A group of men and women stand in the doorways of the Banda Traditional Council building as the Traditional Council holds a meeting inside. The colonial-period building's interior is lit by natural light through large windows, with several panes of window glass intact on the rear side of the building. Several young people sit on the steps of the building. Visible to the left is the metal-roofed colonial-period village clinic and residence of the village nurse who was in this period the primary medical care personnel for the Banda area. Ahenkro, 12 August, 1986.
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Location(s) Facet:
Colonial period buildings; Banda Traditional Council
Family history interview with members of Gangoolo Katoo, including Tolԑԑ Sah Dongi, Oyokohene (seated, center), Kwaku Donkor (linguist, seated, light blue cloth), Kwado Fordjour and Ama Nyini (on left with head scarf), Samwa, 4 August, 1986.
Elder women of Boase who spearheaded a performance of songs and dances associated with Manaa Ndiom (puberty), Bijam (wedding) and funeral rites as practiced in Boase. The event was organized by the chief and elders of Boase and filmed by the Banda Heritage Local Committee. L-R: Ama Gyakari, Adwoa Dankuli, Ama Lopom, Ama Nimsaa, Afua Gyakari, Yaa Anto, Afua Nsiah. Boase, 11 November, 2018.
Family history interview with Elders of Loobia Katoo dressed in customary attire for the Yualie Festival celebrated at the harvest time for sorghum and millet. Loobia Katoo supplies the custodian of the Jafun shrine to which offerings are made during the Yualie Festival. The family brought the shrine to Banda from Senyon (Northern Region) during the time of Dabla, paramount chief of Banda. In the background (left) calabash (gourd) bowls (chrԑgbͻͻ in Nafaanra) are set out to dry. Left: custodian of the Jafun shrine, Kwadwo Kamiekunu (Jafun Bͻͻnyiifun); right: Amman Nyiimor (female head), 24 July, 1986.
The Banda Cultural Centre provides space for community gatherings and guest rooms for Banda Research Project and other community visitors. The Centre's motto/logo is "Nyu nunu," (Nafaanra) or "Unity." Commissioned in 1995, the main building was constructed in 1994-95 through a combination of Banda Research Project funding and communal labor supplied by Ahenkro's four Unit Committees. The free-standing annex (right in photo) was added in 2000. It houses additional guest rooms and storage and was also built through a combination of Banda Research Project funding and communal labor. The building is administered and maintained by the community. Ahenkro, July 2001.
Afua Wewa is pictured on the occasion of a filmed interview with the Banda Heritage Initiative Local Committee during which she spoke about life in earlier decades in Wewa village. Ahenkro, 24 August, 2018.
Kafͻnͻ Katoo, Ahenkro, has long provided swordbearers (Bͻͻnfiԑn Yiifun) to the Banda paramount stool. Yaw Fori, pictured here, held the position in 1986.
A group of men work together, gathered at farm, processing calabash (gourd; chrԑ in Nafaanra) for market sale. The calabash is split, its pulpy interior removed, and the gourd's interior surface scraped clean before drying. Shavings from this thinning process are scattered about on the ground. Several children are gathered nearby as the men work. A basket sits next to a pile of prepared calabash bowls (chrԑgbͻͻ in Nafaanra). Farm near Ahenkro, August, 1982.
Family history interview with Elders of Kofi Krԑma [Krema] Katoo. Seated center Donkor Amma, female head; seated right Kwadwo Abedi, male head. Banda-Ahenkro, 13 August, 1986.
Afua Fawoman is pictured on the occasion of a filmed interview with the Banda Heritage Initiative Local Committee during which she spoke about the events that led to Fawoman people moving from Brohane to Fawoman. L-R: ___, ___, Afua Fawoman, ___. Fawoman, 1 October, 2018.
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Location(s) Facet:
Relocation; Family history; Village founding; Banda Heritage Initiative
Family history interview with Elders of Shiofi Katoo including Kofi Asare (Abakomahene; seated, second from left). Other members of Shiofi Katoo to the right of Asare, Kwabena Dibi, Yaw Krah, and (standing center) Mensah Listowell. Female head Kosua Yablewo, standing, back right. James Anane (interviewer), standing left. Ahenkro, 24 July, 1986.
Exterior view of a shelter constructed at farm with walls made from woven mats and a thatched roof supported by wooden poles around the shelter's perimeter. In the foreground, right, a cutlass (machete) rests on a sharpening stone. In the shade of the shelter's eave to the right of its roof-support pole are a small fired clay eating bowl, a clay cooking pot turned upside down resting on its rim, and a larger fired clay water storage pot. Farm shelters provide shade, refuge from rain and a place to rest and prepare food while families are at their farms, which may be located some distance from their homes. Farm near Ahenkro, September, 1982.
Amma Bio of Gbaŋmbɛ Katoo demonstrates the dance associated with sinyeele (balo or xylophone) music played at funerals. Male family head Nyua Kwadwo plays the sinyeele. Lying beneath the partially assembled instrument are calabashes that serve as resonators and produce the instrument's distinctive sound. A small wooden stool lies on its side nearby. Sanwa, 6 August, 1986.
Family history interview with Elders of Kuulo Katoo including (seated front, left to right) Kwame Broma, Tolԑԑ Kwadwo Fordjour (Odikro), Lelԑԑ Afua Fofie (female head). Standing in brown cloth, Kwasi Millah, and to his right Emmanuel Dwira. Other members of Kuulo Katoo pictured are Kwasi Donkor and Kwabena Mensah. James Anane (interviewer) standing left. Dompofie, 6 August, 1986.
A man holds up for view a male and female pair of carved wooden baboon (Mbong in Ligbi) masks during a 2019 interview with Ligbi elders in Bongase. The male mask (left) has a reflective silver cloth attached. A pair of bush cow (Siginjuru-ayna in Ligbi) masks lays on the table behind. Masks such as these have been used in masquerade dances celebrating special occasions like weddings and public festivals, including the end of Ramadan, the annual month-long period of Muslim fasting. Scholars refer to this masking tradition as "Do," while locally it is termed "Bedu." These same masks were photographed in 1967 by René A. Bravmann during the course of doctoral dissertation fieldwork. For additional details, see Bravmann, René A. (1974) "Islam and Tribal Art in West Africa" (Cambridge University Press), pp. 147-177. The baboon masks pictured here were worn and photographed in 1995 when Ligbi people from Bongase brought the masquerade to the commissioning celebration for the Banda Cultural Centre. A June 2019 performance of Mbong at a Banda Heritage Event can be viewed through a link below. Bongase, 11 June, 2019.
Early in his career, art historian Roy Sieber toured Ghana studying the country's indigenous art forms (Interview with Roy Sieber, "African Arts", Vol. 25, no. 4, Oct. 1992, pg. 48). Several years later Sieber's student René Bravmann returned to west central Ghana to study the region's masking traditions. This photo of masks taken by Roy Sieber is Included in René Bravmann's photo archives with the label "Do masks at Banda, R. Sieber photo, 1960s." Masks like these are used in masquerade dances to celebrate special occasions including weddings and public festivals such as the end of Ramadan, the Muslim month of fasting. In his 1974 book "Islam and Tribal Art in West Africa" (Cambridge University Press, pg. 166), René Bravmann notes that at the time of his 1967 fieldwork there were in the "Ligbi village of Bungazi [Bongase] six Do [masks]... Interestingly enough, only three years prior to my fieldwork [1964], Roy Sieber recorded twelve Do face masks at Bungazi. My inquiries in 1967 revealed that five of the masks had been stolen and a sixth had deteriorated to the point where it was no longer usable." The masks pictured here (1964) may be among the Bongase masks that were stolen or deteriorated by the time of Bravmann's 1967 visit. Bongase, 1964.
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Location(s) Facet:
Subjects Facet:
Wood carvings; Rites and ceremonies; Dance; Islam; Masquerades; Marriage customs and rites; Regalia; Masks
A man holds up for view two carved wooden masks during a 2019 interview with Ligbi elders in Bongase. These masks are used in masquerade dances to celebrate special occasions like weddings and public festivals such as the end of Ramadan, the Muslim month of fasting. The mask on the left (13.25 inches in height) is a thrush (Kokogyinaka in Ligbi). The mask on the right (9.75 inches in length) is a "beautiful Gonja woman" (Gbanyamuso in Ligbi). Their features are highlighted by red, blue and white pigment. The Gbanyamuso mask is also adorned by a red hair band. A baboon mask (Mbong in Ligbi) lays on the table to the right. René Bravmann, an art historian, photographed these masks in 1967 during doctoral dissertation fieldwork. For additional details, see Bravmann, René A. (1974) "Islam and Tribal Art in West Africa" (Cambridge University Press), pp. 88-95. Scholars refer to this masking tradition as "Do," while locally it is termed "Bedu." A June 2019 performance of Gbanyamuso (center) at a Banda Heritage Event can be viewed through a link below. Bongase, 11 June, 2019.
Two carved wooden masks which are worn during masquerade dances celebrating special occasions among Muslim Ligbi communities in the Banda area are displayed. The masks pictured here were photographed in 1967 by René A. Bravmann, then a doctoral student at Indiana University studying African art history. The mask pictured left (13.25 inches in length) represents a thrush (Kokogyinaka in Ligbi). The one on the right (9.75 inches in length) is a "beautiful Gonja woman" (Gbanyamuso in Ligbi). The masks are periodically renewed with pigments made from plants and earthen materials. This masking tradition is referred to by scholars as "Do" but it is referred to in Bongase as "Bedu." For additional details, see Bravmann, René A. (1974) "Islam and Tribal Art in West Africa" (Cambridge University Press), pp. 147-177. A 2019 performance of Gbanyamuso at a Banda Heritage Event can be viewed through a link below. Bongase, December, 1967.
Two carved wooden masks which are worn during masquerade dances celebrating special occasions among Muslim Ligbi communities in the Banda area are displayed. The masks pictured here were photographed in 1967 by René A. Bravmann, then a doctoral student at Indiana University studying African art history. The mask pictured left (10.5 inches in length) represents a sheep (Saragigi in Ligbi). The one on the right (12.25 inches in length) is a bush cow (Siginkuru-ayna in Ligbi). The masks are periodically renewed with pigments made from plants and earthen materials. This masking tradition is referred to by scholars as "Do" but it is referred to in Bongase as "Bedu."For additional details, see Bravmann, René A. (1974) "Islam and Tribal Art in West Africa" (Cambridge University Press), pp. 147-177. Bongase, December, 1967.
A man holds up for view a female (left) and male (right) pair of carved wooden bush cow (Siginjuru-ayna in Ligbi) masks during a 2019 interview with Ligbi elders in Bongase. Masks such as these have been used in masquerade dances to celebrate special occasions like weddings and public festivals including the end of Ramadan, the Muslim month of fasting. The masks' features are highlighted by red, blue and white pigment. René A. Bravmann, an art historian, photographed the male bush cow mask in 1967 during doctoral dissertation fieldwork. For additional details, see Bravmann, René A. (1974) "Islam and Tribal Art in West Africa" (Cambridge University Press), pp. 147-177. Scholars refer to this masking tradition as "Do," while locally it is termed "Bedu." Bongase,11 June, 2019.
Several large clay pots used for water storage (chͻkoo in Nafaanra) sit in the interior courtyard of a house next to a black metal barrel, which is also used for water storage. The surface of the two larger clay jars has been textured with maize cob roulette (bledjukaan in Nafaanra ), and one is decorated with arching grooves. The smallest jar has red-painted vertical lines on its interior rim. The small round-based jar has been placed on an enameled-ware pot for support. The larger water jar behind it rests on the upturned base of an enameled-ware headpan, re-purposed after its base rusted and it could no longer be used to carry things. A clay grinding bowl is visible in the lower left corner of the picture. Banda area, 1994.
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Location(s) Facet:
Water storage; Water pots (chokoo); Maize cob roulette; Decoration; Jars
Women of Brɛmawuo house, most of whom no longer live in the house, have come together for an interview sparked by a 1986 photo of them gathered around hearths in the compound's courtyard preparing food. As they talk, several of the women are processing calabash seeds (fnumu in Nafaanra), cracking the hull to extract the seed. An audio recorder sits on a low wooden stool with a lidded iron pot nearby. The binder of photos that has sparked the conversation sits on the veranda to the right. Enoch Mensah of the Banda Heritage Local Committee (interviewer, on left) sits on a blue plastic chair as he listens to the women talk about changes in foodways. L-R the women are Ama Mensah (black head scarf), Ama Nwotwenwaa (orange dress), Adwoa Hana, Yaa Yaa Dankwa and Abena Kuma. A video of the full interview can be accessed through through the "iaff_works" link below. Sabiye, 13 November, 2018.
Irene Mensah, a member of the Banda Heritage Initiative Local Committee, uses a camcorder to shoot video footage in Boase during a visit by the Local Committee to document the songs and dances of Nafana puberty (Manaa Ndiom) and marriage (Bijam) ceremonies. She volunteered to join the Local Committee after hearing her grandfather tell stories of the area's past during an interview. To the right, a group of young people are gathered near a small kiosk which is surrounded by a bicycle, a motorcycle and a motorized three-wheeled cart. Metal-roofed houses line the main street. Boase, 11 November, 2018.
Two Nafana men from Fawoman--center and right--beat out foundational rhythms on hippopotamus jaw bones using a hippo canine tooth to accompany a performance of hunters' dances (Bɔfɔɔrɔ in Nafaanra). Oral history recounts that the dances are those of animals observed and copied by ancestral hunters, generations ago. The percussion instruments are said to be those collected by ancestral hunters after they watched the animals dancing, then scared them off and collected their equipment. Left, a man plays an "apentemma" (Twi) drum with his hands. A June 2019 performance of the dances at a Banda Heritage Event can be viewed through a link below. Fawoman, 21 May, 2019.
Two women (Ama Nwotwenwaa and Yaa Yaa Dankwa) view a binder of photos during an interview in the house of Brɛmawuo about cooking practices. The interview was sparked by a 1986 photo of these and other women in the household preparing food. Two youngsters look on. Sabiye, 13 November, 2018.
Calabash drums accompany songs sung by Nafana women during the celebration of puberty (Manaa Ndiom) and marriage (Bijam) rites. These drums are played exclusively by women. The drums are made by filling a large hollowed-out calabash or gourd (chrɛ in Nafaanra) with water. A smaller calabash bowl (chrɛgbɔɔ in Nafaanra) floating upright in the water provides the surface on which the women drum. The small calabash ladles resting in the water are used to beat the up-turned floating calabash bowls and the rim of the large calabash. Visible at the bottom of the larger calabash drum are maize (bleju in Nafaanra) kernels tossed into the drum by passing dancers. Among the kernels are several pesewa coins also tossed in by dancers. Two views. Boase, 11 November, 2018.
Two views of a twinned lost-wax cast copper alloy figurine from Kuulo Kataa, Mound 118, Unit 62W 4N, Level 3. Lower "foot" plate broken off from figurine body. Height: 3.7 cm. Weight: 13.2 g. Kuulo Kataa, 15 June, 1995.
Two views of a serpent-like figure made from an iron rod. The "head" of the direct metal sculpture resembles a triangular-tipped iron projectile point, similar to those found on the same site during the same time period. The body is formed by undulating S-shaped loops which are stacked atop one another to form the "tail." Kuulo Kataa, Mound 118, Unit 62W 4N, Level 1. Scale in cm. Length: 8.4 cm. 39.6 g. Kuulo Kataa, 15 June, 1995.
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Kuulo Kataa, Mound 118, Unit 62W 4N, Level 1
Location(s) Facet:
Kuulo Kataa
Subjects Facet:
Direct metal sculpture; Archaeology; Snakes; Iron; Projectile point; Artifacts (Antiquities)
An educational poster with pictures and text focused on how and what we can learn from the past. The poster encourages young people to talk to their elders to learn more about life in the past. It is one of five posters prepared for a Banda community event held in 2014. Printed versions of the posters are housed in the Banda Cultural Centre, Ahenkro.
An educational poster with pictures and text which describes Banda-area village life from the 15th through the 17th centuries. It briefly summarizes what has been learned from archaeological excavations at Kuulo Kataa about metal working. It also outlines the use of wild and domestic animals and the new objects and practices that developed in this time when trade connections with the Niger River area were strong. It is one of five posters prepared for a Banda community event held in July, 2011. Printed versions of the posters are housed in the Banda Cultural Centre, Ahenkro.
An educational poster with pictures and text which describes Banda-area village life during the 13th to the 15th centuries. It briefly summarizes what has been learned from archaeological excavations about handicrafts at Ngre Kataa including metal working and pottery making. It is one of five posters prepared for a Banda community event held in July, 2011. Printed versions of the posters are available in the Banda Cultural Centre, Ahenkro.
An educational poster with pictures and text focused on histories of farming and drought in the Banda area. It describes how archaeologists learn about farming in the past and what has been learned about the foods which Banda peoples used in a period of severe drought several centuries ago. It is one of five posters prepared for a Banda community event held in 2014. Printed versions of the posters are available in the Banda Cultural Centre, Ahenkro.
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Location(s) Facet:
Farming; Community engagement; Poster
Subjects Facet:
Droughts; Agriculture; Foodways; Sorghum; Corn; Pearl millet; Heritage
An educational poster with pictures and text which describes Banda-area village life during the 18th and 19th centuries based on oral histories, written sources and archaeology. It describes early written references to Banda and briefly summarizes what has been learned about handicrafts like potting and cloth-making based on archaeological excavations at Makala Kataa. It is one of five posters prepared for a Banda community event held in July, 2011. Printed versions of the posters are housed in the Banda Cultural Centre, Ahenkro.
Two Ligbi men from Bongase appear in masquerade regalia prior to a "Do" or "Bedu" performance at the commissioning celebration of the Banda Cultural Centre in Ahenkro. Their carved wooden masks represent a male and female pair of baboons (Mbong in Ligbi). Their heads and shoulders are draped in scarves, they wear raffia skirts around their waist, and over top of socks covering their feet they wear metal jangles on a chain wrapped around their ankles. They are accompanied by a number of men from Bongase. Pictured L-R: Fariah Salah, Kwame Yirikro, Abau Yaya, Abuu Doctor (masked dancer), Adoma, Ansoma Sala (masked dancer), Dandu, Alhaji Moro Mahama. A performance of Mbong at a June 2019 Banda Heritage Event can be viewed through a link below. Ahenkro, 21 July, 1995.
Informational posters on Banda history and archaeology are displayed on easels in the hall of the Banda Cultural Centre. Examples of pottery recovered from excavations at Banda area sites rest on shelves in the background. Banda Cultural Centre, Ahenkro, 18 July, 2011.
The Banda Cultural Centre provides space for community gatherings and guest rooms for Banda Research Project and other community visitors. The Centre's motto/logo is "Nyu nunu," (Nafaanra) or "Unity." Commissioned in 1995, the main building was constructed in 1994-95 through a combination of Banda Research Project funding and communal labor supplied by Ahenkro's four Unit Committees. The building is administered and maintained by the community. Ahenkro, July 1995.
An educational poster with pictures and text focused on how past people in the Banda area housed their families. It describes what has been learned from archaeological excavations about how people built houses in the past and recent changes in housing. It is one of five posters prepared for a Banda community event held in 2014. Printed versions of the posters are housed in the Banda Cultural Centre, Ahenkro.
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Location(s) Facet:
Atakpame; Community engagement; Poster
Subjects Facet:
Dwellings--Maintenance and repair; Housing; Heritage
An educational poster with pictures and text focused on how past people in the Banda area clothed their families. It describes how people dressed, how they made cotton cloth, and why cloth is no longer made in Banda. It is one of five posters prepared for a Banda community event held in 2014. Printed versions of the posters are housed in the Banda Cultural Centre, Ahenkro.
An educational poster with pictures and text focused on how past people in the Banda area fed their families. It describes foods eaten in the past, the changes in foods eaten today, and how people in the past coped with food shortages. It is one of five posters prepared for a Banda community event held in 2014. Printed versions of the posters are housed in the Banda Cultural Centre, Ahenkro.
The first oral history interview conducted by the Banda Research Project was with Kofi Asԑmpasa of Gbԑԑnlԑԑ Katoo, Gbao, in November 1982. Asԑmpasa is pictured here with family member James Anane (holding the tape recorder), listening to the audio recording of his interview. His reaction upon hearing the tape: "That man knows his history!" Asԑmpasa was among the most remarkable oral historians encountered in the course of the Banda Research Project. Gbao, 16 Nov, 1982.
Ma Mnama had a reputation as a successful farmer in the Banda area. Here she uses a short-handled hoe (kagbaan in Nafaanra; pl. kagbɛɛn) to cultivate her intercropped field, located to the east of Banda-Ahenkro, 1982
At an event showcasing the songs and dances associated with puberty (Manaa Ndiom) and wedding (Bijam) rites, two Boase women sit on low wooden stools as they play drums made from hollowed-out calabashes or gourds (chrɛ in Nafaanra). The large lower calabashes are supported by another container (a large tomato paste tin on the left and a plastic bowl on the right). A smaller calabash bowl (chrɛgbɔɔ in Nafaanra) floats upright in water contained within the larger calabash. The women create a rhythm by tapping the calabash ladles held in their right hands on the surface of the floating calabash and the rim of the larger calabash bowl. The kernels of maize (corn, or bleju in Nafaanra) clustered at the base of the larger calabash in the foreground have been tossed into the drum by dancers as they pass by. Another woman, seated upper left, holds a small calabash bowl filled with maize kernels which dancers will use as offerings. Boase, 11 November, 2018.
Family history interview with members of Tapanwolo Katoo, including Pԑ Yaw, family head (seated, second from left), Kwadwo Ladjaa (seated, third from left) and Alhaji Adama Abudulai, Sabiye, 15 August, 1986.
At an event showcasing the songs and dances associated with puberty (Manaa Ndiom) and wedding (Bijam) rites, two Boase women play drums made from hollowed-out calabashes or gourds (chrɛ in Nafaanra). The large lower calabashes are supported by another container (a large tomato paste tin on the left and a plastic bowl on the right). A smaller calabash bowl (chrɛgbɔɔ in Nafaanra) floats upright in water contained within the larger calabash. The women create a rhythm by tapping the calabash ladles held in their right hands on the surface of the floating calabash and the rim of the larger calabash bowl. Women behind the drummers clap in accompaniment to the song. Boase, 11 November, 2018.
At a performance showcasing the rituals associated with Nafana wedding rites (Bijam) organized by the chief and female elders of Boase, a weathered calabash or gourd bowl (chrɛgbɔɔ in Nafaanra) holds money (Ghanaian cedis) offered by well-wishers. A calabash lid rests on the ground nearby, its side mended with stitches. Boase, 11 November, 2018.
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Location(s) Facet:
Cedis; Bijam; Money
Subjects Facet:
Rites and ceremonies; Gourd, Calabash; Marriage customs and rites
Family history interview with members of Chorigbͻͻnͻ [Chorigboono] House, including Imam Lakaria (center, blue robe), Abakan Wͻye, Moro, Daudu, Sale Asomana, Alhaji Sefuyani, Adam Moro and Amadu Yaya, Sase, 20 July, 1986.
A basketry fish trap (exa in Ewe) made and used by Ewe fishermen in the Banda area, Ghana. Traps like these were used for fishing between the months of August and November. They were effective in catching different types of fish three inches in length or longer. Agbegikrom South, December, 1982.
Interior view of a shelter constructed at farm with walls made from woven mats and a thatched roof supported by wooden poles around the shelter's perimeter. In the shelter's rear corner, calabash (gourd; chrԑ in Nafaanra) bowls and ladles rest on a low platform constructed of poles and thatch. Several other worn calabash and fired clay vessels are beneath the platform. A hearth, right foreground, is constructed of three stones in-between which dry wood collected from around the farm is placed. Several maize (corn; bleju in Nafaanra) shucks lie on the ground, lower left foreground. Farm near Ahenkro, September, 1982.
Members of Gbaŋmbɛ Katoo demonstrate the use of a (partially constructed) balo or xylophone (sinyeele in Nafaanra). The instrument is played at special funerals, including those of the paramount chief. A calabash with a small hole lies beneath the instrument. Together with other calabashes of graded size (small to large), it serves as the instrument's resonating chamber when fully assembled. By striking the sinyeele's wooden keys with a mallet, a range of musical notes are produced by the differently sized calabashes. Nyua Kwadwo (male family head) holds the mallets he uses to play the sinyeele. On each wrist he wears an iron bangle or bracelet with metal jangles. To the left, a family member plays a drum made from a clay pot. Sanwa, 6 August, 1986.
This Asante-style "akonkromfi" chair belonged to Tolɛɛ Kofi Dwuru II who was the Paramount Chief of Banda from the time of his enstoolment in 1938 until his death in 1977. Kofi Dwuru purchased the chair in Kumasi during the 1930s. The chair's back rest and legs are studded with brass tacks. A leather cushion rests on the seat of the chair. For additional details, see Bravmann, René A. (1974) "Islam and Tribal Art in West Africa" (Cambridge University Press), pp. 89. Ahenkro, 25 November, 1967.
Interior view of a shelter constructed at farm with walls made from woven mats and a thatched roof supported by wooden poles around the shelter's perimeter. Pieces of firewood lay near the shelter's entrance with a small wooden double-ended pestle/grinder lying on its side in front of the wood. Several maize (corn) cobs (bledjukaan in Nafaanra) stripped of their kernels lay on the earthen floor of the shelter. Farm near Ahenkro, September, 1982.
The paved interior courtyard of the Banda Cultural Centre is surrounded by roofed verandas on three sides and a suite of rooms along its east side. The Banda Cultural Centre provides space for community events and guest rooms for Banda Research Project and other community visitors. Visible along the porch in front of the guest rooms are headpans used by the Banda Research Project for archaeological excavation, tipped over to dry. A tree seedling, center courtyard, is surrounded by a fence to protect it from goats. Ahenkro, July 1995.
Female elders are seated under a thatch awning outside the Banda Cultural Centre on the day of its commissioning, Ann B. Stahl (seated center) has just been enstooled as an honorary Queen Mother of the Banda Traditional Council under the stool name Yadwo Gongo II. To the left is Binghamton University graduate student Alex Caton (Peni Yaa) and seated to the right wearing white cloth is Afua Wewa, one of the Banda Queen Mother's elders. A young man holds an umbrella over the Banda Queen Mother, Lelɛɛ Akosua Kepefu, who sits behind Alex Caton. Ahenkro, 21 July, 1995.
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Location(s) Facet:
Queen Mother; Banda Cultural Centre; Enstoolment; Banda Traditional Council
A Ligbi man from Bongase wearing masquerade regalia is partially hidden from view by men carrying a cloth as they walk between thatch-roofed houses en route to the space where the masqueraders will perform. He wears a carved wooden "Mbong" (baboon in Ligbi) mask. Scholars refer to this masking tradition as "Do," while locally it is termed "Bedu." For additional details, see Bravmann, René A. (1974) "Islam and Tribal Art in West Africa" (Cambridge University Press), pp. 147-177. Bongase, December, 1967.
Two Ligbi men from Bongase appear in masquerade regalia during a visit to Bongase by René A. Bravmann, then a doctoral student at Indiana University studying African art history. They wear carved wooden "Mbong" (baboon in Ligbi) masks decorated with ochre and white paint, representing a male and female animal. Their heads and shoulders are draped in scarves. They stand in front of a house with a thatched roof and a raffia shade. Scholars refer to this masking tradition as "Do," while locally it is termed "Bedu." For additional details, see Bravmann, René A. (1974) "Islam and Tribal Art in West Africa" (Cambridge University Press), pp. 147-177. A performance of Mbong at a Banda Heritage Event in June 2019 can be viewed through a link below. Bongase, December, 1967.
A Brong dance troupe performs at the commissioning celebration for the Banda Cultural Centre. A group of drummers is seated behind the dancers. Visible in the background is the logo of the Banda Cultural Centre which is "Nyu nunu," (Nafaanra) or "Unity." This is symbolized by an Adinkra symbol showing two crocodiles who share a common stomach (two heads, two tails, one stomach; referred to as funtumfunafu in Twi). The symbol conveys the meaning "why fight over food when you share a stomach?" The Cultural Centre's main building pictured here was constructed in 1994-95 through a combination of Banda Research Project funding and communal labor supplied by Ahenkro's four Unit Committees. Ahenkro, 21 July 1995.
Banda Research Project team members wearing blue shirts with the "Unity" logo and dresses embroidered in blue process down Ahenkro's main street from the Paramount Chief's palace to the Banda Cultural Centre for the centre's commissioning ceremony. Ann B. Stahl-- just enstooled as an honorary Queen Mother by the Banda Traditional Council under the stool name Lelɛɛ Yadwo Gongo II--is carried in a palanquin lined with kente cloth and shaded by one of the chief's royal umbrellas. A woman in local-made strip woven cloth stands left, with Binghamton University MA student Alex Caton wearing local dress to her right. To her right in blue-embroidered dresses are project team members Doris Millah and Doris Mensah. Visible in the background are the thatched and iron roofs of houses lining Banda-Ahenrko's main street. Ahenkro, 21 July, 1995.
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University of Victoria Libraries
Location(s) Facet:
Queen Mother; Banda Cultural Centre; Umbrella; Palanquin; Banda Research Project
Subjects Facet:
Rites and ceremonies; West African strip weaving; Thatched roofs; Metal roofing; Textiles; Clothing; Kente cloth; Litters (vehicles); Royal regalia
Several young men gather outside of Kafͻnͻ (Kafono) Katoo under the shade of a small thatched shelter. They are looking at a binder of photos that includes pictures of their family house taken in 1986 when its roof was being re-thatched. At that time the house was decorated with a painting of a bicycle, reputed to be the first bicycle in Banda. Ahenkro, 1 September, 2018.
Ann B. Stahl (left) and Sampson Attah (right) stand in front of the Banda Cultural Centre shortly before the building was commissioned (21 July, 1995). The Banda Cultural Centre provides space for community events and guest rooms for Banda Research Project and other community visitors. The Centre's motto/logo is "Nyu nunu," (Nafaanra) or "Unity." This is symbolized by an Adinkra symbol showing two crocodiles who share a common stomach (two heads, two tails, one stomach; referred to as funtumfunafu in Twi). The symbol conveys the meaning "why fight over food when you share a stomach?" The Cultural Centre's main building pictured here was constructed in 1994-95 through a combination of Banda Research Project funding and communal labor supplied by Ahenkro's four Unit Committees. The building is administered and maintained by the community. Ahenkro, July 1995.
The glass beads considered sacred and used in the puberty (Manaa Ndiom) and marriage (Bijam) rites of Nafana women are stored within a calabash bowl, its lid lying next to it. Most of the beads are imported varieties typical of those that circulated in the Atlantic trade period. On top of two other lidded calabash bowls rests a pair of iron manacles or shackles which are included among ritual paraphernalia. Ahenkro, July 1995.
Elders of Gape Katoo with the sacred bronze basin, copper alloy vessel, iron knife and "chain" (copper alloy anklet) associated with ancestor Buari Kojo, Bofie, July, 1995.
Local and visiting members of the Banda Research Project Team gathered on the day of the Banda Cultural Centre's dedication event. Their shirts are printed with the Cultural Centre's motto/logo "Nyu Nunu," (Nafaanra) or "Unity." Ahenkro, 21 July, 1995.
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University of Victoria Libraries
Location(s) Facet:
Community event; Banda Cultural Centre; Banda Research Project
Front and side views of a twinned, lost-wax-cast copper-alloy figurine from Kuulo Kataa, Mound 130, Unit 95E 108N, Level 2. Height: 3.9 cm. Weight: 3.8 g. Kuulo Kataa, 4 July, 2000.
Front and side views of a lost-wax cast copper alloy figurine from Kuulo Kataa, Mound 130, Unit 95E 108N, Level 3. Height: 3.5 cm. Weight: 2.4 g. Kuulo Kataa, 4 July, 2000.
A copper alloy finger ring made from a rod forged into undulating S-shaped loops and joined at its ends by a flat metal plate. Two views. From Kuulo Kataa, Mound 101, Unit 2W 2S, Level 7. Height: 1.4 cm. Width: 2.6 cm. Weight: 8.4 g. Kuulo Kataa, 9 June, 1995.
Tolɛɛ Kofi Dwuru II was the Paramount Chief of Banda from the time of his enstoolment in 1938 until his death in 1977. Here the Nafana chief is pictured seated on an Asante-style "akonkromfi" chair with his sandaled feet resting on a carved wooden white stool to which protective leather amulets made by Islamic clerics have been tied on to the stool's central column. Two large cast metal bells rest on either side of the stool at its base. The paramount chief wears a white cotton cloth bearing geometric designs and Arabic script written in black, blue and red inks. To the right, an Asante-style "assipim" chair is propped against the wall. Suspended from a cord on the wall behind him is a collection of animal bones among which are large ungulate (hoofed animal) and carnivore skulls and jaw bones. For additional details, see Bravmann, René A. (1974) "Islam and Tribal Art in West Africa" (Cambridge University Press), pp. 88-95. Two photos. Ahenkro, 25 November, 1967.
Two Ligbi men from Bongase appear in masquerade regalia during a visit to Bongase by René A. Bravmann, then a doctoral student at Indiana University studying African art history. Front and side views. Mama Dri (left) and Mama Panyini (right) wear carved wooden "Mbong" (baboon in Ligbi) masks decorated with ochre and white paint, representing a male and female pair. Their heads and shoulders are draped in scarves. They stand in front of a house with a thatched roof and a raffia shade. Scholars refer to this masking tradition as "Do," while locally it is termed "Bedu." For additional details, see Bravmann, René A. (1974) "Islam and Tribal Art in West Africa" (Cambridge University Press), pp. 147-177, plates 77-79. A June 2019 performance of Mbong at a Banda Heritage Event can be viewed through a link below. Bongase, December, 1967.
An educational poster with pictures and text which describes how scholars learn about the past through oral history, written sources and archaeology. It addresses questions including 'why do archaeologists dig?', 'how do things come to be buried in the ground?', and how do we know how old something is? It is one of five posters prepared for a Banda community event held in July, 2011. Printed versions of the posters are housed in the Banda Cultural Centre, Ahenkro.
An educational poster with pictures and text which describes Banda-area village life in the early decades of British colonial rule. It briefly outlines changes brought into effect by British colonial officers. It also describes housing and colonial-period artifacts based on archaeological excavations at Makala Kataa. It is one of five posters prepared for a Banda community event held in July, 2011. Printed versions of the posters are housed in the Banda Cultural Centre, Ahenkro.
Photo of the exterior wall of the Kafͻnͻ Katoo compound in Ahenkro. The wall now occupied by a lace-curtained window was formerly a solid wall on which the image of a bicycle was painted, said to be the first bicycle in Banda and photographed in 1986. Other areas of the exterior wall were previously decorated with inscribed and painted geometric designs, the outlines of which can still be seen in the closeup image of the wall included here. The entire building is roofed with metal. A ewe and her lamb pass by in front of the house. Ahenkro, 1 September, 2018.
Members of the 2009 archaeological excavation team at Ngre Kataa. Team members included graduate students from the University of Ghana and North America, a representative of the Ghana Museums and Monuments Board and Banda men from Ahenkro and Nyrie. Back row (L-R): David Adjartey Tei-Mensah, Peter, Frimpong, Enoch Mensah, Yaw Mensah, Yaw Francis, Devin Tepleski. Middle row (L-R): Amanda Logan, Sampson Fordjour, Kofi Paul, Felix Ochra, Yaw Frimpong; J.K. Mensah; Kofi "Photo" Manu; Ann Stahl, Kwakye Eric, Frank, Kofi Nsia; Front, seated (L-R): Abass Iddrisu, Osei Kofi, Andrew Gurstelle (kneeling). 9 July, 2009, Ngre Kataa.
Banda Research Project team member Sampson Attah (left) presents a Banda chief (right) with copies of heritage documents at a community event celebrating Banda cultural heritage. Banda Cultural Centre, Ahenkro, 15 July, 2011.
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University of Victoria Libraries
Location(s) Facet:
Banda Cultural Centre; Community engagement; Community event
Banda Research Project team members present informational posters on Banda history and heritage to members of the Banda Traditional Council. Sampson Attah (kneeling, stripped shirt) describes the content of the "Banda in the 18th & 19th Centuries" poster to the paramount chief and elders. Project members Ann Stahl (kneeling) and Kofi "Photo" Manu (standing, brown print shirt) look on together with assembled elders. Banda Ahenkro Palace, 11 July, 2011.
The Banda Queen Mother (Lelԑԑ Akosua Kepefu) and her elders look at informational posters on Banda history and heritage prior to the community event at which they were launched. Lelԑԑ Kepefu (left) listens as as Elder and Linguist Afua Fofie points to an image of women spinning cotton thread on the "Banda in the 18th and 19th Centuries" poster. Banda Research Project team members Sampson Attah (standing, orange collar) and Timothy Fordjour (right) look on. Banda Cultural Centre, Ahenkro, 15 July, 2011.
Banda Research Project team member Yaw Frimpong (blue shirt with the Banda Cultural Centre "Unity" logo) serves as a docent for one of the informational posters on Banda history and archaeology launched at a 2011 community event. Project team member Frimpong from Nyire (tan shirt) shares insight as several community members listen. A young man in the rear uses his cell phone to take a photo of the poster as he listens to the conversation. Banda Cultural Centre, Ahenkro, 15 July, 2011.
Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial
University of Victoria Libraries
Location(s) Facet:
Banda Cultural Centre; Community engagement; Community event; Poster
Members of the archaeological excavation team at Ngre Kataa. Team members included graduate students from the University of Ghana and from North America, a representative of the Ghana Museums and Monuments Board and Banda men from Ahenkro and Nyrie. Back row (L-R): Amy Groleau, Kofi Paul, Yaw Frimpong, Kofi "Photo" Manu, Felix Ochra, Mr. Monney, Nelson Anane, Sampson Fordjour, Yaw Mensah, Enoch Mensah, Ben Nutor, Amanda Logan, Osei Kofi. Front row (L-R): Ann Stahl, J. K. Mensah, Idrusu, Abass Iddrisu, Kofi Nsia, Kwakye Eric. Ngre Kataa, 19 July, 2008.
Banda Research Project team members Kofi Paul and Kofi Nsia screen soil from a Mound 7 excavation unit at Ngre Kataa as team member Idrusu brings another headpan of soil. The excavated soil is sieved through 1/4 inch mesh screen in order to recover artifacts (fragments of pottery, metals, beads, animal bone) that will be bagged, cataloged and studied. Studying these objects and the contexts from which they were recovered (their provenience) helps archaeologists to learn about the daily lives of past people. Ngre Kataa, 9 July, 2008.
Archaeological team member Enoch Mesah (left, white shirt) explains what archaeologists have been learning through excavation of Mound 7 at Ngre Kataa. He addresses Tolɛɛ Gbankama, chief of Nyire (standing, center, white shirt) and accompanying Nyire elders during a site visit. Archaeological team member Kofi Nsia pauses excavation during the conversation, the short-handled hoe with which he is working resting on the ground in front of him. Ngre Kataa, 6 July, 2009.
In June 2011, Banda Research Project team member Amanda Logan collaborated with local artist Kwame K.B. 2 to develop paintings for the doors of the Banda Cultural Centre's courtyard. The paintings illustrate crafts practiced in the area for which we have archaeological evidence. This image shows a blacksmith forging iron. Based on the presence of byproducts like slag and the tools used to make metal, we know that blacksmiths smelted and forged iron in the Banda area from at least 1000 years ago. Banda Cultural Centre, Ahenkro, June, 2016.
In June 2011, Banda Research Project team member Amanda Logan collaborated with local artist Kwame K.B. 2 to develop paintings for the Banda Cultural Centre's courtyard doors. The paintings illustrate crafts practiced in the area for which we have archaeological evidence. This image shows a woman headloading pottery on her way to market. Pottery making and marketing has been practiced in the Banda area for thousands of years. Scientific studies of pottery from archaeological sites across the region show that pottery was made in different locations over time and was widely traded within and beyond the region. Banda Cultural Centre, Ahenkro, June, 2016.
Community members discuss one of the informational posters on Banda history and archaeology launched at a 2011 community event. Banda Cultural Centre, Ahenkro, 15 July, 2011.
Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial
University of Victoria Libraries
Location(s) Facet:
Banda Cultural Centre; Community engagement; Community event; Poster
In June 2011, Banda Research Project team member Amanda Logan collaborated with local artist Kwame K.B. 2 to develop paintings for the Banda Cultural Centre's courtyard doors. The paintings illustrate crafts practiced in the area for which we have archaeological evidence. This image shows a woman spinning cotton thread (right) and a man wearing a locally made blue-and-white strip-woven cloth (left). Archaeologists find spindle whorls used to make thread on late 18th-and early 19th-century archaeological sites. This shows that households produced their own cloth during recent centuries. Before the 17th century, cotton cloth seems to have been less common and was probably acquired through trade from market centers. Banda Cultural Centre, Ahenkro, June, 2016.
Ann Stahl shares photos from Banda Project Archives with the Banda Queen Mother and her Elders as part of a consultation process leading to the Banda Heritage repository. L-R: Ann Stahl, __, __, __. Ahenkro, 19 June, 2016.
Boase Chief Tolԑԑ Ligbi Wulotei (center) looks at pottery from Banda area archaeological sites while Banda Project team member Boye (far right) looks on. Banda Cultural Centre, Ahenkro, 15 July, 2011.
Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial
University of Victoria Libraries
Location(s) Facet:
Banda Cultural Centre; Community engagement; Community event
Banda Research Project team member Samuel Babatu (white shirt) serves as a docent for one of the informational posters on Banda history and archaeology launched at a 2011 community event. Young people gather to listen as he discusses the poster's content. In the background, other project team-member docents (Boye, Kofi "Photo" Manu and Yaw Frimpong) share other posters. Banda Cultural Centre, Ahenkro, 15 July, 2011.
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University of Victoria Libraries
Location(s) Facet:
Banda Cultural Centre; Community engagement; Community event; Poster
The Banda Queen Mother, (Lelԑԑ Akosua Kepefu) and her elders view archival photos on Ann Stahl's laptop. L-R: Afua Fofie, Lelԑԑ Kepefu and Lelԑԑ Yahͻͻ, Ann Stahl. Ahenkro, 19 June, 2016.
Young people look at and talk about the"Banda in the 15th to 17th Centuries" informational poster during a Banda Heritage community event. Banda Cultural Centre, Ahenkro, 15 July, 2011.
Banda Research Project team members present informational posters on Banda history and heritage to members of the Banda Traditional Council. Sampson Attah (kneeling, stripped shirt) describes the content of the "Learning about Life in the Past" poster to the paramount chief and elders. Project members James Anane (standing, red shirt) and Ann Stahl (kneeling, right) look on. Banda Ahenkro Palace, 11 July, 2011.
Archaeological excavations focused on a collapsed house mound are in progress at Makala Kataa "Station 10." Archaeologists have left "balk" walls between 2 x 2 meter units as a way to study the mound's stratigraphy. Headpans for carrying excavated soil to nearby screens for sieving sit beside the excavation units. Scattered around the sides of the units are short-handled hoes which the excavation team uses to carefully scrape the soil as they dig. Graduate students Maria Dores Cruz and Leith Smith direct the excavation team while Tolԑԑ Kofi Dwuru III (Nana Millah), visiting the site from Ahenkro, stands to the right in black cloth. Makala Kataa, July 1994.
In June 2011, Banda Research Project team member Amanda Logan collaborated with local artist Kwame K.B. 2 to develop paintings for the Banda Cultural Centre's courtyard doors. The paintings illustrate handicrafts practiced in the area for which we have archaeological evidence. Here Kwame K.B. 2 stands next to his painting of a woman carrying pottery to market. Ahenkro, 8 June, 2011.
School children from Ahenkro carry sand to the site where Unit Committees are supplying communal labor to make blocks to build the Banda Cultural Centre. The children have been directed by the Traditional Council and teachers to assist the project for an afternoon by transporting sand for block-making to the building site. Ahenkro, 1994.
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University of Victoria Libraries
Location(s) Facet:
Banda Cultural Centre; Headloading; Unit committees; Communal labor; Headpans
Subjects Facet:
Brickmaking; Building; Lifting and carrying; Bricks
Banda Queen Mother Lelԑԑ Akosua Kepefu (center) shows an example of locally made strip-woven cloth to a young painter as a model for a painting on the Banda Cultural Centre doors. Enoch Mensah holds one end of the cloth. To the right, Afua Fofie, Linguist, looks on with artist Kwame K.B. 2. They stand on Ahenkro's main street (view towards the south). Ahenkro, 5 June, 2011.
Members of the archaeological excavation team during the last days of the 1995 season at Kuulo Kataa. Team members included Banda men from Ahenkro and Dompofie along with visiting American graduate students and Ann Stahl. Back row (L-R): __, Kwame Bio, __, __, __, __, Amos Bediako, Obour Bartholomew, __, Alex Ababio, Daniel, __, Kwasi Peter. Middle row (L-R): Yaw Francis, Kwasi Ali, Anane, __, Kofi "Photo" Manu, Donkor Johnson, Yaw Frimpong, Osei Kofi, Obimpeh Blorpor, Enoch Mensah, Kwame Anane, __, __. Front row (L-R): Ann Stahl, Andrew Black. Also included in the photo are Alex Donkor, Alfred Nkrumah, Anane Peter, Asamoa Martin, John Preprah, Kwadwo Masoate, Kwadwo Nkrumah, Moses Nsiah, Peter Bile, and Stephen Okrah. Kuulo Kataa, July, 1995.