household preparing food. Two youngsters look on. Sabiye, 13 November, 2018.
Calabash drums accompany songs sung by Nafana women during the celebration of puberty (Manaa Ndiom) and marriage (Bijam) rites. These drums are played exclusively by women. The drums are made by filling a large hollowed-out calabash or gourd (chrɛ in Nafaanra) with water. A smaller calabash bowl (chrɛgbɔɔ in Nafaanra) floating upright in the water provides the surface on which the women drum. The small calabash ladles resting in the water are used to beat the up-turned floating calabash bowls and the rim of the large calabash. Visible at the bottom of the larger calabash drum are maize (bleju in Nafaanra) kernels tossed into the drum by passing dancers. Among the kernels are several pesewa coins also tossed in by dancers. Two views. Boase, 11 November, 2018.
At an event showcasing the songs and dances associated with puberty (Manaa Ndiom) and wedding (Bijam) rites, two Boase women sit on low wooden stools as they play drums made from hollowed-out calabashes or gourds (chrɛ in Nafaanra). The large lower calabashes are supported by another container (a large tomato paste tin on the left and a plastic bowl on the right). A smaller calabash bowl (chrɛgbɔɔ in Nafaanra) floats upright in water contained within the larger calabash. The women create a rhythm by tapping the calabash ladles held in their right hands on the surface of the floating calabash and the rim of the larger calabash bowl. The kernels of maize (corn, or bleju in Nafaanra) clustered at the base of the larger calabash in the foreground have been tossed into the drum by dancers as they pass by. Another woman, seated upper left, holds a small calabash bowl filled with maize kernels which dancers will use as offerings. Boase, 11 November, 2018.
At an event showcasing the songs and dances associated with puberty (Manaa Ndiom) and wedding (Bijam) rites, two Boase women play drums made from hollowed-out calabashes or gourds (chrɛ in Nafaanra). The large lower calabashes are supported by another container (a large tomato paste tin on the left and a plastic bowl on the right). A smaller calabash bowl (chrɛgbɔɔ in Nafaanra) floats upright in water contained within the larger calabash. The women create a rhythm by tapping the calabash ladles held in their right hands on the surface of the floating calabash and the rim of the larger calabash bowl. Women behind the drummers clap in accompaniment to the song. Boase, 11 November, 2018.
At a performance showcasing the rituals associated with Nafana wedding rites (Bijam) organized by the chief and female elders of Boase, a weathered calabash or gourd bowl (chrɛgbɔɔ in Nafaanra) holds money (Ghanaian cedis) offered by well-wishers. A calabash lid rests on the ground nearby, its side mended with stitches. Boase, 11 November, 2018.
Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial
University of Victoria Libraries
Location(s) Facet:
Cedis; Bijam; Money
Subjects Facet:
Rites and ceremonies; Gourd, Calabash; Marriage customs and rites
Several young men gather outside of Kafͻnͻ (Kafono) Katoo under the shade of a small thatched shelter. They are looking at a binder of photos that includes pictures of their family house taken in 1986 when its roof was being re-thatched. At that time the house was decorated with a painting of a bicycle, reputed to be the first bicycle in Banda. Ahenkro, 1 September, 2018.
Photo of the exterior wall of the Kafͻnͻ Katoo compound in Ahenkro. The wall now occupied by a lace-curtained window was formerly a solid wall on which the image of a bicycle was painted, said to be the first bicycle in Banda and photographed in 1986. Other areas of the exterior wall were previously decorated with inscribed and painted geometric designs, the outlines of which can still be seen in the closeup image of the wall included here. The entire building is roofed with metal. A ewe and her lamb pass by in front of the house. Ahenkro, 1 September, 2018.
Calabash drums accompany songs sung by Nafana women during the celebration of puberty (Manaa Ndiom) and marriage (Bijam) rites. These drums are played exclusively by women. The drums are made by filling a large hollowed-out calabash or gourd (chrɛ in Nafaanra) with water. A smaller calabash bowl (chrɛgbɔɔ in Nafaanra) floating upright in the water provides the surface on which the women drum. This short video shows the technique by which women strike the floating calabash and the rim of the large calabash with small calabash ladles held in their right hands. Visible at the bottom of the larger calabash drum are maize (bleju in Nafaanra) kernels tossed into the drum by passing dancers. The women sing as they drum. Boase, 11 November, 2018. Length: .23 minutes.
Young girls dressed in the attire for Manaa Ndiom (puberty) and Bijam (wedding) rites as part of a cultural performance in Boase. The event was organized by the chief and elders of Boase and filmed by the Banda Heritage Local Committee. Front, L-R: ___, ____. Rear, L-R: ___, ___, ___. Boase, 11 Nov, 2018.
Banda farmers began planting cashew trees as a cash crop in the early 2000s. Farms dedicated to the production of this export crop, like this one along the road south of Bongase, are increasingly common across the area. Bongase, 14 November, 2018.
Chief and Elders of Boase on the day of a cultural performance organized to showcase the Manaa Ndiom, Bijam and funeral songs and dances previously practiced in the community. Front, L-R: ___, ___, Boase chief Tolԑԑ Ligbi Wulotei, ____. Boase, 11 Nov, 2018.
Part 1 of an interview with Yaw Manje of Banda-Ahenkro, family head of Hakolo Katoo. Yaw Manje talks about how farmers in the Banda area took up tobacco farming in the 1980s and 1990s and reflects on how growing cash crops like tobacco and cotton affected the land and local communities. This short video focuses on the English translation provided by interviewer Enoch Mensah. A version of Part 1 with the full dialogue in Nafaanra and English is available through a link below. Also available through the "iaff_works" link below through UVic Libraries is the full interview with Yaw Manje. Ahenkro, 13 August, 2018. Length: 00:13:57
Part 1 of an interview with Yaw Manje of Banda-Ahenkro, who is family head of Hakolo Katoo. Yaw Manje talks about how farmers in the Banda area took up tobacco farming in the 1980s and 1990s and reflects on how growing cash crops like tobacco and cotton affected the land and local communities. This video includes the full dialogue in Nafaanra and English. A shorter version focused on the English translation by Enoch Mensah is available through a link below. Also available at the "iaff_works" link below through UVic Libraries is the full interview with Yaw Manje. Shorter topically focused excerpts of this interview are available at the links below. Ahenkro, 13 August, 2018. Length: 00:19:36
A large cast-metal pot rests on a raised, semi-circular hearth structure. A long piece of wood used for fuel rests in the hearth's mouth, covered over by another piece of wood. Charcoal from previous fires is strewn about outside the hearth. As seen in its cross-section, the hearth is made from laterite stones covered in clay. The hearth's interior is blackened from use. The special purpose hearth is used by Adjua Tini to make beer (pito) from maize. Ahenkro, 1 Sept 2018.
T.Z. (short for "tuo zafi," which means hot porridge in Hausa) is a staple food made from milled grain and served with soup. This short video shows the skilled stirring technique used in the final stages of preparing T.Z. as Abena Kuma prepares her family's evening meal over a stone hearth. Sabiye, 13 November, 2018. Length: 00:00:17 minutes.
T.Z. (short for "tuo zafi," which means hot porridge in Hausa) is a staple food made from milled grain and served with soup. This short video shows how T.Z. and cassava leaf soup are prepared, following Abena Kuma as she makes her family's evening meal. The video is excerpted from a longer interview with women of Sulɔɔ Katoo, who shared information on changing practices of food preparation and sharing over recent decades. The full video is available at a link shown below. Sabiye, 13 November, 2018. Length: 00:04:27 minutes.