View of the gap in the Banda hills near Ahenkro, standing on the south edge of town, looking southwest. To the right of the tree (center) is the iron-roofed clinic staffed by a government nurse. Blocking the view of the clinic is a wooden shed that housed one of the first diesel-powered corn grinding mills established in Ahenkro. Ahenkro, July-August, 1986.
View looking west to the gap in the Banda hills near Ahenkro, standing on the south side of town. To the far left stands the Banda Traditional Council building put up by the colonial government. To the right is the metal-roofed house assigned to the government nurse stationed in town to run the small clinic. Ahenkro, 1990.
Banda Research Project team member Ann Stahl sorts pottery sherds recovered through excavations at Makala Kataa. Once sorted, she will prepare an inventory of sherd forms and decorations. A group of children have gathered and look on. Ahenkro, 1990.
Banda Research Project team member Mensah Listowell processes soil samples from Makala Kataa using a bucket flotation method. The large head pan is filled with water into which he lowers a wire mesh basket filled with soil. As he gently shakes the basket, the soil dissolves and passes through the basket mesh. He uses a small mesh ladle to skim the seeds and charcoal ("light fraction") that float to the top of the water inside the basket. The "heavy fraction" which remains in the basket after the soil has washed away will be set aside to dry. It will be sorted for small artifacts like beads that may have been missed during excavation. Ahenkro, 1994.
Banda Research Project team members Courtney Amos (left) and Molly Sugrue (right) process artifact bags containing pottery at the Banda Cultural Centre. Ahenkro, July, 2001.
An elder dances to the rhythms of fɔntɔmfrɔm and atumpan (in Twi) drums at a funeral celebration held the day after an elderly woman died. The funeral is celebrated beneath the shade of the large kapok tree on the south side of Ahenkro at the market site. Two photos. Ahenkro, 15 October, 1982.