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Search Results
1. In situ grinding stones and pottery, unit 44N 4W, Mound 6, Ngre Kataa, 2008
- Description:
- Several grinding stones, a whole pot and a cluster of pottery sherds have been exposed in situ at the base of level 3, unit 44N 4W at Mound 6, Ngre Kataa. The large grinding stone in the foreground (grinding stone 1, NK-08-112) is oriented with its grinding surface facing down. Another smaller stone rests on a soil pedestal created as archaeologists excavated surrounding soil to a lower level. Upper right, a whole pottery jar (NK-08-176) sits next to a large grinding stone (grinding stone 3, NK-08-173) oriented with its grinding surface up. To the far left, above the photo scale in centimeters, archaeologists have exposed the edges of a pottery jar, broken in half and lying on its side. As excavations extended into the adjacent unit (42N 4W, to the left), this broken pot was found to be associated with two tuyere fragments. This cluster of grindstones, tuyeres and nearby burned features is interpreted as part of a larger metal-working workshop, the activities of which led to the build up of mound 6. The soil on the right side of the unit is darker because it is moister than that on the left. View to west. Site Ngre Kataa. 1 July, 2008.
- Rights:
- Creative Commons Attribution--NonCommercial
- Publisher:
- University of Victoria Libraries
- Relation:
- https://exhibits.library.uvic.ca/spotlight/iaff/catalog/17-17601; https://exhibits.library.uvic.ca/spotlight/iaff/catalog/17-17598
- Provenance:
- Ngre Kataa, Mound 6, Unit 44N 4W, level 3
- Date:
- 2008-07-01
- Location(s) Facet:
- Ngre Kataa
- Subjects:
- Grinding stone; Tuyere
- Subjects Facet:
- Archaeology; Excavations (Archaeology); Pottery; Metalworking
- Identifier:
- Catalog numbers NK-08-112, 08-176 and 08-173
- Creator:
- Dr. Ann B. Stahl
- Date searchable:
- 2008-07-01
- Date searchable:
- 2008
- Genre:
- Digital image
- Genre Facet:
- Digital image
- Format:
- Image
- Location(s):
- Ngre Kataa;8.11277778, -2.30611111
- People Facet:
- Dr. Ann B. Stahl
- Sketchfab Uid:
- Geographic Coordinates:
- 8.11277778, -2.30611111
2. Drawing a plan map, Mound 6, Ngre Kataa, 2008
- Description:
- Banda Research Project team members Amanda Logan (right) and Amy Groleau (left) draw a plan map of units 44N 4W and 44N 6W, Mound 6, Ngre Kataa. They map in situ artifacts and features, including several large grinding stones, a whole pot, pottery clusters and a tuyere fragment. Wooden stakes mark the corners of 2 x 2 meter excavation units. A photo scale place near a partially exposed everted rim jar in unit 44N 6W (NK-08-407) is in 5 centimeter increments. Ngre Kataa, 7 July, 2008.
- Rights:
- Creative Commons Attribution--NonCommercial
- Publisher:
- University of Victoria Libraries
- Provenance:
- Ngre Kataa, Mound 6
- Date:
- 2008-07-07
- Location(s) Facet:
- Ngre Kataa
- Subjects:
- Mapping; Grinding stone
- Subjects Facet:
- Archaeology; Excavations (Archaeology); Pottery; Metalworking
- Creator:
- Dr. Ann B. Stahl
- Date searchable:
- 2008-07-07
- Date searchable:
- 2008
- Genre:
- Digital image
- Genre Facet:
- Digital image
- Format:
- Image
- Location(s):
- Ngre Kataa;8.11277778, -2.30611111
- People Facet:
- Dr. Ann B. Stahl
- Sketchfab Uid:
- Geographic Coordinates:
- 8.11277778, -2.30611111
3. In situ pottery and grinding stones, unit 42N 4W, Ngre Kataa, 2008
- Description:
- Excavations in unit 42N 4W have exposed clusters of pottery, grinding stones, tuyeres and an area of burned soil associated with metal working at Mound 6, Ngre Kataa. Foreground, left, a grinding stone (GS 08-10) rests with its working surface face down. It sits at a slightly higher level than a nearby (left) whole pottery jar (NK 08-406). To the right of these, a partial pot (NK 08-282) and a tuyere fragment (NK 08-284) are clustered together with two halves of a broken pottery jar, lying with its exterior surface facing down. To the south (behind), near the sign board and framed by photo scales, is a burned feature. Next to it sits a hand-held hammerstone (GS 08-11). Another partial pottery jar (NK 08-520) and a small flat grinding stone (GS 08-12) have been exposed to the left of the sign board at 77 cm below the unit's datum. The narrow dark bands visible in the soil are the traces of animal burrows. Photo scale adjacent to the sign board in centimeters. View looking south. Site Ngre Kataa. 7 July 2008.
- Rights:
- Creative Commons Attribution--NonCommercial
- Publisher:
- University of Victoria Libraries
- Relation:
- https://exhibits.library.uvic.ca/spotlight/iaff/catalog/17-19136; https://exhibits.library.uvic.ca/spotlight/iaff/catalog/17-19177; https://exhibits.library.uvic.ca/spotlight/iaff/catalog/17-19132; https://exhibits.library.uvic.ca/spotlight/iaff/catalog/17-19135
- Provenance:
- Ngre Kataa, Mound 6, unit 42N 4W
- Date:
- 2008-07-07
- Location(s) Facet:
- Ngre Kataa
- Subjects:
- Grinding stone; Burned basin; Tuyere
- Subjects Facet:
- Archaeology; Excavations (Archaeology); Handicrafts; Metalworking; Pottery
- Creator:
- Dr. Ann B. Stahl
- Date searchable:
- 2008-07-07
- Date searchable:
- 2008
- Genre:
- Digital image
- Genre Facet:
- Digital image
- Format:
- Image
- Location(s):
- Ngre Kataa;8.11277778, -2.30611111
- People Facet:
- Dr. Ann B. Stahl
- Sketchfab Uid:
- Geographic Coordinates:
- 8.11277778, -2.30611111
4. Burned feature, unit 50N 4W, Mound 6, Ngre Kataa, 2009
- Description:
- The circular outline of a burned basin (Feature 3) is bracketed by photo scales (center) in unit 50N 4W (130 cm below the unit datum) at Mound 6. A pottery jar sits to the right side of the basin, its opening covered by a potsherd lid. To the left, a grinding stone sits, grinding surface down, over top of another pottery jar. Burned features like these were associated with metal working in this Mound 6 workshop area. Photo scale at bottom in centimeters. Site Ngre Kataa. 29 June, 2009.
- Rights:
- Creative Commons Attribution--NonCommercial
- Publisher:
- University of Victoria Libraries
- Relation:
- https://exhibits.library.uvic.ca/spotlight/iaff/catalog/17-17594
- Provenance:
- Ngre Kataa, Mound 6, 50N 4W, 130 cm bd
- Date:
- 2009-06-29
- Location(s) Facet:
- Ngre Kataa
- Subjects:
- Grinding stone; Burned basin
- Subjects Facet:
- Archaeology; Excavations (Archaeology); Handicraft; Metalworking; Metallurgy; Pottery
- Creator:
- Dr. Ann B. Stahl
- Date searchable:
- 2009-06-29
- Date searchable:
- 2009
- Genre:
- Digital image
- Genre Facet:
- Digital image
- Format:
- Image
- Location(s):
- Ngre Kataa;8.11277778, -2.30611111
- People Facet:
- Dr. Ann B. Stahl
- Sketchfab Uid:
- Geographic Coordinates:
- 8.11277778, -2.30611111
5. Burned feature in a metallurgical workshop, Mound 6, Ngre Kataa, 2009
- Description:
- The circular outline of a burned basin (Feature 3) is bracketed by photo scales (left of center) in unit 50N 4W (130 cm below the unit datum) at Mound 6. A pottery jar sits to the right side of the basin, its opening covered by a potsherd lid. To the left, a grinding stone sits, grinding surface down, over top of another pottery jar. Another grinding stone (far left) sits at a higher level in unit 50N 6W. A second burned feature is associated with a grinding stone tipped on its side, far right. Another pottery jar sits nearby, also lidded with a broken sherd. Burned features like these were associated with metal working in this Mound 6 workshop area. Photo scale at bottom in centimeters. Site Ngre Kataa. 29 June, 2009.
- Rights:
- Creative Commons Attribution--NonCommercial
- Publisher:
- University of Victoria Libraries
- Relation:
- https://exhibits.library.uvic.ca/spotlight/iaff/catalog/17-17593
- Provenance:
- Ngre Kataa, Mound 6, 50N 4W, 130 cm bd
- Date:
- 2009-06-29
- Location(s) Facet:
- Ngre Kataa
- Subjects:
- Grinding stone; Burned basin
- Subjects Facet:
- Archaeology; Excavations (Archaeology); Handicraft; Metalworking; Metallurgy; Pottery
- Creator:
- Dr. Ann B. Stahl
- Date searchable:
- 2009-06-29
- Date searchable:
- 2009
- Genre:
- Digital image
- Genre Facet:
- Digital image
- Format:
- Image
- Location(s):
- Ngre Kataa;8.11277778, -2.30611111
- People Facet:
- Dr. Ann B. Stahl
- Sketchfab Uid:
- Geographic Coordinates:
- 8.11277778, -2.30611111
6. Perforated pottery jar, Mound 6, Ngre Kataa, 2009
- Description:
- A perforated pottery jar lidded with the pedestaled base of another pot sits in situ at the base of level 6, unit 46N 2W at Mound 6. The pot contained eight cowries and is interpreted by archaeologists as a shrine pot placed in association with metalworking facilities. Photo scale in 5 cm increments. Site Ngre Kataa. 24 June, 2009.
- Rights:
- Creative Commons Attribution--NonCommercial
- Publisher:
- University of Victoria Libraries
- Relation:
- https://exhibits.library.uvic.ca/spotlight/iaff/catalog/17-17597
- Provenance:
- Ngre Kataa, Mound 6, 46N 2W, Level 6
- Date:
- 2009-06-24
- Location(s) Facet:
- Ngre Kataa
- Subjects Facet:
- Shrines; Pottery; Metalworking; Cowries; Artifacts (Antiquities)
- Identifier:
- Catalog number NK-09-789
- Creator:
- Dr. Ann B. Stahl
- Date searchable:
- 2009-06-24
- Date searchable:
- 2009
- Genre:
- Digital image
- Genre Facet:
- Digital image
- Format:
- Image
- Location(s):
- Ngre Kataa;8.11277778, -2.30611111
- People Facet:
- Dr. Ann B. Stahl
- Sketchfab Uid:
- Geographic Coordinates:
- 8.11277778, -2.30611111
7. North wall, unit 46N 2W, Mound 6, Ngre Kataa, 2009
- Description:
- The mouth of a perforated shrine pot (left) is covered with the pedestaled base of another pot. It remains in situ as the surrounding areas of unit 46N 2W are excavated to lower levels. Behind, the stratified layers of Mound 6 are visible in the unit's north wall. Center (back) are a series of anvil and grinding stones exposed at higher mound levels in other excavation units. During excavations in 2008, a cluster of four anvil/grinding stones was found at a level slightly higher than but adjacent (left/west) to the perforated pot. At right, in lower levels, two grinding stones rest at an angle in association with a burned feature. Archaeologists interpret Mound 6 as a metallurgical workshop at which stratified levels built up through repeated use of the same location. Photo scale in centimeters. Site Ngre Kataa. 2 July, 2009.
- Rights:
- Creative Commons Attribution--NonCommercial
- Publisher:
- University of Victoria Libraries
- Relation:
- https://exhibits.library.uvic.ca/spotlight/iaff/catalog/17-19112; https://exhibits.library.uvic.ca/spotlight/iaff/catalog/17-17596; https://exhibits.library.uvic.ca/spotlight/iaff/catalog/17-19131
- Provenance:
- Ngre Kataa, Mound 6, unit 46N 2W
- Date:
- 2009-07-02
- Location(s) Facet:
- Ngre Kataa
- Subjects:
- Grinding stone; Stratigraphy
- Subjects Facet:
- Archaeology; Excavations (Archaeology); Pottery; Metalworking
- Creator:
- Dr. Ann B. Stahl
- Date searchable:
- 2009-07-02
- Date searchable:
- 2009
- Genre:
- Digital image
- Genre Facet:
- Digital image
- Format:
- Image
- Location(s):
- Ngre Kataa;8.11277778, -2.30611111
- People Facet:
- Dr. Ann B. Stahl
- Sketchfab Uid:
- Geographic Coordinates:
- 8.11277778, -2.30611111
8. Mica-slipped pottery jar, rim and neck, Ngre Kataa, 2001
- Description:
- Photo of a partial rim and neck of a mica- and red-slipped everted jar, with vessel profile depicted, left. Red slip has been applied to the rim. Overall mica slip covers the area from the neck down. The neck area is decorated with closely spaced horizontal grooves, with mica slip applied over top. A row of dentate (comb) impression marks the transition to a mica-slipped, but otherwise undecorated, body. INAA sample ("Banda 40-11") assigned to the "L" group of ceramic fabrics; therefore, likely made from clays mined west of the Banda hills. Rim diameter 24 cm at exterior lip. Neck diameter 16 cm at interior constriction. Scale in cm. Ngre Kataa (Banda 40), 30 March, 2001.
- Rights:
- Creative Commons Attribution--NonCommercial
- Publisher:
- University of Victoria Libraries
- Provenance:
- Ngre Kataa, Mound 4, Unit 1, Level 27
- Date:
- 2001-03-30
- Location(s) Facet:
- Ngre Kataa
- Subjects:
- Mica slip; Red slip; Dentate impression; Jar; Neutron Activation Analysis
- Subjects Facet:
- Archaeology; Pottery; Artifacts (Antiquities)
- Identifier:
- FS01-308b; INAA Banda 40-11
- Creator:
- Dr. Ann B. Stahl
- Contributors:
- Dr. N. Leith Smith
- Date searchable:
- 2001-03-30
- Date searchable:
- 2001
- Genre:
- 35 mm slide
- Genre Facet:
- 35 mm slide
- Source:
- Dr. Ann B. Stahl
- Location(s):
- Ngre Kataa;8.11277778, -2.30611111
- Date Digitized:
- 2016
- Sketchfab Uid:
- Commentary:
- Slide scanned by Veronique Plante
- Geographic Coordinates:
- 8.11277778, -2.30611111
9. Pottery sherd with slag temper, Ngre Kataa, 2008
- Description:
- Side view of a broken pottery sherd with a large slag inclusion. The use of crushed slag as a tempering material included in potting clay is first seen in pottery associated with Ngre phase sites in the Banda area. The use of crushed slag as a temper intensifies during Kuulo phase times, after which it becomes uncommon. Ngre Kataa, June, 2008.
- Rights:
- Creative Commons Attribution--NonCommercial
- Publisher:
- University of Victoria Libraries
- Provenance:
- Ngre Kataa, Mound 8, Unit 8N 127E, Level 9
- Date:
- 2008-06-24
- Location(s) Facet:
- Ngre Kataa
- Subjects:
- Slag
- Subjects Facet:
- Archaeology; Pottery; Pottery making; Artifacts (Antiquities)
- Identifier:
- NK08-046
- Creator:
- Dr. Ann B. Stahl
- Date searchable:
- 2008-06-24
- Date searchable:
- 2008
- Genre:
- Digital image
- Genre Facet:
- Digital image
- Format:
- Image
- Source:
- Dr. Ann B. Stahl
- Location(s):
- Ngre Kataa;8.11277778, -2.30611111
- Sketchfab Uid:
- Geographic Coordinates:
- 8.11277778, -2.30611111
10. Everted-rim pottery jar, Ngre Kataa, 2001
- Description:
- Photo of an everted-rim jar excavated from Ngre Kataa, Mound 1, Unit 1, levels 3-6. The jar (Vessel 1) was found upside-down, resting on its rim and in association with a cluster of several other complete (Vessels 2 & 3) and broken pots in what has been interpreted as a kitchen area. The round-based jar is decorated on its lower surface by faint twisted cord-roulette impressions. The zone of cord rouletting is separated from the undecorated surface above by three arching grooves or channels. Multiple small circular punctates mark the place where grooved lines meet. Whole pot. Rim diameter c. 30 cm at exterior lip. Photo scale in cm. Site Ngre Kataa ("Banda 40"). 5 April, 2001.
- Rights:
- Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial
- Publisher:
- University of Victoria Libraries
- Relation:
- https://exhibits.library.uvic.ca/spotlight/iaff/catalog/17-19006; https://exhibits.library.uvic.ca/spotlight/iaff/catalog/17-19007
- Provenance:
- Ngre Kataa (Banda 40), Mound 1, Unit 1, Levels 3-6
- Date:
- 2001-04-05
- Location(s) Facet:
- Ngre Kataa
- Subjects:
- Jar; Twisted cord roulette; Grooving; Punctate
- Subjects Facet:
- Archaeology; Pottery; Artifacts (Antiquities)
- Identifier:
- FS01-336, Vessel 1
- Creator:
- Dr. Ann B. Stahl
- Contributors:
- Dr. N. Leith Smith
- Date searchable:
- 2001
- Date searchable:
- 2001-04-05
- Genre:
- 35 mm slide
- Genre Facet:
- 35 mm slide
- Format:
- Image
- Source:
- Dr. Ann B. Stahl
- Location(s):
- Ngre Kataa;8.11277778, -2.30611111
- Date Digitized:
- 2016
- Sketchfab Uid:
- Commentary:
- Slide scanned by Veronique Plante
- Geographic Coordinates:
- 8.11277778, -2.30611111
11. Insitu shrine clusters, mound 6, Ngre Kataa, 2009
- Description:
- Insitu pottery and iron artifacts associated with clusters B and C of what archaeologists interpret as a shrine (clusters A-D) which capped stratified deposits in a metallurgical workshop. Far left in unit 48N 10W, the flat surface of an anvil/grinding stone (GS 09-32) is exposed, to the left (west) of which a poorly preserved portion of an elephant tusk was found (now removed). To the right (east) of the large stone is Cluster B, which includes the group of sherds seen in the vertical exposure in front and left (west) of the tree stump. Behind the tree stump is a large cluster (C) of pottery lids, partial pots and iron objects. Photo scale marked in 5 cm increments. View looking towards northwest. Site Ngre Kataa. 10 June 2009.
- Rights:
- Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial
- Publisher:
- University of Victoria Libraries
- Relation:
- https://exhibits.library.uvic.ca/spotlight/iaff/catalog/17-19192; https://exhibits.library.uvic.ca/spotlight/iaff/catalog/17-19154; https://exhibits.library.uvic.ca/spotlight/iaff/catalog/17-19197; https://exhibits.library.uvic.ca/spotlight/iaff/catalog/17-19191
- Provenance:
- Ngre Kataa, Mound 6, Unit 48N 8W, Levels 3-4
- Date:
- 2009-06-10
- Location(s) Facet:
- Ngre Kataa
- Subjects Facet:
- Excavations (Archaeology); Archaeology; Shrines; Pottery; Iron
- Creator:
- Dr. Ann B. Stahl
- Date searchable:
- 2009
- Date searchable:
- 2009-06-10
- Genre Facet:
- Digital image
- Format:
- Image
- Source:
- Dr. Ann B. Stahl
- Location(s):
- Ngre Kataa;8.11277778, -2.30611111
- Sketchfab Uid:
- Geographic Coordinates:
- 8.11277778, -2.30611111
12. Insitu shrine clusters, mound 6, Ngre Kataa, 2009
- Description:
- Insitu pottery and iron artifacts associated with clusters B-D of what archaeologists interpret as a shrine (clusters A-D) which capped stratified deposits in a metallurgical workshop. Bottom left, at the base of a balk supporting the unit peg, is cluster D, comprised of two stones flanking an iron disc, laid flat (SF 09-158), and a tri-looped iron bangle (SF 09-159). In front and left (east) of the tree stump is a large cluster (C) of pottery lids, partial pots and iron objects, including an iron bangle (SF 09-148) and a pair of miniature iron manacles (SF 09-171, "B"-shaped object). To the right (west) of the tree stump, another cluster of pottery and iron objects can be seen. Top right of the photo, a yellow notebook rests on top of an anvil/grinding stone (GS 09-32), next to which rested a poorly preserved section of an elephant ivory tusk. North arrow photo scale marked in 5 cm increments, arrow pointing north. View looking towards southwest. Site Ngre Kataa. 10 June 2009.
- Rights:
- Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial
- Publisher:
- University of Victoria Libraries
- Relation:
- https://exhibits.library.uvic.ca/spotlight/iaff/catalog/17-19196; https://exhibits.library.uvic.ca/spotlight/iaff/catalog/17-19194; https://exhibits.library.uvic.ca/spotlight/iaff/catalog/17-19092; https://exhibits.library.uvic.ca/spotlight/iaff/catalog/17-19191
- Provenance:
- Ngre Kataa, Mound 6, Unit 48N 8W, Levels 3-4
- Date:
- 2009-06-10
- Location(s) Facet:
- Ngre Kataa
- Subjects:
- Manacles
- Subjects Facet:
- Excavations (Archaeology); Archaeology; Shrines; Pottery; Bangles; Ornaments; Iron; Shackles
- Creator:
- Dr. Ann B. Stahl
- Date searchable:
- 2009
- Date searchable:
- 2009-06-10
- Genre Facet:
- Digital image
- Format:
- Image
- Source:
- Dr. Ann B. Stahl
- Location(s):
- Ngre Kataa;8.11277778, -2.30611111
- Sketchfab Uid:
- Geographic Coordinates:
- 8.11277778, -2.30611111
13. Everted-rim pottery jar, Ngre Kataa, 2001
- Description:
- Photo of an everted-rim pottery jar excavated from Ngre Kataa, Mound 4, Unit 1, Levels 5-6. The jar (Vessel 1) was located in the north profile wall of the unit, together with another vessel (Vessel 2). The jar has a carinated shoulder and a rounded base. To the right and below the carination, a portion of the exterior surface has broken away. The upper area of the jar is decorated with three horizontal grooved lines, inbetween which are lines of dentate impression. Just above the carination is another line of dentate impression and a grooved line. To the left and right, on the upper side of the carination, sets of two triangular designs were applied, consisting of three punctates connected by two short grooved lines. The area inside the triangle is marked by crossed dentate impressions, forming an "X" inside the triangle. This design was repeated twice on the recovered portion of the jar. It was likely repeated a third time on the missing portion. Below the carination are two shallow horizontal grooves. The jar's base is smooth, with no surface treatment applied. Roughly 65% of the vessel was recovered. Rim diameter 25 cm at exterior lip. Photo scale in cm. Site Ngre Kataa ("Banda 40"). 5 April, 2001.
- Rights:
- Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial
- Publisher:
- University of Victoria Libraries
- Relation:
- https://exhibits.library.uvic.ca/spotlight/iaff/catalog/17-19000
- Provenance:
- Ngre Kataa (Banda 40), Mound 4, Unit 1, Level 5-6, North Wall
- Date:
- 2001-04-05
- Location(s) Facet:
- Ngre Kataa
- Subjects:
- Jar; Dentate impression; Punctate; Grooving
- Subjects Facet:
- Archaeology; Pottery; Artifacts (Antiquities)
- Identifier:
- FS01-317. Vessel 1
- Creator:
- Dr. Ann B. Stahl
- Contributors:
- Dr. N. Leith Smith
- Date searchable:
- 2001
- Date searchable:
- 2001-04-05
- Genre Facet:
- 35 mm slide
- Format:
- Image
- Source:
- Dr. Ann B. Stahl
- Location(s):
- Ngre Kataa;8.11277778, -2.30611111
- Sketchfab Uid:
- Geographic Coordinates:
- 8.11277778, -2.30611111
14. Everted-rim pottery jar, Ngre Kataa, 2001
- Description:
- Photo of an everted-rim pottery jar excavated from Ngre Kataa, Mound 4, Unit 1, Level 5. The jar (Vessel 2) was located in the north profile wall of the unit together with another vessel (Vessel 1). The jar has a carinated shoulder and a rounded base. The upper area of the jar is decorated with three horizontal grooved lines inbetween which are lines of dentate impression. The base of the jar is surface treated with a twisted cord roulette. Two roughly parallel horizontal grooved lines separate the cord rouletted zone from a plain zone below the carination. A hole in the base of the pot (ca. 7 cm across) may have been deliberately broken in this otherwise whole pot. Rim diameter 22 cm at exterior lip. Photo scale in cm. Site Ngre Kataa ("Banda 40"). 5 April, 2001.
- Rights:
- Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial
- Relation:
- https://exhibits.library.uvic.ca/spotlight/iaff/catalog/17-18999
- Provenance:
- Ngre Kataa (Banda 40), Mound 4, Unit 1, Level 5, N Wall
- Date:
- 2001-04-05
- Location(s) Facet:
- Ngre Kataa
- Subjects:
- Jar; Cord roulette; Grooving
- Subjects Facet:
- Archaeology; Pottery; Artifacts (Antiquities)
- Identifier:
- FS01-335, Vessel 2
- Creator:
- Dr. Ann B. Stahl
- Contributors:
- Dr. N. Leith Smith
- Date searchable:
- 2001
- Date searchable:
- 2001-04-05
- Genre Facet:
- 35 mm slide
- Format:
- Image
- Source:
- Dr. Ann B. Stahl
- Location(s):
- Ngre Kataa;8.11277778, -2.30611111
- Sketchfab Uid:
- Commentary:
- Slide scanned by Veronique Plante
- Geographic Coordinates:
- 8.11277778, -2.30611111
15. Burned features and insitu stones, Ngre Kataa, 2009
- Description:
- View across open excavations in an area (mound 6) that archaeologists interpret as a metallurgical workshop. The photo centers on units 46N 8W (foreground) and the southern half of 48N 8W, the north wall of which (at 47N) can be seen behind the sign board. The exposed areas were excavated in 2008 and the photo taken in preparation for 2009 excavations. Traces of circular burned features, red-orange and yellow in color, can be seen in the freshly scraped surface of these units. The uppermost north arrow sits to the right (east) of the circular outline of a still-buried everted-rim jar. Another everted-jar rim can be seen exposed in the north wall at 47N. This rim and associated artifacts formed cluster B, part of a larger shrine feature (clusters A-D) that extended across the northern half of unit 48N 8W (beneath and behind the small tree trunk visible above and left of the sign board). Cluster A (unit 46N 8W) comprised a large pottery bowl surrounded by six iron bangles that was removed in 2008. It was positioned above and slightly west (left) of the burned feature (center photo) that is intersected by a tree root. Cluster B included the artifacts seen here in the north wall at 47N, together with an associated cluster of a pedestal-handled pot lid, dog skull and jaw bones revealed by further excavation beneath and west (left) of the tree stump. In the upper right of the photo (north and east), insitu anvil (GS 09-15, left) and grinding (GS 09-12, right) stones are visible in unit 50N 6W. Photo scales marked in 5 cm increments and measuring tape marks 2 m. Arrows pointing north. Site Ngre Kataa. 6 June 2009.
- Rights:
- Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial
- Relation:
- https://exhibits.library.uvic.ca/spotlight/iaff/catalog/17-19170; https://exhibits.library.uvic.ca/spotlight/iaff/catalog/17-19143; https://exhibits.library.uvic.ca/spotlight/iaff/catalog/17-19152
- Provenance:
- Ngre Kataa, Mound 6, Units 46-48N 8W, 100 cm bd
- Date:
- 2009-06-06
- Location(s) Facet:
- Ngre Kataa
- Subjects Facet:
- Excavations (Archaeology); Archaeology; Metalworking; Pottery; Shrines
- Creator:
- Dr. Ann B. Stahl
- Date searchable:
- 2009
- Date searchable:
- 2009-06-06
- Genre Facet:
- Digital image
- Format:
- Image
- Source:
- Dr. Ann B. Stahl
- Location(s):
- Ngre Kataa; 8.11277778, -2.30611111
- Sketchfab Uid:
- Geographic Coordinates:
- 8.11277778, -2.30611111
16. Insitu anvil and grinding stones, Ngre Kataa, 2009
- Description:
- Insitu anvil/grinding stones in excavation unit 50N 6W in an area (mound 6) that archaeologists interpret as a metallurgical workshop. A large anvil stone (GS 09-15, foreground, left) sits next to a small stone, its lower surface worn flat by serving as a hand-held grinder. A large tree root is visible to the west of the stone, behind which is an area of unexcavated soil on top of which pottery sherds had been found (now removed). To the east and flanked by the black-and-white photo scale is the partial rim of an everted-rim jar (NK 09-749). To the north of this, a large flat grinding stone (GS 09-12) has been pedestaled in place. Photo scales marked in 5 cm increments. Arrows pointing north. Site Ngre Kataa. 6 June 2009.
- Rights:
- Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial
- Publisher:
- University of Victoria Libraries
- Provenance:
- Ngre Kataa, Mound 6, Unit 50N 6W, Level 4
- Date:
- 2009-06-06
- Location(s) Facet:
- Ngre Kataa
- Subjects:
- Anvil stone; Grinding stone
- Subjects Facet:
- Excavations (Archaeology); Pottery; Metalworking; Iron
- Creator:
- Dr. Ann B. Stahl
- Date searchable:
- 2009
- Date searchable:
- 2009-06-06
- Genre Facet:
- Digital image
- Format:
- Image
- Source:
- Dr. Ann B. Stahl
- Location(s):
- Ngre Kataa;8.11277778, -2.30611111
- Sketchfab Uid:
- Geographic Coordinates:
- 8.11277778, -2.30611111
17. Insitu anvil and grinding stones, Ngre Kataa, 2009
- Description:
- Insitu anvil/grinding stones in excavation unit 50N 6W in an area (mound 6) that archaeologists interpret as a metallurgical workshop. Left of center photo, a large anvil stone (GS 09-15) sits next to a small stone, its lower surface worn flat by serving as a hand-held grinder. Behind this stone is an area of unexcavated soil on top of which pottery sherds had been found (now removed). Lower foreground, flanked by the black-and-white photo scale, is the partial rim of an everted-rim jar (NK 09-749). To the north of this (right), a large flat grinding stone with a well-worn upper surface (GS 09-12) has been pedestaled in place. Visible in the southern corner of the west wall of the unit (upper left) in this photo is a flat iron disk (SF 09-159), embedded in the wall above a small stone. Photo scales marked in 5 cm increments. Arrows pointing north. Site Ngre Kataa. 6 June 2009.
- Rights:
- Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial
- Publisher:
- University of Victoria Libraries
- Provenance:
- Ngre Kataa, Mound 6, Unit 50N 6W, Level 4
- Date:
- 2009-06-06
- Location(s) Facet:
- Ngre Kataa
- Subjects:
- Anvil stone; Grinding stone
- Subjects Facet:
- Excavations (Archaeology); Pottery; Metalworking; Iron
- Creator:
- Dr. Ann B. Stahl
- Date searchable:
- 2009
- Date searchable:
- 2009-06-06
- Genre Facet:
- Digital image
- Format:
- Image
- Source:
- Dr. Ann B. Stahl
- Location(s):
- Ngre Kataa;8.11277778, -2.30611111
- Sketchfab Uid:
- Geographic Coordinates:
- 8.11277778, -2.30611111
18. Insitu shrine clusters, mound 6, Ngre Kataa, 2009
- Description:
- Insitu pottery and iron artifacts associated with clusters C and D of what archaeologists interpret as a shrine that capped stratified deposits in a metallurgical workshop. Cluster D appears in the foreground, left, below unexcavated soil remaining around the 48N 8W unit peg. Here two small stones flank a flat iron disc (SF 09-159, left) and a tri-looped iron bangle (SF 09-158, right). Cluster C is a large grouping of pottery and iron objects located north of the tree stump, center photo. Included were several whole pottery lids, a broken but mostly complete jar associated with an iron bangle (SF 09-148) and a pair of miniature iron manacles (SF 09-171). The bangle is visible, resting on a soil pedestal in front of the tree trunk's center. In the photo's upper right, a large anvil stone (GS 09-32), on which sits a yellow notebook, is visible. Flanking this stone on its western edge was a portion of an ivory tusk. Photo scale marked in 5 cm increments. Arrow pointing north. Site Ngre Kataa. 10 June 2009.
- Rights:
- Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial
- Publisher:
- University of Victoria Libraries
- Relation:
- https://exhibits.library.uvic.ca/spotlight/iaff/catalog/17-19092; https://exhibits.library.uvic.ca/spotlight/iaff/catalog/17-19193; https://exhibits.library.uvic.ca/spotlight/iaff/catalog/17-19191
- Provenance:
- Ngre Kataa, Mound 6, Unit 48N 8W, Level 3
- Date:
- 2009-06-10
- Location(s) Facet:
- Ngre Kataa
- Subjects Facet:
- Excavations (Archaeology); Archaeology; Shrines; Pottery; Bangles; Ornaments; Iron
- Creator:
- Dr. Ann B. Stahl
- Date searchable:
- 2009
- Date searchable:
- 2009-06-10
- Genre Facet:
- Digital image
- Format:
- Image
- Source:
- Dr. Ann B. Stahl
- Location(s):
- Ngre Kataa;8.11277778, -2.30611111
- Sketchfab Uid:
- Geographic Coordinates:
- 8.11277778, -2.30611111
19. Insitu shrine cluster, mound 6, Ngre Kataa, 2009
- Description:
- Insitu pottery and iron artifacts associated with cluster C of what archaeologists interpret as a shrine (clusters A-D) that capped stratified deposits in a metallurgical workshop. Center photo are two large pieces of an everted-rim jar, its exterior surface facing outward. Immediately above is a large portion of the same pot, its interior surface facing outward. Found positioned against the jar's interior surface was a pair of miniature iron manacles (SF 09-171, "B"-shaped object). An iron bangle (SF 09-148) was positioned at the jar's mouth, above the manacles. To the left of the bangle is the upper edge of a large grinding stone (GS 09-26), which later excavations revealed to be oriented with its grinding surface down. To the right of the bangle, a pedestal-handled pot lid (NK 09-381) rests with its interior surface oriented upward. At center photo, bottom, a pot lid with a strap handle (NK 09-382) rests on its side. To the right of the north arrow, portions of an another pedestal-handled pot lid lie with its interior oriented upward. Photo scale at upper right marked in cm. Arrow pointing north. Site Ngre Kataa. 10 June 2009.
- Rights:
- Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial
- Publisher:
- University of Victoria Libraries
- Relation:
- https://exhibits.library.uvic.ca/spotlight/iaff/catalog/17-19194; https://exhibits.library.uvic.ca/spotlight/iaff/catalog/17-19192; https://exhibits.library.uvic.ca/spotlight/iaff/catalog/17-19191
- Provenance:
- Ngre Kataa, Mound 6, Unit 48N 8W, Level 3
- Date:
- 2009-06-10
- Location(s) Facet:
- Ngre Kataa
- Subjects:
- Manacles
- Subjects Facet:
- Excavations (Archaeology); Archaeology; Shrines; Pottery; Bangles; Ornaments; Iron; Shackles
- Creator:
- Dr. Ann B. Stahl
- Date searchable:
- 2009
- Date searchable:
- 2009-06-10
- Genre Facet:
- Digital image
- Format:
- Image
- Source:
- Dr. Ann B. Stahl
- Location(s):
- Ngre Kataa;8.11277778, -2.30611111
- Sketchfab Uid:
- Geographic Coordinates:
- 8.11277778, -2.30611111
20. Insitu shrine cluster, mound 6, Ngre Kataa, 2009
- Description:
- Insitu pottery and iron artifacts associated with cluster C of what archaeologists interpret as a shrine (clusters A-D) that capped stratified deposits in a metallurgical workshop. Lower center of the photo are two large pieces of an everted-rim jar, its exterior surface facing outward. Immediately above is a large portion of the same pot, its interior surface facing outward. Found positioned against the jar's interior surface was a pair of miniature iron manacles (SF 09-171, "B"-shaped object). An iron bangle (SF 09-148) was positioned at the jar's mouth, above the manacles. To the left of the bangle is the upper edge of a large grinding stone (GS 09-26), which later excavations revealed to be oriented with its grinding surface down. To the right of the bangle, a pedestal-handled pot lid (NK 09-381) rests with its interior surface oriented upward. Photo scale marked in cm. View looking south. Site Ngre Kataa. 10 June 2009.
- Rights:
- Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial
- Publisher:
- University of Victoria Libraries
- Relation:
- https://exhibits.library.uvic.ca/spotlight/iaff/catalog/17-19080; https://exhibits.library.uvic.ca/spotlight/iaff/catalog/17-19161; https://exhibits.library.uvic.ca/spotlight/iaff/catalog/17-19193
- Provenance:
- Ngre Kataa, Mound 6, Unit 48N 8W, Level 3
- Date:
- 2009-06-10
- Location(s) Facet:
- Ngre Kataa
- Subjects:
- Manacles
- Subjects Facet:
- Excavations (Archaeology); Archaeology; Shrines; Pottery; Bangles; Ornaments; Iron; Shackles
- Creator:
- Dr. Ann B. Stahl
- Date searchable:
- 2009
- Date searchable:
- 2009-06-10
- Genre Facet:
- Digital image
- Format:
- Image
- Source:
- Dr. Ann B. Stahl
- Location(s):
- Ngre Kataa;8.11277778, -2.30611111
- Sketchfab Uid:
- Geographic Coordinates:
- 8.11277778, -2.30611111
21. Insitu anvil and grinding stones, Ngre Kataa, 2009
- Description:
- Two views of insitu anvil/grinding stones in excavation unit 50N 6W, part of an area (mound 6) that archaeologists interpret as a metallurgical workshop. In the photo looking northward (arrows point north), a large anvil stone (GS 09-15, foreground, left) sits next to a small stone, its lower surface worn flat by serving as a hand-held grinder. A large tree root is visible to the west of the stone, behind which is an area of unexcavated soil on top of which pottery sherds had been found (now removed). To the east and flanked by the black-and-white photo scale is the partial rim of an everted-rim jar (NK 09-749). To the north of this, a large flat grinding stone (GS 09-12) has been pedestaled in place. In the view looking west, the well-worn upper surface of this narrow stone can be seen. Visible in the southern corner of the west wall of the unit (upper left) in this photo is a flat iron disc (SF 09-159), embedded in the wall above a small stone. Further excavation showed that this disc was part of an object cluster that included a tri-looped iron bangle and interpreted as part of a shrine. Photo scales marked in 5 cm increments. Arrows pointing north. Site Ngre Kataa. 6 June 2009.
- Rights:
- Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial
- Publisher:
- University of Victoria Libraries
- Relation:
- https://exhibits.library.uvic.ca/spotlight/iaff/catalog/17-19092; https://exhibits.library.uvic.ca/spotlight/iaff/catalog/17-19099; https://exhibits.library.uvic.ca/spotlight/iaff/catalog/17-19118
- Provenance:
- Ngre Kataa, Mound 6, Unit 50N 6W, Level 4
- Date:
- 2009-06-06
- Location(s) Facet:
- Ngre Kataa
- Subjects:
- Anvil stone; Grinding stone
- Subjects Facet:
- Excavations (Archaeology); Pottery; Metalworking; Iron
- Creator:
- Dr. Ann B. Stahl
- Date searchable:
- 2009
- Date searchable:
- 2009-06-06
- Genre Facet:
- Digital image
- Format:
- Image
- Source:
- Dr. Ann B. Stahl
- Location(s):
- Ngre Kataa;8.11277778, -2.30611111
- Sketchfab Uid:
- Geographic Coordinates:
- 8.11277778, -2.30611111
22. Shrine clusters B-C, mound 6, Ngre Kataa, 2009
- Description:
- Insitu pottery and iron artifacts associated with clusters B and C of what archaeologists interpret as a shrine that capped stratified deposits in a metallurgical workshop. Cluster B encompassed the objects on the south (right) side of the photo, west of (below) the tree stump. To the right of the black-and-white photo stick (lower right) is an iron spike (SF 09-174), a half bangle (SF 09-173) and a slightly curved iron disc (SF 09-172) in a carefully placed composition. Immediately to the east (above in the photo), an aglomeration of pottery sherds is stacked. Later excavation revealed a pedestal-handled pottery lid, dog skull and jaw bones carefully placed below these sherds in cluster B. Cluster C encompassed the artifacts to the north (left) of the tree stump. These included a series of pottery lids, portions of single pottery jar and sherds from other pots. An iron bangle (SF 09-148) is visible above and slightly left of the top photo scale, sitting adjacent to a pottery lid (NK 09-381) lying with its interior surface up. This wider shrine assemblage overlaid burned features associated with metalworking activities. Black-and-white photo scale in 5 cm increments. Arrows pointing north. Site Ngre Kataa. 10 June 2009.
- Rights:
- Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial
- Publisher:
- University of Victoria Libraries
- Relation:
- https://exhibits.library.uvic.ca/spotlight/iaff/catalog/17-19164; https://exhibits.library.uvic.ca/spotlight/iaff/catalog/17-19193
- Provenance:
- Ngre Kataa, Mound 6, Unit 48N 8W, Level 3
- Date:
- 2009-06-10
- Location(s) Facet:
- Ngre Kataa
- Subjects Facet:
- Excavations (Archaeology); Archaeology; Shrines; Pottery; Bangles; Ornaments; Iron
- Creator:
- Dr. Ann B. Stahl
- Date searchable:
- 2009
- Date searchable:
- 2009-06-10
- Genre Facet:
- Digital image
- Format:
- Image
- Source:
- Dr. Ann B. Stahl
- Location(s):
- Ngre Kataa;8.11277778, -2.30611111
- Sketchfab Uid:
- Geographic Coordinates:
- 8.11277778, -2.30611111
23. Everted-rim pottery jar, Ngre Kataa, 2001
- Description:
- Photo of an everted-rim pottery jar excavated from Ngre Kataa, Mound 4, Unit 1, Level 20. The jar was located in the west profile wall of the unit. The jar has a carinated shoulder and a rounded base. A single horizontal line of wavy line impression was applied to the neck constriction, with the area above the carination otherwise plain. The base of the jar is surface treated with a fiber (perhaps braided strip) roulette. Two roughly parallel horizontal grooved lines are superimposed over the roulette treatment. Whole pot. Rim diameter 17.5 cm at exterior lip. Photo scale in cm. Site Ngre Kataa ("Banda 40"). 3 April, 2001.
- Rights:
- Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial
- Publisher:
- University of Victoria Libraries
- Provenance:
- Ngre Kataa (Banda 40), Mound 4, Unit 1, Level 20, W Wall.
- Date:
- 2001-04-03
- Location(s) Facet:
- Ngre Kataa
- Subjects:
- Jar; Wavy line impression; Fiber roulette
- Subjects Facet:
- Archaeology; Pottery; Artifacts (Antiquities)
- Identifier:
- FS01-332, Vessel 1
- Creator:
- Dr. Ann B. Stahl
- Contributors:
- Dr. N. Leith Smith
- Date searchable:
- 2001
- Date searchable:
- 2001-04-03
- Genre Facet:
- 35 mm slide
- Format:
- Image
- Source:
- Dr. Ann B. Stahl
- Location(s):
- Ngre Kataa;8.11277778, -2.30611111
- Date Digitized:
- 2016
- Sketchfab Uid:
- Commentary:
- Slide scanned by Veronique Plante
- Geographic Coordinates:
- 8.11277778, -2.30611111
24. Everted-rim pottery jar, Ngre Kataa, 2001
- Description:
- Photo of an everted-rim pottery jar excavated from Ngre Kataa, Mound 4, Unit 1, levels 15-16, where the jar was exposed in the south wall of the excavation unit. The jar has a carinated shoulder and a rounded base. The area above the carination was decorated by five unevenly placed horizontal grooved lines. In three places around the vessel's circumference, the grooved line just above the carination is marked by "ꓥ." In a zone that begins c. 2 cm below the carination, lower areas of the jar are surface treated with a carved roulette impression. The ceramic fabric includes mixed grit (including laterite and quartz) and likely also finely crushed slag. An INAA sample (Banda 40/3) from the jar could not be assigned to a known source group. Roughly 2/3 of the vessel present. Rim diameter: 22.5 cm at interior lip. Photo scale in cm. Site Ngre Kataa ("Banda 40"). 5 April, 2001.
- Rights:
- Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial
- Publisher:
- University of Victoria Libraries
- Relation:
- https://exhibits.library.uvic.ca/spotlight/iaff/catalog/17-19004
- Provenance:
- Ngre Kataa (Banda 40), Mound 4, Unit 1, Level 15, South Wall
- Date:
- 2001-04-05
- Location(s) Facet:
- Ngre Kataa
- Subjects:
- Jar; Carved roulette; Grooving
- Subjects Facet:
- Archaeology; Pottery; Artifacts (Antiquities)
- Identifier:
- FS01-318, Vessel 1A
- Creator:
- Dr. Ann B. Stahl
- Contributors:
- Dr. N. Leith Smith
- Date searchable:
- 2001
- Date searchable:
- 2001-04-05
- Genre Facet:
- 35 mm slide
- Format:
- Image
- Source:
- Dr. Ann B. Stahl
- Location(s):
- Ngre Kataa;8.11277778, -2.30611111
- Sketchfab Uid:
- Geographic Coordinates:
- 8.11277778, -2.30611111
25. Everted-rim pottery jar, Ngre Kataa, 2001
- Description:
- Photo of an everted-rim pottery jar excavated from Ngre Kataa, Mound 4, Unit 1, levels 15-16, where the jar was exposed in the south wall of the excavation unit. The jar has a carinated shoulder and a rounded base. The area above the carination was decorated by five unevenly placed horizontal grooved lines. In three places around the vessel's circumference, the grooved line just above the carination is marked by "ꓥ." In a zone that begins c. 2 cm below the carination, lower areas of the jar are surface treated with a carved roulette impression. The ceramic fabric includes mixed grit (including laterite and quartz) and likely also fine crushed slag. An INAA sample (Banda 40/3) from the jar could not be assigned to a known group. Roughly 2/3 of the vessel present. Rim diameter: 22.5 cm at interior lip. Photo scale in cm. Site Ngre Kataa ("Banda 40"). 5 April, 2001.
- Rights:
- Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial
- Publisher:
- University of Victoria Libraries
- Provenance:
- Ngre Kataa (Banda 40), Mound 4, Unit 1, Level 15, South Wall
- Date:
- 2001-04-05
- Location(s) Facet:
- Ngre Kataa
- Subjects:
- Jar; Carved roulette; Grooving
- Subjects Facet:
- Archaeology; Pottery; Artifacts (Antiquities)
- Identifier:
- FS01-318, Vessel 1A
- Creator:
- Dr. Ann B. Stahl
- Contributors:
- Dr. N. Leith Smith
- Date searchable:
- 2001
- Date searchable:
- 2001-04-05
- Genre Facet:
- 35 mm slide
- Format:
- Image
- Source:
- Dr. Ann B. Stahl
- Location(s):
- Ngre Kataa;8.11277778, -2.30611111
- Date Digitized:
- 2016
- Sketchfab Uid:
- Commentary:
- Slide scanned by Veronique Plante
- Geographic Coordinates:
- 8.11277778, -2.30611111
26. Everted-rim pottery jar, Ngre Kataa, 2001
- Description:
- Photo of an everted-rim jar excavated from Ngre Kataa, Mound 1, Unit 1, Levels 4-5. The jar (Vessel 3) was found sitting upright in association with a cluster of several other complete and broken pots (Vessels 1 & 2) in what has been interpreted as a kitchen area. Most of the jar has been surface treated with a twisted cord roulette. Single pendant grooved lines surround the circumference of the jar. A total of five circular impressions, perhaps made with a hollow reed, are placed below the intersection points of the pendant grooves. A hole in the base of the pot (ca. 7 cm across) may have been deliberately broken in this otherwise whole pot. Rim diameter: 17.5 cm at exterior lip. Site Ngre Kataa ("Banda 40"). 3 April, 2001.
- Rights:
- Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial
- Publisher:
- University of Victoria Libraries
- Relation:
- https://exhibits.library.uvic.ca/spotlight/iaff/catalog/17-18299; https://exhibits.library.uvic.ca/spotlight/iaff/catalog/17-19007
- Provenance:
- Ngre Kataa (Banda 40), Mound 1, Unit 1, Levels 4-5
- Date:
- 2001-04-03
- Location(s) Facet:
- Ngre Kataa
- Subjects:
- Jar; Cord roulette; Punctate; Grooving
- Subjects Facet:
- Archaeology; Pottery; Artifacts (Antiquities)
- Identifier:
- FS01-333, Vessel 3
- Creator:
- Dr. Ann B. Stahl
- Contributors:
- Dr. N. Leith Smith
- Date searchable:
- 2001
- Date searchable:
- 2002-03-04
- Genre Facet:
- 35 mm slide
- Format:
- Image
- Location(s):
- Ngre Kataa;8.11277778, -2.30611111
- Date Digitized:
- 2016
- Sketchfab Uid:
- Commentary:
- Slide scanned by Veronique Plante
- Geographic Coordinates:
- 8.11277778, -2.30611111
27. Everted-rim pottery jar, Ngre Kataa, 2001
- Description:
- Photo of an everted-rim jar excavated from Ngre Kataa, Mound 1, Unit 1, Levels 4-6. The jar (Vessel 2) was found sitting upright in association with a cluster of several other complete (Vessels 1 & 3) and broken pots in what has been interpreted as a kitchen area. The upper surface of the round-based jar is undecorated. In a zone bounded by double grooved lines, the base and lower surface of the jar is surface treated with maize cob roulette. Groups of three circular punctates mark the spots where gooved lines meet. A hole in the base of the pot (4 x 3.5 cm) may have been deliberately broken in this otherwise whole pot. Rim diameter: 20.5 cm at exterior lip. Photo scale in cm. Site Ngre Kataa ("Banda 40"). 4 March, 2001.
- Rights:
- Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial
- Publisher:
- University of Victoria Libraries
- Relation:
- https://exhibits.library.uvic.ca/spotlight/iaff/catalog/17-18299; https://exhibits.library.uvic.ca/spotlight/iaff/catalog/17-19006
- Provenance:
- Ngre Kataa (Banda 40), Mound 1, Unit 1, Levels 4-6
- Date:
- 2001-04-03
- Location(s) Facet:
- Ngre Kataa
- Subjects:
- Jar; Maize cob roulette; Punctate; Grooving
- Subjects Facet:
- Archaeology; Pottery; Artifacts (Antiquities)
- Identifier:
- FS01-334, Vessel 2
- Creator:
- Dr. Ann B. Stahl
- Contributors:
- Dr. N. Leith Smith
- Date searchable:
- 2001
- Date searchable:
- 2001-04-03
- Genre Facet:
- 35 mm slide
- Format:
- Image
- Location(s):
- Ngre Kataa;8.11277778, -2.30611111
- Date Digitized:
- 2016
- Sketchfab Uid:
- Commentary:
- Slide scanned by Veronique Plante
- Geographic Coordinates:
- 8.11277778, -2.30611111
28. Everted-rim pottery jar, Ngre Kataa, 2001
- Description:
- Photo of an everted-rim jar excavated from Ngre Kataa, Mound 4, Unit 1, Level 16. The undecorated exterior surface of the round-based jar is orange-brown from firing, with areas of black fire-clouding. Roughly 30% of jar is represented. Rim diameter: 21 cm at exterior lip. Photo scale in cm. Site Ngre Kataa ("Banda 40"). 28 March, 2001.
- Rights:
- Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial
- Publisher:
- University of Victoria Libraries
- Provenance:
- Ngre Kataa (Banda 40), Mound 4, Unit 1, Level 16
- Date:
- 2001-03-28
- Location(s) Facet:
- Ngre Kataa
- Subjects:
- Jar
- Subjects Facet:
- Archaeology; Pottery; Artifacts (Antiquities)
- Identifier:
- FS01-291
- Creator:
- Dr. Ann B. Stahl
- Contributors:
- Dr. N. Leith Smith
- Date searchable:
- 2001
- Date searchable:
- 2001-03-28
- Genre Facet:
- 35 mm slide
- Format:
- Image
- Source:
- Dr. Ann B. Stahl
- Location(s):
- Ngre;8.11277778, -2.30611111
- Date Digitized:
- 2016
- Sketchfab Uid:
- Commentary:
- Slide scanned by Veronique Plante
- Geographic Coordinates:
- 8.11277778, -2.30611111
29. Clay smoking pipe, Ngre Kataa, 2009
- Description:
- A short-stemmed, locally made clay smoking pipe, 2 views (bottom: view from side with pipe bowl to the left; top: view from top). Pipes like this were inspired by those used by America's First Peoples from whom Europeans learned about tobacco. Europeans introduced tobacco smoking to West Africa during the early centuries of trans-Atlantic trade. This pipe's bowl has a flared pedestal base, the bottom of which shows signs of abrasion. Above its base, the pipe bowl is decorated with a zone of criss-cross incisions demarcated by two horizonal incisions (one above and one below). The bowl's rim is missing. Its stem joins the bowl above its base (a "double-angled" form). The stem flares somewhat toward its lip which is flattened. Photo scale in cm. Site Ngre Kataa. 27 May, 2009.
- Rights:
- Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial
- Publisher:
- University of Victoria Libraries
- Provenance:
- Ngre Kataa, Mound 7, Unit 10N 28E, Level 5
- Date:
- 2009-05-27
- Location(s) Facet:
- Ngre Kataa
- Subjects Facet:
- Tobacco pipes; Pottery; Artifacts (Antiquities)
- Identifier:
- SF NK 09-008
- Creator:
- Dr. Ann B. Stahl
- Date searchable:
- 2009
- Date searchable:
- 2009-05-27
- Genre Facet:
- Digital image
- Format:
- Image
- Source:
- Dr. Ann B. Stahl
- Location(s):
- Ngre Kataa;8.11277778, -2.30611111
- Sketchfab Uid:
- Commentary:
- Composite photo made using Adobe Photoshop 2020
- Geographic Coordinates:
- 8.11277778, -2.30611111
30. Partial pottery vessel, Ngre Kataa, 2009
- Description:
- Interior view (left) and exterior view (right) of a partial pottery jar. The pot was found insitu near an anvil/grinding stone in an area interpreted by archaeologists as a metallurgical workshop. The jar's everted rim is rounded (right, top). Its exterior surface (right, bottom) shows evidence of layering, with an upper layer of clay added to a leather-hard lower layer before the pot was fired. The pot's walls are thicker than typical domestic pottery. Its find location suggests that it was probably made for an industrial rather than domestic purpose (possible pot bellow?). Dark smudging on the exterior surface affected both the upper and lower layers of clay, implying that it was exposed to high heat in a reducing atmosphere after manufacture. Striations on the vessel's interior (left) are the result of smoothing and forming during manufacture, with a small area of post-manufacture smudging visible (upper left). The vessel's ceramic fabric is tempered with laterite and crushed slag inclusions. It was found in close association with an anvil/grinding stone (GS 09-15), a circular iron disc (SF 09-370) and an irregularly shaped flat piece of iron (SF 09-371). Intact rim's diameter (exterior lip): 13.5 cm. Photo scale in cm. Site Ngre Kataa. 4 July 2009.
- Rights:
- Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial
- Publisher:
- University of Victoria Libraries
- Relation:
- https://exhibits.library.uvic.ca/spotlight/iaff/catalog/17-19107; https://exhibits.library.uvic.ca/spotlight/iaff/catalog/17-19103; https://exhibits.library.uvic.ca/spotlight/iaff/catalog/17-19102;
- Provenance:
- Ngre Kataa, Mound 6, Unit 50N 6W, Level 4, 97-105 cm bd
- Date:
- 2009-07-04
- Location(s) Facet:
- Ngre Kataa
- Subjects:
- Jar
- Subjects Facet:
- Pottery; Archaeology; Artifacts (Antiquities)
- Identifier:
- NK 09-787
- Creator:
- Dr. Ann B. Stahl
- Date searchable:
- 2009
- Date searchable:
- 2009-07-04
- Genre Facet:
- Digital image
- Source:
- Dr. Ann B. Stahl
- Location(s):
- Ngre Kataa;8.11277778, -2.30611111
- Sketchfab Uid:
- Commentary:
- Composite photo made using Adobe Photoshop 2020
- Geographic Coordinates:
- 8.11277778, -2.30611111
31. Anvil and grinding stones in a metallurgical workshop, Ngre Kataa, 2009
- Description:
- View across four excavation units, looking west across an area interpreted as a metallurgical workshop. An anvil stone (GS 09-01) sits insitu in the foreground in unit 50N 2W. In the northwest corner of the same unit (below the roll of red flagging tape, right), the remains of a partially excavated burned feature interpreted as a forge are visible. A pottery jar (NK 09-686), lidded with a broken rounded base of another pot, is visible in the next unit (50N 4W). It sits adjacent to another burned feature in the unit's northwest corner (behind the pot, not visible in this photo). The jar is overlaid by another burned feature (visible as a layer of orange soil). A second pot (NK 09-685), to the left of the first, is covered by a flat stone (GS 09-13) whose lower surface shows evidence of grinding. A larger flat U-shaped grinding stone (GS 09-12) sits insitu atop a soil pedestal in the northeast corner of the next unit (50N 6W). To the south (left) of the stones, a partially exposed jar rim (NK 09-749) is visible close to the eastern edge of unit 50N 6W). Behind it, a large anvil/grinding stone (GS 09-15; faintly visible because it blends into the surrounding soil color) is partially exposed, with a smaller hammer/grinding stone (GS 09-16) sitting in front and left (south) of the large stone. A smaller grinding stone (GS 09-19; upper left of photo) has been pedestaled insitu in the farthest unit (50N 8W). Subsequent excavations in unit 50N 8W revealed a series of burned features in its northwest corner. A two meter yellow tape is extended along the edge of unit 50N 4W (right). Site Ngre Kataa. 24 June 2009.
- Rights:
- Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial
- Publisher:
- University of Victoria Libraries
- Provenance:
- Ngre Kataa, Mound 6, Units 50N, 2 to 8 W, various levels
- Date:
- 2009-06-24
- Location(s) Facet:
- Ngre Kataa
- Subjects:
- Anvil stone; Grinding stone
- Subjects Facet:
- Excavations (Archaeology); Archaeology; Metalworking; Pottery
- Creator:
- Dr. Ann B. Stahl
- Date searchable:
- 2009
- Date searchable:
- 2009-06-24
- Genre Facet:
- Digital image
- Format:
- Image
- Source:
- Dr. Ann B. Stahl
- Location(s):
- Ngre Kataa;8.11277778, -2.30611111
- Sketchfab Uid:
- Geographic Coordinates:
- 8.11277778, -2.30611111
32. Burned features, unit 46N 2W, Ngre Kataa, 2009
- Description:
- Three burned features are visible at the base of level 6 in unit 46N 2W. Two circular features (F1, right & F2, left) have been cross-sectioned, creating a straight edge. Burned feature 3 is an irregularly shaped (rectangular) area pedestaled on the east (right) side of the excavation unit. Along the unit's west wall (left) is an unexcavated rectangular area. Within this matrix was a perforated pot (NK 09-789) lidded with the pedestal base from another pot. The perforated pot contained cowries and small fragments of iron. In units to the north (behind), a row of insitu anvil stones (GS 09-03, -09-02 and 09-01, near to far) is visible in units 48N 2W and 50N 2W. To the east (right) of these, a flat grinding stone (GS 09-08) and an anvil stone (GS 09-06) can be seen insitu in units 48N 0W and 50N 0W. A pottery jar (NK 09-790) rests insitu in the center of unit 50N 0W. To the left of the archaeologist in the blue shirt (Abass Iddrisu), a flat grinding stone (GS 09-12) and a pot (NK 09-685) lidded with a grinding stone (GS 09-13) are visible on the boundary between units 50N 4-6W. Excavation units measure 2 x 2 meters. Site Ngre Kataa. 24 June 2009.
- Rights:
- Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial
- Publisher:
- University of Victoria Libraries
- Relation:
- https://exhibits.library.uvic.ca/spotlight/iaff/catalog/17-17597; https://exhibits.library.uvic.ca/spotlight/iaff/catalog/17-19115
- Provenance:
- Ngre Kataa, Mound 6, Unit 46N 2W
- Date:
- 2009-06-24
- Location(s) Facet:
- Ngre Kataa
- Subjects:
- Anvil stone; Grinding stone
- Subjects Facet:
- Excavations (Archaeology); Archaeology; Pottery; Metalworking
- Creator:
- Dr. Ann B. Stahl
- Date searchable:
- 2009
- Date searchable:
- 2009-06-24
- Genre Facet:
- Digital image
- Format:
- Image
- Source:
- Dr. Ann B. Stahl
- Location(s):
- Ngre Kataa;8.11277778, -2.30611111
- Sketchfab Uid:
- Geographic Coordinates:
- 8.11277778, -2.30611111
33. Insitu artifact cluster, mound 6, Ngre Kataa, 2009
- Description:
- A large insitu anvil/grinding stone in an area interpreted by archaeologists as a metallurgical workshop. It is associated with several smaller stones that show signs of use as grinding or hammer stones. On the northwest side of the stone is a partial pottery vessel--unusual for its layered construction (NK 09-787). To the right of the partial pot are two flat iron discs (larger, above, SF 09-370 and smaller, below SF 90-371). The smaller grinding stone (upper left of photo) rested, grinding surface down, on top of a pottery jar (NK 09-788) which was exposed in the next excavation level. Photo scale bar in 5 cm increments. Photo arrow pointing north. Site Ngre Kataa. 4 July 2009.
- Rights:
- Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial
- Publisher:
- University of Victoria Libraries
- Provenance:
- Ngre Kataa, Mound 6, Unit 50N 6W, Level 7
- Date:
- 2009-07-04
- Location(s) Facet:
- Ngre Kataa
- Subjects:
- Grinding stone
- Subjects Facet:
- Archaeology; Excavations (Archaeology); Iron; Pottery; Artifacts (Antiquities)
- Creator:
- Dr. Ann B. Stahl
- Date searchable:
- 2009
- Date searchable:
- 2009-07-04
- Genre Facet:
- Digital image
- Format:
- Image
- Source:
- Dr. Ann B. Stahl
- Coverage:
- https://exhibits.library.uvic.ca/spotlight/iaff/catalog/17-19103; https://exhibits.library.uvic.ca/spotlight/iaff/catalog/17-19102
- Location(s):
- Ngre Kataa;8.11277778, -2.30611111
- Sketchfab Uid:
- Geographic Coordinates:
- 8.11277778, -2.30611111
34. Insitu artifact cluster, mound 6, Ngre Kataa, 2009
- Description:
- A large insitu anvil/grinding stone in an area interpreted by archaeologists as a metallurgical workshop (two views). It is associated with several smaller stones that show signs of use as grinding or hammer stones. On the northwest side of the large stone (GS 09-15) is a partial pottery vessel--unusual for its layered construction (NK 09-787). Sitting adjacent to the partial pot are two flat iron discs (larger one, above in photo 1, SF 09-370 and smaller, below in photo 1, SF 90-371). A smaller grinding stone (GS 09-24) sits northeast of the anvil stone, positioned with its grinding surface down. It rested on top of a pottery jar (NK 09-788) which was exposed in the next excavation level. An area of fire-hardened sediment to the southeast of the anvil stone (photo 2) is interpreted as part of a forging feature. Photo scale bar in 5 cm increments. Photo arrow pointing north. Site Ngre Kataa. 4 July 2009.
- Rights:
- Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial
- Publisher:
- University of Victoria Libraries
- Relation:
- https://exhibits.library.uvic.ca/spotlight/iaff/catalog/17-19104; https://exhibits.library.uvic.ca/spotlight/iaff/catalog/17-19103; https://exhibits.library.uvic.ca/spotlight/iaff/catalog/17-19102
- Provenance:
- Ngre Kataa, Mound 6, Unit 50N 6W, Level 7
- Date:
- 2009-07-04
- Location(s) Facet:
- Ngre Kataa
- Subjects:
- Grinding stone
- Subjects Facet:
- Archaeology; Excavations (Archaeology); Iron; Pottery; Artifacts (Antiquities)
- Creator:
- Dr. Ann B. Stahl
- Date searchable:
- 2009
- Date searchable:
- 2009-07-04
- Genre Facet:
- Digital image
- Format:
- Image
- Location(s):
- Ngre Kataa;8.11277778, -2.30611111
- Sketchfab Uid:
- Geographic Coordinates:
- 8.11277778, -2.30611111
35. Insitu grinding stone and jar, mound 6, Ngre Kataa, 2008
- Description:
- View from above of an insitu grinding stone (GS 08-03) and a pottery jar (NK 08-176) at the base of excavation level 3 in an area (mound 6) that archaeologists interpret as a metallurgical workshop. The grinding stone has a concave upper surface, partly obscured by unexcavated soil. Roots and rootlets are visible on the right side of the photo. Photo stick marked in 5 cm increments. Arrow pointing north. Site Ngre Kataa. 1 July 2008.
- Rights:
- Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial
- Publisher:
- University of Victoria Libraries
- Relation:
- https://exhibits.library.uvic.ca/spotlight/iaff/catalog/17-19128
- Provenance:
- Ngre Kataa, Mound 6, Unit 44N 4W, Level 3
- Date:
- 2008-07-01
- Location(s) Facet:
- Ngre Kataa
- Subjects:
- Grinding stone; Jar
- Subjects Facet:
- Excavations (Archaeology); Archaeology; Metalworking; Pottery
- Creator:
- Dr. Ann B. Stahl
- Date searchable:
- 2008
- Date searchable:
- 2008-07-01
- Genre Facet:
- Digital image
- Format:
- Image
- Location(s):
- Ngre Kataa;8.11277778, -2.30611111
- Sketchfab Uid:
- Geographic Coordinates:
- 8.11277778, -2.30611111
36. Pottery jar, mound 6, Ngre Kataa, 2008
- Description:
- Photo of a globular pottery jar (NK 08-176) found in an area (mound 6) that archaeologists interpret as a metallurgical workshop. The pot was found sitting next to a large grinding stone (GS 08-03). The jar's lip is slightly everted and its upper surface is undecorated. A horizontal band of contiguous diagonal impressions marked in alternating directions ("/\/\") appears above the jar's rounded shoulder. Its lower body and base are darkened and surface treated with fiber roulette impression. Rim diameter: 18cm at exterior lip. Vessel height (base to rim): 17 cm. Photo scale in cm. Site Ngre Kataa. 1 July 2008.
- Rights:
- Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial
- Publisher:
- University of Victoria Libraries
- Relation:
- https://exhibits.library.uvic.ca/spotlight/iaff/catalog/17-19127
- Provenance:
- Ngre Kataa, Mound 6, Unit 44N 4W. Piece plot: 145-160 cm W, 12-30 cm S, 46-63 cm bd
- Date:
- 2008-07-01
- Location(s) Facet:
- Ngre Kataa
- Subjects:
- Jar; Fiber roulette
- Subjects Facet:
- Archaeology; Artifacts (Antiquities); Pottery
- Identifier:
- NK 08-176
- Creator:
- Dr. Ann B. Stahl
- Date searchable:
- 2008
- Date searchable:
- 2008-07-01
- Genre Facet:
- Digital image
- Format:
- Image
- Source:
- Dr. Ann B. Stahl
- Location(s):
- Ngre Kataa;8.11277778, -2.30611111
- Sketchfab Uid:
- Geographic Coordinates:
- 8.11277778, -2.30611111
37. Everted-rim pottery jar, Ngre Kataa, 2008
- Description:
- Photo of a pottery jar with a slightly everted rim (NK 08-406), found insitu in an area that archaeologists interpret as a metallurgical workshop. Above its rounded shoulder, the jar's surface is undecorated, with the possible exception of traces of red pigment in some areas. The jar's shoulder is decorated with a band of circular punctates interspersed with cross-hatched designs, repeated twice around the jar's circumference. Its base and lower body are surface treated with cord roulette in a zone bounded by a band of diagonal impressions which create a zigzag design ("/\/\"). The jar is fire-clouded in zones across its surface. The jar was found in the vicinty of a grinding stone (GS 08-10), a partial tuyere (NK 08-284) and a burned feature. Rim diameter at exterior lip: 20 cm. Vessel height: 19 cm. Site Ngre Kataa. 15 July 2008.
- Rights:
- Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial
- Publisher:
- University of Victoria Libraries
- Relation:
- https://exhibits.library.uvic.ca/spotlight/iaff/catalog/17-17598
- Provenance:
- Ngre Kataa, Mound 6, Unit 42N 4W. Piece plot: 39-56 cm S, 37-55 cm W, 66-81 cm bd
- Date:
- 2008-07-15
- Location(s) Facet:
- Ngre Kataa
- Subjects:
- Jar; Punctate; Cord roulette
- Subjects Facet:
- Archaeology; Pottery; Artifacts (Antiquities)
- Identifier:
- NK 08-406
- Creator:
- Dr. Ann B. Stahl
- Date searchable:
- 2008
- Date searchable:
- 2008-07-15
- Genre Facet:
- Digital image
- Format:
- Image
- Source:
- Dr. Ann B. Stahl
- Location(s):
- Ngre Kataa;8.11277778, -2.30611111
- Sketchfab Uid:
- Geographic Coordinates:
- 8.11277778, -2.30611111
38. In situ pottery and grinding stones, Ngre Kataa, 2008
- Description:
- Excavations in units 42N 4W and 44N 4W have exposed clusters of pottery, grinding stones, tuyeres and an area of burned soil associated with metal working at mound 6, Ngre Kataa. Foreground, bottom right, are a partial pottery jar (NK 08-520) and a small flat grinding stone (GS 08-12; partially visible). To the left (west), framed by photo scales, is a burned feature. Next to it sits a hand-held hammerstone (GS 08-11). Above (to the north), a cluster of pottery and a partial tuyere (NK 08-284) are visible along the boundary between excavation units (marked by stakes). To the right of that cluster (east), a grinding stone (GS 08-10) has been pedestaled where it was found, resting with its working surface face down. Two pottery vessels sit at a slightly lower level (NK 08-406). Top center of the photo, at the far end of the excavated area, a cluster of anvil stones is visible (GS 08-05 to 08) in excavation unit 46N 4W. Photo scale adjacent to burned feature marked in 5 cm intervals. View looking north. Site Ngre Kataa. 7 July 2008.
- Rights:
- Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial
- Publisher:
- University of Victoria Libraries
- Relation:
- https://exhibits.library.uvic.ca/spotlight/iaff/catalog/17-19175; https://exhibits.library.uvic.ca/spotlight/iaff/catalog/17-17598; https://exhibits.library.uvic.ca/spotlight/iaff/catalog/17-19132; https://exhibits.library.uvic.ca/spotlight/iaff/catalog/17-19135
- Provenance:
- Ngre Kataa, Mound 6, 42-46N 4W, Level 2
- Date:
- 2008-07-05
- Location(s) Facet:
- Ngre Kataa
- Subjects:
- Grinding stone; Anvil stone
- Subjects Facet:
- Archaeology; Excavations (Archaeology); Pottery; Metalworking
- Creator:
- Dr. Ann B. Stahl
- Date searchable:
- 2008
- Date searchable:
- 2008-07-05
- Genre Facet:
- Digital image
- Format:
- Image
- Source:
- Dr. Ann B. Stahl
- Location(s):
- Ngre Kataa;8.11277778, -2.30611111
- Sketchfab Uid:
- Geographic Coordinates:
- 8.11277778, -2.30611111
39. In situ pottery, anvil and grinding stones, Ngre Kataa, 2008
- Description:
- Wide view of excavation unit 44N 6W in an area (mound 6) that archaeologists interpret as a metallurgical workshop. Lower left, below the unit's corner stake (44N 6W), the partial rim of an everted jar (NK 08-408) has been pedestaled. It rests with its rim down. Between it and a large anvil stone (GS 08-25, center photo) is a smaller light-colored stone (GS 08-21) and piece of a jar rim. Another jar rim (NK 08-409) has been pedestaled in place to the left (east) of the anvil stone. Behind the anvil stone, an everted-rim jar (NK 08-407, photo stick in front) has been partially exposed. In the unit's center, to the right of the anvil stone, the rounded edge of a burned feature is visible. To the right (west) and in front (north) of that, a photo scale sits alongside an iron projectile point (SF 08-112). The soil around it has been dampened to aid excavation (dark circular area). To its right (west) is another piece of a worn grinding stone (GS 08-20). Visible in the adjacent units (left, east) is a grindstone (GS 08-10) which has been pedestaled in place and to its right a cluster of pottery and a tuyere (NK 08-284). View looking south. Photo bar marked in 5 cm intervals. Site Ngre Kataa. 7 July 2008.
- Rights:
- Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial
- Publisher:
- University of Victoria Libraries
- Relation:
- https://exhibits.library.uvic.ca/spotlight/iaff/catalog/17-19138
- Provenance:
- Ngre Kataa, Mound 6, 44N 6W, 70 cm bd
- Date:
- 2008-07-05
- Location(s) Facet:
- Ngre Kataa
- Subjects:
- Anvil stone; Grinding stone; Jar
- Subjects Facet:
- Archaeology; Excavations (Archaeology); Pottery; Metalworking
- Creator:
- Dr. Ann B. Stahl
- Date searchable:
- 2008
- Date searchable:
- 2008-07-05
- Genre Facet:
- Digital image
- Format:
- Image
- Source:
- Dr. Ann B. Stahl
- Location(s):
- Ngre Kataa;8.11277778, -2.30611111
- Sketchfab Uid:
- Geographic Coordinates:
- 8.11277778, -2.30611111
40. Anvil stone and burned feature, Ngre Kataa, 2008
- Description:
- An insitu anvil stone (GS 08-25) is surrounded by several fragmentary and one complete pottery vessel (NK08-407) in an area that archaeologists interpret as a metallurgical workshop. At the top and center (southeast) is a cluster of sherds from a broken pot and a piece of a tuyere. In the lower right, to the west of the anvil stone and framed by photo scales, is a circular burned feature (Feature 2) with an outer ring of oxidized red sediment (Munsell 2.5YR 5/6) and a yellowish red (Munsell 5YR 4/6) center. Features similar to this appeared across this workshop area and may have been created by exposing rounded base containers to high heat. A yellow glass bead (SF 08-234) was found in the fill of a shallow feature characterized by ashy soil and charcoal located immediately south (lower right) of the burned feature. Black-and-white photo scale marked in 5 cm increments. View looking southeast. Site Ngre Kataa. 8 July 2008.
- Rights:
- Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial
- Publisher:
- University of Victoria Libraries
- Relation:
- https://exhibits.library.uvic.ca/spotlight/iaff/catalog/17-19137; https://exhibits.library.uvic.ca/spotlight/iaff/catalog/17-19142
- Provenance:
- Ngre Kataa, Mound 6, Unit 44N 6W, Feature 2
- Date:
- 2008-07-08
- Location(s) Facet:
- Ngre Kataa
- Subjects:
- Anvil stone; Tuyere
- Subjects Facet:
- Archaeology; Excavations (Archaeology); Pottery;
- Creator:
- Dr. Ann B. Stahl
- Date searchable:
- 2008
- Date searchable:
- 2008-07-08
- Genre Facet:
- Digital image
- Source:
- Dr. Ann B. Stahl
- Location(s):
- Ngre Kataa;8.11277778, -2.30611111
- Sketchfab Uid:
- Geographic Coordinates:
- 8.11277778, -2.30611111
41. Pottery bowl and iron bangles, Ngre Kataa, 2008
- Description:
- The body and base of a large pottery bowl has been exposed by exavation in unit 46N 8W. Surrounding this bowl was a cluster of sherds from other pottery vessels, now removed to expose several iron bangles of different shapes and sizes, seen insitu here. Between the bowl and the photo scale is an iron bangle (SF NK 08-169) formed from a spiral-twisted rod. Pedestaled to the right of the bowl (east) is an iron bangle (SF NK 08-140) made from a round rod that was coiled. Visible in the wall behind and to the right of the bowl (north) is a smalled coiled iron bangle made from a flattened piece of iron (SF NK 08-182). This cluster (A) was part of a larger cluster (A-D) of artifacts that archaeologists interpret as a shrine placed in a metallurgical workshop. Rootlets are visible in the wall and floor of the unit. View looking north. Photo scale in 5 cm increments. Site Ngre Kataa. 9 July 2008.
- Rights:
- Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial
- Publisher:
- University of Victoria Libraries
- Relation:
- https://exhibits.library.uvic.ca/spotlight/iaff/catalog/17-19144; https://exhibits.library.uvic.ca/spotlight/iaff/catalog/17-19145; https://exhibits.library.uvic.ca/spotlight/iaff/catalog/17-19147; https://exhibits.library.uvic.ca/spotlight/iaff/catalog/17-19148
- Provenance:
- Ngre Kataa, Mound 6, Unit 46N 8W, Level 2
- Date:
- 2008-07-09
- Location(s) Facet:
- Ngre Kataa;8.11277778, -2.30611111
- Subjects Facet:
- Archaeology; Excavations (Archaeology); Pottery; Ornaments; Bangles; Metalworking; Shrines
- Creator:
- Dr. Ann B. Stahl
- Date searchable:
- 2008
- Date searchable:
- 2008-07-09
- Genre Facet:
- Digital image
- Format:
- Image
- Source:
- Dr. Ann B. Stahl
- Location(s):
- Ngre Kataa;
- Coverage-Temporal:
- Ngre Kataa
- Sketchfab Uid:
- Geographic Coordinates:
- 8.11277778, -2.30611111
42. Everted-rim pottery jar, Ngre Kataa, 2008
- Description:
- Photo of a pottery jar with a slightly everted rim (NK 08-406), found insitu in an area that archaeologists interpret as a metallurgical workshop. Above its rounded shoulder, the jar's surface is undecorated, with the possible exception of traces of red pigment in some areas. The jar's shoulder is decorated with a band of circular punctates interspersed with cross-hatched designs, repeated twice around the jar's circumference. Its base and lower body are surface treated with cord roulette in a zone bounded by a band of diagonal impressions which create a zigzag design ("/\/\"). The jar is fire-clouded in zones across its surface. The jar was found in the vicinty of a grinding stone (GS 08-10), a partial tuyere (NK 08-284) and a burned feature. Rim diameter at exterior lip: 20 cm. Vessel height: 19 cm. Site Ngre Kataa. 15 July 2008.
- Rights:
- Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial
- Publisher:
- University of Victoria Libraries
- Relation:
- https://exhibits.library.uvic.ca/spotlight/iaff/catalog/17-17598
- Provenance:
- Ngre Kataa, Mound 6, Unit 42N 4W. Piece plot: 39-56 cm S, 37-55 cm W, 66-81 cm bd
- Date:
- 2008-07-15
- Location(s) Facet:
- Ngre Kataa
- Subjects:
- Jar; Punctate; Cord roulette
- Subjects Facet:
- Archaeology; Pottery; Artifacts (Antiquities)
- Identifier:
- NK 08-406
- Creator:
- Dr. Ann B. Stahl
- Date searchable:
- 2008
- Date searchable:
- 2008-07-15
- Genre Facet:
- Digital image
- Format:
- Image
- Source:
- Dr. Ann B. Stahl
- Location(s):
- Ngre Kataa;8.11277778, -2.30611111
- Sketchfab Uid:
- Geographic Coordinates:
- 8.11277778, -2.30611111
43. Pottery bowl and iron bangles, Ngre Kataa, 2008
- Description:
- The body and base of a large pottery bowl has been exposed by exavation in unit 46N 8W. Surrounding this bowl was a cluster of sherds from other pottery vessels, now removed to expose several iron bangles of different shapes and sizes, seen insitu here. At the base of the photo, center, is an iron bangle (SF NK 08-169) formed from a spiral-twisted rod. Pedestaled to the right of the bowl (east) is an iron bangle (SF NK 08-140) made from a round rod that was coiled. Visible in the wall behind and to the right of the bowl (north; above the photo scale) is a small coiled iron bangle made from a flattened piece of iron (SF NK 08-182). A smaller bangle-like artifact lies directly above the pot, center photo (north; SF 08-139). This area (cluster A) was part of a larger cluster (clusters A-D) of artifacts that archaeologists interpret as a shrine placed in a metallurgical workshop. Rootlets are visible in the wall and floor of the unit. View from above, north at top of photo. Photo scale in cm increments. Site Ngre Kataa. 9 July 2008.
- Rights:
- Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial
- Publisher:
- University of Victoria Libraries
- Relation:
- https://exhibits.library.uvic.ca/spotlight/iaff/catalog/17-19143; https://exhibits.library.uvic.ca/spotlight/iaff/catalog/17-19145; https://exhibits.library.uvic.ca/spotlight/iaff/catalog/17-19146; https://exhibits.library.uvic.ca/spotlight/iaff/catalog/17-19148
- Provenance:
- Ngre Kataa, Mound 6, Unit 46N 8W, Level 2
- Date:
- 2008-07-09
- Location(s) Facet:
- Ngre Kataa
- Subjects Facet:
- Archaeology; Excavations (Archaeology); Pottery; Ornaments; Bangles; Metalworking; Shrines
- Creator:
- Dr. Ann B. Stahl
- Date searchable:
- 2008
- Date searchable:
- 2008-07-09
- Genre Facet:
- Digital image
- Format:
- Image
- Source:
- Dr. Ann B. Stahl
- Location(s):
- Ngre Kataa;8.11277778, -2.30611111
- Sketchfab Uid:
- Geographic Coordinates:
- 8.11277778, -2.30611111
44. Burned features in a metalworking area, Ngre Kataa, 2008
- Description:
- An arc of orange-red burned features has been exposed in excavation units 46N 8W and 48N 8W in an area (mound 6) that archaeologists interpret as a metallurgical workshop. To the left (west), the body and base of a large pottery bowl (NK 08-522) has been pedestaled insitu. A number of iron bangles surrounded this bowl (cluster A) as part of a large shrine cluster that extended into adjacent units (where the trunk of a small tree is visible, upper left). The base of this cluster was about 20-30 cm above the burned basins exposed in this photo. Center photo, flanked by photo scales, the round rim of a pottery jar is visible in outline. To the right (east) of the burned features, two hammerstones rest insitu next to one another. To the north of the burned features (forward right of the sign board), a zone of white plaster-like sediment is visible. Far right, archaeologist Abass Iddrisu uses a trowel to expose the contours of burned sediment in an adjacent excavation unit. Red and white scale is two meters in length. Arrow pointing north. Site Ngre Kataa. 17 July 2008.
- Rights:
- Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial
- Publisher:
- University of Victoria Libraries
- Relation:
- https://exhibits.library.uvic.ca/spotlight/iaff/catalog/17-19170; https://exhibits.library.uvic.ca/spotlight/iaff/catalog/17-19178
- Provenance:
- Ngre Kataa, Mound 6, Units 46-48N 8W, 70 cm bd
- Date:
- 2008-07-17
- Location(s) Facet:
- Ngre Kataa
- Subjects Facet:
- Archaeology; Excavations (Archaeology); Pottery; Metalworking; Shrines
- Creator:
- Dr. Ann B. Stahl
- Date searchable:
- 2008
- Date searchable:
- 2008-07-17
- Genre Facet:
- Digital image
- Format:
- Image
- Source:
- Dr. Ann B. Stahl
- Location(s):
- Ngre Kataa;8.11277778, -2.30611111
- People Depicted:
- Abass Idrisu
- Sketchfab Uid:
- Geographic Coordinates:
- 8.11277778, -2.30611111
45. Burned features in a metalworking area, Ngre Kataa, 2008
- Description:
- An arc of orange-red burned features has been exposed in excavation units 46N 8W and 48N 8W in an area (mound 6) that archaeologists interpret as a metallurgical workshop. To the left (west), the body and base of a large pottery bowl (NK 08-522) has been pedestaled insitu. A number of iron bangles surrounded this bowl (cluster A) as part of a large shrine cluster (A-D) that extended into adjacent units (where the trunk of a small tree is visible, above left of the sign board). The base of this cluster was about 20-30 cm above the burned basins exposed in this photo. The everted rim of a pottery jar visible in the north wall of the excavation unit (top left) was part of an adjacent cluster (B) that also included iron bangles (SF 08-183 & 184). Center photo, flanked by a photo scale, the round rim of a pottery jar is visible in outline. To the right (east) of the burned features, two hammerstones rest insitu next to one another. To the north of the burned features (forward right of the sign board), a zone of white plaster-like sediment is visible. Red and white scale is two meters in length. Arrow pointing north. Site Ngre Kataa. 17 July 2008.
- Rights:
- Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial
- Publisher:
- University of Victoria Libraries
- Relation:
- https://exhibits.library.uvic.ca/spotlight/iaff/catalog/17-19180; https://exhibits.library.uvic.ca/spotlight/iaff/catalog/17-19140; https://exhibits.library.uvic.ca/spotlight/iaff/catalog/17-19178; https://exhibits.library.uvic.ca/spotlight/iaff/catalog/17-19149; https://exhibits.library.uvic.ca/spotlight/iaff/catalog/17-19169
- Provenance:
- Ngre Kataa, Mound 6, Units 46-48N 8W, 70 cm bd
- Date:
- 2008-07-17
- Location(s) Facet:
- Ngre Kataa
- Subjects Facet:
- Archaeology; Excavations (Archaeology); Pottery; Metalworking; Shrines
- Creator:
- Dr. Ann B. Stahl
- Date searchable:
- 2008
- Date searchable:
- 2008-07-17
- Genre Facet:
- Digital image
- Format:
- Image
- Source:
- Dr. Ann B. Stahl
- Location(s):
- Ngre Kataa;8.11277778, -2.30611111
- Sketchfab Uid:
- Geographic Coordinates:
- 8.11277778, -2.30611111
46. Insitu pottery and grinding stones, Ngre Kataa, 2008
- Description:
- View looking northward of early stage excavations at mound 6, Ngre Kataa, an area that archaeologists interpret as a metallurgical workshop. Center view is of units 42-48N 4W. In foreground, excavations in units 42N 4W and 44N 4W ave exposed clusters of pottery, a grinding stones, tuyeres and an area of burned soil associated with metal working. Foreground, bottom right, are a partial pottery jar (NK 08-520) and to its right (east) a small flat grinding stone (GS 08-12; ). To the left (west), framed by photo scales, is a burned feature. Next to it sits a hand-held hammerstone (GS 08-11). Above (to the north), a cluster of pottery and a partial tuyere (NK 08-284) are visible along the boundary between excavation units (marked by stakes). To the right of that cluster (east), a grinding stone (GS 08-10) has been pedestaled where it was found, resting with its working surface face down. A whole pottery vessel sit at a slightly lower level (NK 08-406) a short distance away (south east). Top center of the photo, at the far end of the excavated area, a cluster of anvil stones is visible (GS 08-05 to 08) in excavation unit 46N 4W. Excavations in the adjacent unit (46N 2W) in 2009 revealed a perforated shrine pot resting at a slightly lower level next to these stones. Photo scale adjacent to burned feature marked in 5 cm intervals. View looking north. Site Ngre Kataa. 5 July 2008.
- Rights:
- Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial
- Publisher:
- University of Victoria Libraries
- Relation:
- https://exhibits.library.uvic.ca/spotlight/iaff/catalog/17-19136; https://exhibits.library.uvic.ca/spotlight/iaff/catalog/17-17598; https://exhibits.library.uvic.ca/spotlight/iaff/catalog/17-19132; https://exhibits.library.uvic.ca/spotlight/iaff/catalog/17-19135
- Provenance:
- Ngre Kataa, Mound 6, 42-48N 4W, Level 2
- Date:
- 2008-07-05
- Location(s) Facet:
- Ngre Kataa
- Subjects:
- Anvil stone; Grinding stone
- Subjects Facet:
- Archaeology; Excavations (Archaeology); Pottery; Metalworking
- Creator:
- Dr. Ann B. Stahl
- Date searchable:
- 2008
- Date searchable:
- 2008-07-05
- Genre Facet:
- Digital image
- Format:
- Image
- Source:
- Dr. Ann B. Stahl
- Location(s):
- Ngre Kataa;8.11277778, -2.30611111
- Sketchfab Uid:
- Geographic Coordinates:
- 8.11277778, -2.30611111
47. In situ pottery and tuyere, Ngre Kataa, 2008
- Description:
- Excavations on the south edge of unit 44N 4W have exposed a cluster of insitu pottery and a tuyere fragment in an area (mound 6) that archaeologists interpret as a metallurgical workshop. Foreground, broken pieces of a pottery jar lie with their exterior surfaces facing down. Behind them and left rests a tuyere fragment (NK 08-284), its circular cross-section visible in front of the sign board. To the right (west) of this cluster is an area of dark reddened soil, one of many examples of burned soil in this area where metals were worked. This diffuse area of reddened soil extended underneath the sherd cluster, center photo. To the right, embedded in the balk behind the north arrow (to its south), the tip of a partial iron point (SF 08-159) is visible (right of the circular patch of dark soil). Photo scale in front marked in cm. Arrow pointing north. Site Ngre Kataa. 10 July 2008.
- Rights:
- Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial
- Publisher:
- University of Victoria Libraries
- Relation:
- https://exhibits.library.uvic.ca/spotlight/iaff/catalog/17-17598
- Provenance:
- Ngre Kataa, Mound 6, 44 N 4W, Level 3
- Date:
- 2008-07-10
- Location(s) Facet:
- Ngre Kataa
- Subjects Facet:
- Archaeology; Excavations (Archaeology); Pottery; Metalworking; Tuyere
- Creator:
- Dr. Ann B. Stahl
- Date searchable:
- 2008
- Date searchable:
- 2008-07-10
- Genre Facet:
- Digital image
- Format:
- Image
- Source:
- Dr. Ann B. Stahl
- Location(s):
- Ngre Kataa;8.11277778, -2.30611111
- Sketchfab Uid:
- Geographic Coordinates:
- 8.11277778, -2.30611111
48. Burned features in a metalworking area, Ngre Kataa, 2008
- Description:
- An arc of orange-red burned features is being revealed by excavations in units 46N 8W and 48N 8W in an area (mound 6) that archaeologists interpret as a metallurgical workshop. To the left (west), the body and base of a large pottery bowl (NK 08-522) has been pedestaled insitu. A number of iron bangles surrounded this bowl (cluster A) as part of a large shrine cluster that extended into adjacent units (where the everted jar rim is visible in the north wall, upper left). The base of this cluster was about 20-30 cm above the burned basins exposed in this photo. To the north of the burned features (forward right of the sign board), a zone of white plaster-like sediment is visible. Far right, archaeologist Abass Iddrisu uses a trowel to expose the contours of burned sediment in an adjacent excavation unit. Red and white scale is two meters in length. Arrow pointing north. Site Ngre Kataa. 16 July 2008.
- Rights:
- Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial
- Publisher:
- University of Victoria Libraries
- Relation:
- https://exhibits.library.uvic.ca/spotlight/iaff/catalog/17-19170
- Date:
- 2008-07-16
- Location(s) Facet:
- Ngre Kataa
- Subjects Facet:
- Archaeology; Excavations (Archaeology); Pottery; Metalworking; Shrines
- Creator:
- Dr. Ann B. Stahl
- Date searchable:
- 2008
- Date searchable:
- 2008-07-16
- Genre Facet:
- Digital image
- Format:
- Image
- Source:
- Dr. Ann B. Stahl
- Location(s):
- Ngre Kataa;8.11277778, -2.30611111
- Sketchfab Uid:
- Geographic Coordinates:
- 8.11277778, -2.30611111
49. Shrine cluster, Mound 6, Ngre Kataa, 2009
- Description:
- A group of insitu artifacts interpreted by archaeologists as a shrine cluster, located in a metallurgical workshop (mound 6). The cluster included a partial everted-jar rim (center), in front of which (north) was a carefully placed group of iron objects, including a flattened iron disc (SF 09-172) standing on edge, a long spike (SF 09-174) positioned horizontally, on top of which rested a half bangle (SF 09-173). To the right (west) of the jar rim is another iron bangle (SF 90-170). These objects are surrounded by broken pieces of pottery. This cluster (B, 8-10) was part of a larger grouping of objects (clusters A-D) that archaeologists interpret as a shrine feature that capped a metallurgical workshop. View looking south. Photo scale marked in 5 cm increments. Site Ngre Kataa. 10 June 2009.
- Rights:
- Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial
- Publisher:
- University of Victoria Libraries
- Relation:
- https://exhibits.library.uvic.ca/spotlight/iaff/catalog/17-19160; https://exhibits.library.uvic.ca/spotlight/iaff/catalog/17-19163; https://exhibits.library.uvic.ca/spotlight/iaff/catalog/17-19165; https://exhibits.library.uvic.ca/spotlight/iaff/catalog/17-19166
- Provenance:
- Ngre Kataa, Mound 6, 48N8W, Level 3
- Date:
- 2009-06-10
- Location(s) Facet:
- Ngre Kataa
- Subjects:
- Iron tool
- Subjects Facet:
- Excavations (Archaeology); Archaeology; Pottery; Bangles; Ornaments; Shrines
- Creator:
- Dr. Ann B. Stahl
- Date searchable:
- 2009
- Date searchable:
- 2009-06-10
- Genre Facet:
- Digital image
- Format:
- Image
- Source:
- Dr. Ann B. Stahl
- Location(s):
- Ngre Kataa;8.11277778, -2.30611111
- Sketchfab Uid:
- Geographic Coordinates:
- 8.11277778, -2.30611111
50. Shrine cluster, Mound 6, Ngre Kataa, 2009
- Description:
- A group of insitu artifacts interpreted by archaeologists as a shrine cluster, located in a metallurgical workshop (mound 6). The cluster included a partial everted-jar rim (upper right), in front of which (north) was a carefully placed group of iron objects, including a flattened iron disc (SF 09-172) standing on edge, a long spike (SF 09-174) positioned horizontally, on top of which rested a half bangle (SF 09-173). To the right (west) of the jar rim is another iron bangle (SF 90-170). To the right of this, surrounded by moistened soil, the edge of a large grinding stone (GS 09-32) is visible. Surrounding these objects are broken pieces of pottery. This cluster (B, 8-10) was part of a larger grouping of objects (clusters A-D) that archaeologists interpret as a shrine feature that capped a metallurgical workshop. Arrow pointing north, view from above. Photo scale marked in 5 cm increments. Site Ngre Kataa. 10 June 2009.
- Rights:
- Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial
- Publisher:
- University of Victoria Libraries
- Relation:
- https://exhibits.library.uvic.ca/spotlight/iaff/catalog/17-19164; https://exhibits.library.uvic.ca/spotlight/iaff/catalog/17-19159
- Provenance:
- Ngre Kataa, Mound 6, 48N8W, Level 3
- Date:
- 2009-06-10
- Location(s) Facet:
- Ngre Kataa
- Subjects:
- Iron tool
- Subjects Facet:
- Excavations (Archaeology); Archaeology; Pottery; Bangles; Ornaments; Shrines
- Creator:
- Dr. Ann B. Stahl
- Date searchable:
- 2009
- Date searchable:
- 2009-06-10
- Genre Facet:
- Digital image
- Format:
- Image
- Source:
- Dr. Ann B. Stahl
- Location(s):
- Ngre Kataa;8.11277778, -2.30611111
- Sketchfab Uid:
- Geographic Coordinates:
- 8.11277778, -2.30611111