An aerial view of Banda area settlements and roads, looking southeastward from the north side of Banda-Ahenkro, district administrative center since 2012 of the Banda District in Ghana's Bono (formerly Brong-Ahafo) Region. The linear range of Banda hills is visible in the background (right, top) with the compact core of Banda-Ahenkro center photo. To the west (right) and north (bottom), Ahenkro's houses are more dispersed than in its compact and older core. The left-hand fork of a Y-shaped road (center photo) is the main road that leads south towards Sabiye and Bofie to Menji. The right-hand fork is the now-bypassed old main road between Ahenkro and Kabruno. The road that extends horizontally across the left side of the photo is the paved road that extends from the Banda junction to the Wenchi-Bamboi road (N12). The clustered villages visible south of Ahenkro include Kanka, Kabruno, Sase, Gbao, Dompofie and Makala. To the west (photo's far right) of the Y-Junction, toward the base of the Banda hills, are light-green rectangular areas devoid of trees. These are fields once cleared for tobacco cultivation and now put to other forms of mono-cropping (single crop farming). To the east of Ahenkro (photo's far left) the angular straight edges and lighter green color of a cashew plantation stand out from the surrounding vegetation. Cashew has become an increasingly important cash crop grown in the area since the early 2000s. Two photos. Ahenkro, 25 June, 2019.
A map showing the location of towns and villages in the Banda Traditional Area, Bono Region, Ghana.
Creative Commons Attribution--NonCommercial
University of Victoria Libraries
Location(s) Facet:
Subjects Facet:
Maps; Villages; Banda (Brong-Ahafo Region, Ghana)
Desmond Roessingh
Date searchable:
Map; Maps
Genre Facet:
Banda, Ghana
Sketchfab Uid:
Technical note: Projection WGS 1984, UTM Zone 30N; Data sources: Ann Stahl (Banda border, point locations); Natural Earth (country boundaries); Humanitarian Data Exchange, Open Street Map (roads); DIVA GIS, Open Street Map (rivers and elevations)