A young boy has made a lorry (truck) from tin cans and other discarded materials. The wheels are made from worn-out "flip-flop" shoes and the string tied to the front allows him to pull the truck. Behind him in the distance, to the right, is the wooden shed that housed one of the area's first corn-grinding mills. Ahenkro, 2000.
A man operates a diesel-powered corn mill in a roofed shed while another adjusts a grain bag nearby. He grinds grain into a plastic container resting in a headpan. Another headpan filled with maize (corn, bledju in Nafaanra) sits in front with a calabash used as a scoop sitting on top. Other plastic and metal containers sit nearby. Diesel-powered grinding mills first began to be set up in Ahenkro in the 1980s. They have become more common over the years, reducing the need for maize and other dried foodstuffs to be pounded by hand in wooden mortars. At the same time, they have expanded the need for cash income as grinding has become part and parcel of household budgets. Ahenkro, 2009.
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Location(s) Facet:
Diesel engine; Automation; Headpans; Plastic containers; Men's work
View to the west of the mountains near Ahenkro, standing on the south edge of town. Foreground is the soccer field and its improvised goal. To the right of a large tree (center, right) is the iron-roofed clinic staffed by a government nurse. In the distance, to the right of the soccer goal, is a wooden shed that housed one of the first diesel-powered corn grinding mills established in Ahenkro. Ahenkro, July-August, 1986.
View of the gap in the Banda hills near Ahenkro, standing on the south edge of town, looking southwest. To the right of the tree (center) is the iron-roofed clinic staffed by a government nurse. Blocking the view of the clinic is a wooden shed that housed one of the first diesel-powered corn grinding mills established in Ahenkro. Ahenkro, July-August, 1986.