Young girls wear the sacred beads and necklaces associated with the girls' nubility rites, known in Nafaanra as Manaa Ndiom. They are dressed in Manaa Ndiom attire as part of a cultural celebration associated with the commissioning of the Banda Cultural Centre. Manaa Ndiom is a time when adolescent girls come together to learn from their female elders as they transition to womanhood. Pictured, front row, L-R: Mariyama Puwee, Ama Kyerah (wearing white), Adua Bedeaba, Sarah Photo, Yaa Broni, __, Alamata, Adwoa Fordjour. Swordbearer, right: Kwabena Sekedua. Women in back row, L-R, Toryaa (center) and Afua Basabasa. Ahenkro, 21 July, 1995.