A partially enclosed courtyard area of a house, with wall stubs of a collapsed room (right). One set of rooms was built with sun-dried blocks, then plastered and roofed with metal sheets. The other building is also plastered, but roofed with thatch. Two hearths are located in the courtyard and each building has a metal barrel used to store water. A headpan filled calabash bowls (chrԑgbͻͻ in Nafaanra) sits near one water barrel. A wooden mortar (left) is turned upside down, likely to protect it from foraging goats. Ahenkro, July-August, 1986.
The courtyard of a long-established compound in Ahenkro. The main room has a columned verandah and its walls are plastered. A metal roof covers it and the courtyard entrance. A hearth occupies the central courtyard. Two metal water barrels (right and left), headpans and a bucket speak to the daily activity of fetching water. Ahenkro, July-August, 1986.
Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial
University of Victoria Libraries
Location(s) Facet:
Metal pots; Headpans; Water barrels
Subjects Facet:
Plastering; Building; Metal roofing; Courtyards; Water; Housing; Hearths
The courtyard kitchen area of a partially enclosed compound has two hearths with cooking equipment placed around. Several low stools and a wooden chair sit among metal pots, calabashes (gourds) and other kitchen items. A mortar and a basket sit to the right. A stack of dried blocks (right, rear) suggests that an addition to the compound is planned. More blocks are stored inside the open room whose wooden door has been removed. Ahenkro, July-August, 1986.
Women in the central courtyard of a house compound in Ahenkro prepare the evening meal. A woman seated in the foreground readies dishes while women in the background cook over clustered hearths. A number of low stools are placed amidst a variety of metal, plastic and fired clay containers including buckets and pots. Calabash bowls (chrԑgbͻͻ in Nafaanra) are among the containers being used. A repurposed metal drum (center, back) holds water for household purposes. A raised platform is stacked with firewood brought by the women from farm and stored until needed. Thatch- and metal-roofed rooms surround the courtyard. Ahenkro, July-August, 1986.
Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial
University of Victoria Libraries
Location(s) Facet:
Metal pots; Plastic containers; Water barrels; Women's work