A group of insitu artifacts interpreted by archaeologists as a shrine cluster, located in a metallurgical workshop (mound 6). The cluster included a partial everted-jar rim (upper right), in front of which (north) was a carefully placed group of iron objects, including a flattened iron disc (SF 09-172) standing on edge, a long spike (SF 09-174) positioned horizontally, on top of which rested a half bangle (SF 09-173). To the right (west) of the jar rim is another iron bangle (SF 90-170). To the right of this, surrounded by moistened soil, the edge of a large grinding stone (GS 09-32) is visible. Surrounding these objects are broken pieces of pottery. This cluster (B, 8-10) was part of a larger grouping of objects (clusters A-D) that archaeologists interpret as a shrine feature that capped a metallurgical workshop. Arrow pointing north, view from above. Photo scale marked in 5 cm increments. Site Ngre Kataa. 10 June 2009.