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Search Results
301. Weaving a basketry fish trap, first row, Akanyarom, 2022
- Description:
- Ewe fisherman Dzobo Sebastian uses rope made from a vine to secure bamboo sticks as he weaves a basketry fish trap. He has woven a first row, now secured by pegs, and is moving in the opposite direction as he weaves a second row. He uses his feet to secure the bamboo sticks as he twists the cord between sticks. Behind him is a wooden mallet used to process the cordage. A large blue industrially made fish net is stretched out behind him. Akanyakrom, 21 July, 2022.
- Rights:
- Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial
- Publisher:
- University of Victoria Libraries
- Location(s) Facet:
- Akanyakrom (resettled)
- Subjects:
- Men's work
- Subjects Facet:
- Bamboo; Cordage; Fish traps; Handicrafts; Baskets; Ewe (African people)
- Creator:
- Allison Balabuch
- Date searchable:
- 2022
- Date searchable:
- 2022-07-21
- Genre Facet:
- Digital image
- Format:
- Image
- Source:
- Dr. Ann B. Stahl
- Location(s):
- Akanyakrom (resettled);8.246709, -2.244840
- Sketchfab Uid:
- Geographic Coordinates:
- 8.246709, -2.244840
302. Weaving a basketry fish trap, top row, Akanyakrom, 2022
- Description:
- Ewe fisherman Dzobo Rubben weaves the top section of a basketry fish trap made of bamboo and vine cordage, securing the trap with his feet as he works. He uses cordage to bundle bamboo sticks and narrow the trap toward its top. In lower rows, individual bamboo sticks are separated by two twists of rope. As the weaver nears the top, he reduces the twist between sticks to one, narrowing their spacing. In the next row he bundles two sticks separated by one twist. He then bundles four, then eight, creating a cone-shaped trap. Akanyakrom, 23 July, 2022.
- Rights:
- Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial
- Publisher:
- University of Victoria Libraries
- Location(s) Facet:
- Akanyakrom (resettled);8.246709, -2.244840
- Subjects:
- Men's work
- Subjects Facet:
- Bamboo; Cordage; Fish traps; Handicrafts; Baskets; Ewe (African people)
- Creator:
- Allison Balabuch
- Date searchable:
- 2022
- Date searchable:
- 2022-07-23
- Genre Facet:
- Digital image
- Format:
- Image
- Source:
- Dr. Ann B. Stahl
- Coverage-Temporal:
- Akanyakrom (resettled)
- Sketchfab Uid:
- Geographic Coordinates:
- 8.246709, -2.244840
303. Yam mound, Sabiye, 2022
- Description:
- A yam mound formed by hoeing soil upwards. Sabiye, 15 July, 2022
- Rights:
- Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial
- Publisher:
- University of Victoria Libraries
- Location(s) Facet:
- Sabiiye
- Subjects Facet:
- Yams; Farming
- Creator:
- Allison Balabuch
- Date searchable:
- 2022
- Date searchable:
- 2022-07-15
- Genre Facet:
- Digital image
- Format:
- Image
- Location(s):
- Sabiye;8.064602, -2.355298
- Sketchfab Uid:
- Geographic Coordinates:
- 8.064602, -2.355298
304. Young yam vine, Sabiye, 2022
- Description:
- A young yam vine growing in a yam mound. Sabiye, 15 July, 2022
- Rights:
- Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial
- Publisher:
- University of Victoria Libraries
- Location(s) Facet:
- Sabiye
- Subjects Facet:
- Yams; Farming
- Creator:
- Allison Balabuch
- Date searchable:
- 2022
- Date searchable:
- 2022-07-15
- Genre Facet:
- Digital image
- Format:
- Image
- Location(s):
- Sabiye;8.064602, -2.355298
- Sketchfab Uid:
- Geographic Coordinates:
- 8.064602, -2.355298
305. Young yam vine, Sabiye, 2022
- Description:
- A young yam vine growing in a yam mound. Sabiye, 15 July, 2022
- Rights:
- Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial
- Publisher:
- University of Victoria Libraries
- Location(s) Facet:
- Sabiye
- Subjects Facet:
- Yams; Farming
- Creator:
- Allison Balabuch
- Date searchable:
- 2022
- Date searchable:
- 2022-07-15
- Genre Facet:
- Digital image
- Format:
- Image
- Location(s):
- Sabiye;8.064602, -2.355298
- Sketchfab Uid:
- Geographic Coordinates:
- 8.064602, -2.355298
306. Mixed farm field with yam vines climbing a tree, Sabiye, 2022
- Description:
- An intercropped farm field in which trees have been left to provide structure for climbing plants like yam vines. Sabiye, 15 July, 2022.
- Rights:
- Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial
- Publisher:
- University of Victoria Libraries
- Location(s) Facet:
- Sabiye
- Subjects Facet:
- Farming; Intercropping; Yams
- Creator:
- Allison Balabuch
- Date searchable:
- 2022
- Date searchable:
- 2022-07-15
- Genre Facet:
- Digital image
- Format:
- Image
- Source:
- Dr. Ann B. Stahl
- Location(s):
- Sabiye;8.064602, -2.355298
- Sketchfab Uid:
- Geographic Coordinates:
- 8.064602, -2.355298
307. Carrying a basketry fish trap, Akanyakrom, 2022
- Description:
- Mawell Gbadago (left), Dzobo Sebastian (center) & Dzobo Rubben (right) pictured with a basketry fish trap (exa in Ewe) that they made as part of a British Museum Endangered Material Knowledge Programme project to document Indigenous technologies in the Banda area. In his right hand, Sebastian carries a length of coiled stick (afɔtasi in Ewe) like that used to force open the trap body; a bundle of twisted vine used to make the rope with which the fishermen weave the bamboo trap; and a wooden mallet (ɛka fokpo in Ewe) used to pound the vine (adzɔ in Ewe) as they process it into rope. Akanyakrom, 29 July, 2022.
- Rights:
- Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial
- Publisher:
- University of Victoria Libraries
- Location(s) Facet:
- Akanyakrom (resettled)
- Subjects:
- Men's work
- Subjects Facet:
- Bamboo; Cordage; Fish traps; Handicrafts; Baskets; Ewe (African people)
- Creator:
- Patrick Mensah
- Date searchable:
- 2022
- Date searchable:
- 2022-07-29
- Genre Facet:
- Digial image
- Format:
- Image
- Source:
- Dr. Ann B. Stahl
- Location(s):
- Akanyakrom (resettled);8.246709, -2.244840
- People Depicted:
- Maxwell Gbadago; Dzobo Sebastian; Dzobo Rubben
- Sketchfab Uid:
- Geographic Coordinates:
- 8.246709, -2.244840
308. Clay smoking pipe bowl, Kuulo Kataa, 2000
- Description:
- Broken bowl of a locally made clay smoking pipe, 2 views (left: bowl interior; right: bowl exterior). Pipes like this were made across West Africa after Europeans learned the practice of smoking tobacco from First Peoples of the Americas and introduced it to Africa in early centuries of the trans-Atlantic trade. This pipe bowl has a flared pedestal base decorated with red paint. The oval bowl is decorated with vertical rows of triangular impressions, above which are two grooved lines and an area with red paint. The bowl's interior is blackened from use toward its base. The bowl's rim and its stem are missing. The potting clay used to make the pipe is tempered with fine white grit. Photo scale in cm. Site Kuulo Kataa. 28 June, 2000.
- Rights:
- Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial
- Publisher:
- University of Victoria Libraries
- Provenance:
- Kuulo Kataa, Mound 130, Unit 95E 110N, Level 4
- Date:
- 2000-06-28
- Location(s) Facet:
- Kuulo Kataa
- Subjects Facet:
- Tobacco pipes; Pottery; Artifacts (Antiquities)
- Identifier:
- SF KK 00-233
- Creator:
- Dr. Ann B. Stahl
- Date searchable:
- 2000
- Date searchable:
- 2000-06-08
- Genre Facet:
- Digital image
- Format:
- Image
- Source:
- Dr. Ann B. Stahl
- Location(s):
- Kuulo Kataa;8.14847222, -2.37472222
- Sketchfab Uid:
- Commentary:
- Composite photo made using Adobe Photoshop 2020
- Geographic Coordinates:
- 8.14847222, -2.37472222
309. Clay smoking pipe, Site A236, 2001
- Description:
- A short-stemmed, locally made clay smoking pipe, 4 views (bottom: pipe base; center left: view from side with bowl to right; center right: front of bowl; top: view from top). Pipes like this were inspired by those used by America's First Peoples from whom Europeans learned about tobacco. Europeans introduced tobacco smoking to West Africa during the early centuries of trans-Atlantic trade. This pipe has a cylindrical bowl and lobed ("quatrefoil") base, the bottom of which shows signs of abrasion. On the base, vertical grooves mark the areas between lobes. Four horizontal gooves separate the base from a zone of vertical columns of diagonal impressions ("V"). Upper areas of the bowl are marked by another set of horizontal grooves. The bowl's rim is missing. Its stem joins the bowl at the base (a "single-angled" form). The cylindrical stem ends in a collar with a flat lip. The stem is decorated with two grooves line around its circumference. Photo scale in cm. Site A236. 23 March, 2001.
- Rights:
- Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial
- Publisher:
- University of Victoria Libraries
- Provenance:
- Site A236, Mound 4, Surface
- Date:
- 2001-03-23
- Location(s) Facet:
- Site A236
- Subjects Facet:
- Tobacco pipes; Pottery; Artifacts (Antiquities)
- Identifier:
- SF A236 01-220
- Creator:
- Dr. Ann B. Stahl
- Contributors:
- Dr. N. Leith Smith
- Date searchable:
- 2001
- Date searchable:
- 2001-03-23
- Genre Facet:
- Digital image
- Format:
- Image
- Source:
- Dr. Ann B. Stahl
- Location(s):
- Site A236;8.268257, -2.300409
- Sketchfab Uid:
- Commentary:
- Composite photo made using Adobe Photoshop 2020
- Geographic Coordinates:
- 8.268257, -2.300409
310. Clay smoking pipe, Site A236, 2001
- Description:
- A short-stemmed, locally made clay smoking pipe, 3 views (bottom: pipe base; center: view from side with bowl to left; view from top). Pipes like this were inspired by those used by America's First Peoples from whom Europeans learned about tobacco. Europeans introduced tobacco smoking to West Africa during the early centuries of trans-Atlantic trade. This pipe has a cylindrical bowl and rounded base that shows extreme use-wear abrasion to that point that a hole has formed in the pipe's base. The bowl is decorated with two sets of horizontal incisions. Below the bottom set are several vertical incisions. Above the top set is faint overall dentate impression The bowl's rimis very abraded. The pipe's stem joins the bowl at the base (a "single-angled" form). The cylindrical stem ends in a rounded collar with a flat lip. Photo scale in cm. Site A236. 24 March, 2001.
- Rights:
- Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial
- Publisher:
- University of Victoria Libraries
- Provenance:
- Site A236, Mound 12, Surface
- Date:
- 2001-03-24
- Location(s) Facet:
- Site A236
- Subjects Facet:
- Tobacco pipes; Pottery; Artifacts (Antiquities)
- Identifier:
- SF A236 01-280
- Creator:
- Dr. Ann B. Stahl
- Date searchable:
- 2001
- Date searchable:
- 2001-03-24
- Genre Facet:
- Digital image
- Format:
- Image
- Source:
- Dr. Ann B. Stahl
- Location(s):
- Site A236;8.268257, -2.300409
- Sketchfab Uid:
- Commentary:
- Composite photo made using Adobe Photoshop 2020
- Geographic Coordinates:
- 8.268257, -2.300409
311. Tobacco field near Nyire, 1994
- Description:
- To the right of a large tree, a field planted with tobacco is seen from the roadside. After clear-cutting, the rectangular field was tractor-plowed and planted with seedlings provided by the Pioneer Tobacco Company. Trees left standing mark the edges of the field. Visible in foreground is scarring created by construction of a new grated road. Near Nyrie, June, 1994.
- Rights:
- Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial
- Publisher:
- University of Victoria Libraries
- Date:
- 1994-06
- Location(s) Facet:
- Nyire
- Subjects:
- Tobacco field; Tractor plowing
- Subjects Facet:
- Tobacco; Cash crops; Agriculture; Farming
- Creator:
- Dr. Ann B. Stahl
- Date searchable:
- 1994
- Date searchable:
- 1994-06
- Genre Facet:
- 35 mm slide
- Format:
- Image
- Location(s):
- Nyire
- Date Digitized:
- 2020
- Sketchfab Uid:
312. Cashew tree on a Banda area farm, 1995
- Description:
- A cashew tree (Anacardium sp.) grows in an agricultural field planted (foreground) with calabash (Lagenaria siceraria). Sampson Attah stands near the tree. Calabash has long been grown as a cash crop for local and regional sale in the Banda area. When cashew trees were first planted in the area from the mid-1990s, they were grown singly or in small numbers. A growing shift to cashew farming in the area during the early 2000s was accompanied by the planting of large stands of cashew trees referred to locally as "plantations." Banda area, June, 1995.
- Rights:
- Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial
- Publisher:
- University of Victoria Libraries
- Date:
- 1995-06
- Location(s) Facet:
- Banda
- Subjects:
- Cashew; Anacardium; Agricultural field
- Subjects Facet:
- Agriculture; Farming;Gourd, calabash; Lagenaria siceraria; Cash crop
- Creator:
- Dr. Ann B. Stahl
- Date searchable:
- 1995
- Date searchable:
- 1995-06
- Genre Facet:
- 35 mm slide
- Format:
- Image
- Location(s):
- Banda, Bono, Ghana
- Date Digitized:
- 2020
- Sketchfab Uid:
313. Men performing a hunter's dance, Fawoman, 2019
- Description:
- A hunter carrying a shotgun is joined by a senior hunter as he performs a hunter's dance (Bɔfɔɔrɔ in Nafaanra). Oral history recounts that the dances are those of animals observed and copied by ancestral hunters, generations ago. Accompanied by drummers (on right), the hunters perform in front of an assembled group of villagers during a family history interview. A young woman in the background uses a cell phone to record the event. A performance of Bɔfɔɔrɔ at a June 2019 Banda Heritage Event can be viewed through a link below. Fawoman, 21 May, 2019.
- Rights:
- Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial
- Publisher:
- University of Victoria Libraries
- Relation:
- Date:
- 2019-05-21
- Location(s) Facet:
- Fawoman
- Subjects:
- Performance
- Subjects Facet:
- Hunters; Dance; Ritual; Rites and ceremonies; Drums (musical instrument); Firearms
- Creator:
- Patrick Mensah
- Contributors:
- Enoch Mensah; Sampson Attah
- Date searchable:
- 2019
- Date searchable:
- 2019-05-21
- Genre Facet:
- Digital image
- Format:
- Image
- Location(s):
- Fawoman;8.120434, -2.240526
- Sketchfab Uid:
- Commentary:
- Still image extracted from video footage using Adobe Premier Pro software.
- Geographic Coordinates:
- 8.120434, -2.240526
314. Everted-rim pottery jar, Ngre Kataa, 2001
- Description:
- Photo of an everted-rim pottery jar excavated from Ngre Kataa, Mound 4, Unit 1, levels 15-16, where the jar was exposed in the south wall of the excavation unit. The jar has a carinated shoulder and a rounded base. The area above the carination was decorated by five unevenly placed horizontal grooved lines. In three places around the vessel's circumference, the grooved line just above the carination is marked by "ꓥ." In a zone that begins c. 2 cm below the carination, lower areas of the jar are surface treated with a carved roulette impression. The ceramic fabric includes mixed grit (including laterite and quartz) and likely also fine crushed slag. An INAA sample (Banda 40/3) from the jar could not be assigned to a known group. Roughly 2/3 of the vessel present. Rim diameter: 22.5 cm at interior lip. Photo scale in cm. Site Ngre Kataa ("Banda 40"). 5 April, 2001.
- Rights:
- Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial
- Publisher:
- University of Victoria Libraries
- Provenance:
- Ngre Kataa (Banda 40), Mound 4, Unit 1, Level 15, South Wall
- Date:
- 2001-04-05
- Location(s) Facet:
- Ngre Kataa
- Subjects:
- Jar; Carved roulette; Grooving
- Subjects Facet:
- Archaeology; Pottery; Artifacts (Antiquities)
- Identifier:
- FS01-318, Vessel 1A
- Creator:
- Dr. Ann B. Stahl
- Contributors:
- Dr. N. Leith Smith
- Date searchable:
- 2001
- Date searchable:
- 2001-04-05
- Genre Facet:
- 35 mm slide
- Format:
- Image
- Source:
- Dr. Ann B. Stahl
- Location(s):
- Ngre Kataa;8.11277778, -2.30611111
- Date Digitized:
- 2016
- Sketchfab Uid:
- Commentary:
- Slide scanned by Veronique Plante
- Geographic Coordinates:
- 8.11277778, -2.30611111
315. Everted-rim pottery jar, Ngre Kataa, 2001
- Description:
- Photo of an everted-rim jar excavated from Ngre Kataa, Mound 1, Unit 1, Levels 4-5. The jar (Vessel 3) was found sitting upright in association with a cluster of several other complete and broken pots (Vessels 1 & 2) in what has been interpreted as a kitchen area. Most of the jar has been surface treated with a twisted cord roulette. Single pendant grooved lines surround the circumference of the jar. A total of five circular impressions, perhaps made with a hollow reed, are placed below the intersection points of the pendant grooves. A hole in the base of the pot (ca. 7 cm across) may have been deliberately broken in this otherwise whole pot. Rim diameter: 17.5 cm at exterior lip. Site Ngre Kataa ("Banda 40"). 3 April, 2001.
- Rights:
- Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial
- Publisher:
- University of Victoria Libraries
- Relation:
- Provenance:
- Ngre Kataa (Banda 40), Mound 1, Unit 1, Levels 4-5
- Date:
- 2001-04-03
- Location(s) Facet:
- Ngre Kataa
- Subjects:
- Jar; Cord roulette; Punctate; Grooving
- Subjects Facet:
- Archaeology; Pottery; Artifacts (Antiquities)
- Identifier:
- FS01-333, Vessel 3
- Creator:
- Dr. Ann B. Stahl
- Contributors:
- Dr. N. Leith Smith
- Date searchable:
- 2001
- Date searchable:
- 2002-03-04
- Genre Facet:
- 35 mm slide
- Format:
- Image
- Location(s):
- Ngre Kataa;8.11277778, -2.30611111
- Date Digitized:
- 2016
- Sketchfab Uid:
- Commentary:
- Slide scanned by Veronique Plante
- Geographic Coordinates:
- 8.11277778, -2.30611111
316. Everted-rim pottery jar, Ngre Kataa, 2001
- Description:
- Photo of an everted-rim jar excavated from Ngre Kataa, Mound 1, Unit 1, Levels 4-6. The jar (Vessel 2) was found sitting upright in association with a cluster of several other complete (Vessels 1 & 3) and broken pots in what has been interpreted as a kitchen area. The upper surface of the round-based jar is undecorated. In a zone bounded by double grooved lines, the base and lower surface of the jar is surface treated with maize cob roulette. Groups of three circular punctates mark the spots where gooved lines meet. A hole in the base of the pot (4 x 3.5 cm) may have been deliberately broken in this otherwise whole pot. Rim diameter: 20.5 cm at exterior lip. Photo scale in cm. Site Ngre Kataa ("Banda 40"). 4 March, 2001.
- Rights:
- Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial
- Publisher:
- University of Victoria Libraries
- Relation:
- Provenance:
- Ngre Kataa (Banda 40), Mound 1, Unit 1, Levels 4-6
- Date:
- 2001-04-03
- Location(s) Facet:
- Ngre Kataa
- Subjects:
- Jar; Maize cob roulette; Punctate; Grooving
- Subjects Facet:
- Archaeology; Pottery; Artifacts (Antiquities)
- Identifier:
- FS01-334, Vessel 2
- Creator:
- Dr. Ann B. Stahl
- Contributors:
- Dr. N. Leith Smith
- Date searchable:
- 2001
- Date searchable:
- 2001-04-03
- Genre Facet:
- 35 mm slide
- Format:
- Image
- Location(s):
- Ngre Kataa;8.11277778, -2.30611111
- Date Digitized:
- 2016
- Sketchfab Uid:
- Commentary:
- Slide scanned by Veronique Plante
- Geographic Coordinates:
- 8.11277778, -2.30611111
317. Everted-rim pottery jar, Ngre Kataa, 2001
- Description:
- Photo of an everted-rim jar excavated from Ngre Kataa, Mound 4, Unit 1, Level 16. The undecorated exterior surface of the round-based jar is orange-brown from firing, with areas of black fire-clouding. Roughly 30% of jar is represented. Rim diameter: 21 cm at exterior lip. Photo scale in cm. Site Ngre Kataa ("Banda 40"). 28 March, 2001.
- Rights:
- Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial
- Publisher:
- University of Victoria Libraries
- Provenance:
- Ngre Kataa (Banda 40), Mound 4, Unit 1, Level 16
- Date:
- 2001-03-28
- Location(s) Facet:
- Ngre Kataa
- Subjects:
- Jar
- Subjects Facet:
- Archaeology; Pottery; Artifacts (Antiquities)
- Identifier:
- FS01-291
- Creator:
- Dr. Ann B. Stahl
- Contributors:
- Dr. N. Leith Smith
- Date searchable:
- 2001
- Date searchable:
- 2001-03-28
- Genre Facet:
- 35 mm slide
- Format:
- Image
- Source:
- Dr. Ann B. Stahl
- Location(s):
- Ngre;8.11277778, -2.30611111
- Date Digitized:
- 2016
- Sketchfab Uid:
- Commentary:
- Slide scanned by Veronique Plante
- Geographic Coordinates:
- 8.11277778, -2.30611111
318. Everted-rim pottery jar, Kuulo Kataa, 1995
- Description:
- Photo of an everted-rim pottery jar (Vessel B) excavated from Kuulo Kataa, Mound 101, Unit 2W 2S, levels 6-7, where the jar was positioned upright. A broken pedestal base (Vessel A, originally part of another vessel) sat atop the jar. The jar has a carinated shoulder and a rounded base. Above the carination, the jar's exterior surface is decorated with four horizontal grooved lines, between which are lines of dentate impression. Immediately above the carination in three locations around the vessel's circumference are triangular clusters formed by three circulate punctates joined by short grooved lines enclosing dentate impressions. In a zone marked by two parallel grooved lines, the jar's base is surface treated with carved routlette impressions. Rim diameter 20.8 cm at interior lip. Vessel height (base to rim) 15.8 cm. Photo scale in cm. Kuulo Kataa, 9 June, 1995.
- Rights:
- Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial
- Publisher:
- University of Victoria Libraries
- Provenance:
- Kuulo Kataa, Mound 101, Unit 2W 2S, Levels 5-7
- Date:
- 1995-06-09
- Location(s) Facet:
- Kuulo Kataa
- Subjects:
- Jar; Dentate impression; Punctate; Grooving; Carved roulette
- Subjects Facet:
- Archaeology; Pottery; Artifacts (Antiquities)
- Identifier:
- KK 95-143, Vessel B
- Creator:
- Dr. Ann B. Stahl
- Date searchable:
- 1995
- Date searchable:
- 1995-06-09
- Genre Facet:
- black-and-white negative
- Format:
- Image
- Source:
- Dr. Ann B. Stahl
- Location(s):
- Kuulo Kataa;8.14847222, -2.37472222
- Date Digitized:
- 2016
- Sketchfab Uid:
- Geographic Coordinates:
- 8.14847222, -2.37472222
319. Bui Power Authority sign on Ahenkro-Bongase road, 2016
- Description:
- A no-trespassing sign posted by the Bui Power Authority along the paved Ahenkro-Bongase road several kilometers north of Ahenkro identifies "land under acquisition" by the Bui Power Authority (BPA). Electrical poles and wires run along the roadside. The large land parcel under acquisition by BPA has long been home to farms worked by families in Ahenkro and Bongase. These farms produce food for household consumption and cash crops, including cashew. View looking northward, Ahenkro-Bongase road, June, 2016.
- Rights:
- Creative Commons Attribution--NonCommercial
- Publisher:
- University of Victoria Libraries
- Date:
- 2016-06-20
- Location(s) Facet:
- Ahenkro; Bongase
- Subjects Facet:
- Agriculture; Cash crops; Bui Dam (Ghana); Roads; Electrification
- Creator:
- Dr. Ann B. Stahl
- Language:
- English
- Date searchable:
- 2016
- Date searchable:
- 2016-06-20
- Genre:
- Digital image
- Genre Facet:
- Digital image
- Format:
- Image
- Language Facet:
- English
- Location(s):
- Ahenkro; Bongase
- Sketchfab Uid:
- Geographic Coordinates:
- 8.198, -2.33472222
320. Clay smoking pipe, Site A233, 2001
- Description:
- A short-stemmed, locally made clay smoking pipe, 2 views (bottom: view from side with pipe bowl to the left; top: view from top). Pipes like this were inspired by those used by America's First Peoples from whom Europeans learned about tobacco. Europeans introduced tobacco smoking to West Africa during the early centuries of trans-Atlantic trade. This pipe's cylindrical bowl has a flared pedestal base, the bottom of which shows signs of wear/abrasion. The bowl's rim has broken away. The stem joins the bowl at the base (a "single-angled" form). The cylindrical stem flares at the rim to a flattened lip. The pipe bowl is decorated with closely spaced rows of dentate impression. The flared base is decorated with several clusters of incised lines. Photo scale in cm. Site A233. 10 March, 2001.
- Rights:
- Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial
- Publisher:
- University of Victoria Libraries
- Date:
- 2001-03-10
- Location(s) Facet:
- Banda
- Subjects Facet:
- Tobacco pipes; Pottery; Artifacts (Antiquities)
- Identifier:
- SF A233 01-183
- Creator:
- Dr. Ann B. Stahl
- Contributors:
- Dr. N. Leith Smith
- Date searchable:
- 2001
- Date searchable:
- 2001-03-10
- Genre Facet:
- Digital image
- Format:
- Image
- Location(s):
- A233;8.17376,-2.49841
- Sketchfab Uid:
- Commentary:
- Composite photo made using Adobe Photoshop 2020
- Geographic Coordinates:
- 8.17376,-2.49841
321. Black Volta River, near Bui Village, 1982
- Description:
- Standing on the south bank of the Black Volta River near Bui village, looking east-northeast to the gap in the Banda hills where the Bui Dam was constructed after 2008. The area between Bui village and the river was the site of a 19th-century village, Bui Kataa (old Bui). This area was flooded by the rising waters of Bui Lake as it formed behind Bui Dam after 2012. Bui Village, 25 July, 1982.
- Rights:
- Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial
- Publisher:
- University of Victoria Libraries
- Date:
- 1982-07-25
- Location(s) Facet:
- Bui
- Subjects:
- Bui Lake; Bui Kataa; Savanna woodland; Vegetation
- Subjects Facet:
- Bui Dam (Ghana); Landscapes; Riparian forests; Black Volta River; Mountains
- Identifier:
- 16
- Creator:
- Dr. Ann B. Stahl
- Date searchable:
- 1982
- Date searchable:
- 1982-07-25
- Genre Facet:
- 35 mm slide
- Format:
- Image
- Location(s):
- Bui;8.277322, -2.260175
- Sketchfab Uid:
- Geographic Coordinates:
- 8.277322, -2.260175
322. Bui Hydroelectric Dam, 2019
- Description:
- The Bui Hydroelectric Dam was built on the Black Volta River by Sinohydro, a state-owned Chinese hydropower engineering and construction company. Construction was begun in 2008 and the first turbines became operational in 2013. Here the dam is viewed looking to the northwest from the newly constructed bridge downstream from the dam. Bui Dam site, 20 June, 2019.
- Rights:
- Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial
- Publisher:
- University of Victoria Libraries
- Relation:
- Date:
- 2019-06-20
- Location(s) Facet:
- Dam Site
- Subjects:
- Sinohydro; Savanna woodland; Vegetation
- Subjects Facet:
- Bui Dam (Ghana); Black Volta River; Mountains
- Creator:
- Dr. Ann B. Stahl
- Date searchable:
- 2019
- Date searchable:
- 2019-06-20
- Genre Facet:
- Digital image
- Format:
- Image
- Location(s):
- Dam Site;8.179543, -2.371213
- Sketchfab Uid:
- Geographic Coordinates:
- 8.179543, -2.371213
323. Yam tuber exposed in a yam mound, Banda, 1982
- Description:
- The soil of a agricultural mound has been dug away to expose a yam (Dioscorea sp.) tuber. The yam vine spreads across the mound and beyond at the top of the photo, its roots surrounding the tuber. A yellow pencil is placed to the left of the yam to provide scale. Banda area, June, 1982.
- Rights:
- Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial
- Publisher:
- University of Victoria Libraries
- Date:
- 1982-08
- Location(s) Facet:
- Banda
- Subjects:
- Agricultural field; Dioscorea sp.
- Subjects Facet:
- Agriculture; Farming; Yams
- Creator:
- Dr. Ann B. Stahl
- Date searchable:
- 1982
- Date searchable:
- 1982-08
- Genre Facet:
- 35 mm slide
- Format:
- Image
- Location(s):
- Banda, Bono, Ghana
- Date Digitized:
- 2020
- Sketchfab Uid:
324. Newly formed yam mounds, Banda, 1982
- Description:
- Yam mounds have been raised in a partially cleared agricultural field. Small trees have been left to supply support for climbing vines and to aid fallowing after the field has been used for several years. The hard work of forming the mounds using short-handled hoes takes place early in the dry season, after which mounds are planted with yam cuttings during the months of January-February. The vines grow throughout the rainy months of April to August, forming new tubers which are ready for harvesting in late August-September. Banda area, Dec. 1982.
- Rights:
- Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial
- Publisher:
- University of Victoria Libraries
- Date:
- 1982-12
- Location(s) Facet:
- Banda
- Subjects:
- Dry season; Agricultural field; Dioscorea esculenta
- Subjects Facet:
- Agriculture; Farming; Yams
- Creator:
- Dr. Ann B. Stahl
- Date searchable:
- 1982
- Date searchable:
- 1982-12
- Genre Facet:
- 35 mm slide
- Format:
- Image
- Location(s):
- Banda, Bono, Ghana
- Date Digitized:
- 2020
- Sketchfab Uid:
325. Agricultural field planted with cassava, Nyire, 1994
- Description:
- A roadside agricultural field is planted with cassava (Manihot esculenta). The palmate leaves of the mature plants are visible growing among trees that were left standing when the intercropped field was first prepared. Regular weeding is needed to control spear grass, which can be seen growing at the edge of the field. Cassava is grown for its tubers, which can be harvested over a long period and store well when processed and dried. Its leaves are valued as an ingredient in soups. Planted early in the rainy season (April-May) the tubers mature in 6-18 months, depending on variety. Cassava tolerates poorer soils than yams (Dioscorea sp.), which are a preferred food in the area. Therefore, cassava it is grown in intercropped fields after yams are grown in the first year or two and before fields are left to fallow. Roadside near Nyire, August, 1994.
- Rights:
- Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial
- Publisher:
- University of Victoria Libraries
- Date:
- 1994-06
- Location(s) Facet:
- Nyire
- Subjects:
- Agricultural field; Manihot esculenta
- Subjects Facet:
- Agriculture; Farming; Cassava
- Creator:
- Dr. Ann B. Stahl
- Date searchable:
- 1994
- Date searchable:
- 1994-06
- Genre Facet:
- 35 mm slide
- Format:
- Image
- Location(s):
- Nyire
- Date Digitized:
- 2020
- Sketchfab Uid:
326. Motor-powered fishing boats, Bui Lake, 2022
- Description:
- A fleet of motor-powered fishing boats along the shore of Bui Lake, formed by flooding behind Bui Dam as waters rose from 2012. Winds and waves on the lake require use of these larger motor-powered boats compared to the smaller canoes from which people fished on the Black Volta River prior to dam construction. Large fishing nets lay bundled near the boats. Fishing with industrially made nets has largely replaced alternatives like fishing with basket traps that were an effective and sustainable practice used by local Ewe fishermen. Bui Lake, near Bongase, 16 July, 2022.
- Rights:
- Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial
- Publisher:
- University of Victoria Libraries
- Location(s) Facet:
- Bui Lake (near Bongase)
- Subjects:
- Men's work
- Subjects Facet:
- Landscapes; Fishing; Boats; Mountains; Canoes
- Creator:
- Allison Balabuch
- Date searchable:
- 2022
- Date searchable:
- 2022-07-16
- Genre Facet:
- Digital image
- Format:
- Image
- Source:
- Dr. Ann B. Stahl
- Location(s):
- Bui Lake (near Bongase);8.250107, -2.285684
- Sketchfab Uid:
- Geographic Coordinates:
- 8.250107, -2.285684
327. Old Bongase-Ahenkro Road, inundated by Bui Lake, Banda, 2022
- Description:
- View of the old Bongase to Ahenkro road, roughly three km south of Bongase, now inundated by the waters of Bui Lake as it rose behind Bui Dam after 2012. A canoe is visible on the shallow lake waters and the Banda hills rise steeply from the surrounding low rolling landscape. Concrete plinths line a cemented walkway, constructed as part of a foot bridge intended to replace the unpaved road, visible on the other side of the lake. Waters continued to rise, ultimately flooding the walkway. View to the south. Banda-Bongase, 16 July, 2022.
- Rights:
- Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial
- Publisher:
- University of Victoria Libraries
- Relation:
- Location(s) Facet:
- Bongase-Ahenkro Road
- Subjects Facet:
- Landscapes; Canoes; Mountains; Roads
- Creator:
- Allison Balabuch
- Date searchable:
- 2022
- Date searchable:
- 2022-07-16
- Genre Facet:
- Digital image
- Format:
- Image
- Location(s):
- Bongase-Ahenkro Road;8.228099, -2.302912
- Sketchfab Uid:
- Geographic Coordinates:
- 8.228099, -2.302912
328. Clay smoking pipe, Kuulo Kataa, 1995
- Description:
- A short-stemmed, locally made clay smoking pipe, 3 views (bottom left: view from front; bottom right: side with pipe bowl to the left; top: view from top). Pipes like this were inspired by those used by America's First Peoples from whom Europeans learned about tobacco. Europeans introduced tobacco smoking to West Africa during the early centuries of trans-Atlantic trade. This pipe's bowl has a slightly flared base, the bottom of which shows signs of abrasion. Above its base, the pipe bowl is outward flaring. The bowl is decorated by overall diagonal incisions that meet to form a "V" pattern. The front is marked by a vertical row of circular impressions. Rounded appliques have been added to the bowl near to its base. The bowl's rim is missing. Its stem joins the bowl at its base (a "single-angled" form). The cylindrical stem is slightly collared at its end and has a rounded lip. The pipe has been minimally cleaned on the exterior and soil remains in the bowl interior. Photo scale in cm. Site Kuulo Kataa. 6 July, 1995.
- Rights:
- Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial
- Publisher:
- University of Victoria Libraries
- Provenance:
- Kuulo Kataa, Mound 138, Unit 130W 24S, Level 2
- Date:
- 1995-07-06
- Location(s) Facet:
- Kuulo Kataa
- Subjects Facet:
- Tobacco pipes; Pottery; Artifacts (Antiquities)
- Identifier:
- SF KK 95-194
- Creator:
- Dr. Ann B. Stahl
- Date searchable:
- 1995
- Date searchable:
- 1995-07-06
- Genre Facet:
- Digital image
- Format:
- Image
- Source:
- Dr. Ann B. Stahl
- Location(s):
- Kuulo Kataa;8.14847222, -2.37472222
- Sketchfab Uid:
- Commentary:
- Composite photo made using Adobe Photoshop 2020
- Geographic Coordinates:
- 8.14847222, -2.37472222
329. Clay smoking pipe bowl, Kuulo Kataa, 2000
- Description:
- Broken bowl of a locally made clay smoking pipe, 2 views (left: bowl interior; right: bowl exterior). Pipes like this were made across West Africa after Europeans learned the practice of smoking tobacco from First Peoples of the Americas and introduced it to Africa in early centuries of the trans-Atlantic trade. This pipe bowl flares outward toward its rim and inward toward its base. Its inward-flaring bottom is decorated with red paint in a zone marked by a deep horizontal groove. Above this, decorated zones are separated by two vertical grooves. Zones of hatched incised lines alternate with vertical rows of rectangular impressions. The top half of the bowl's interior is blackened from use. The bowl's base and the pipe's stem are missing. The potting clay used to make the pipe is tempered with fine white grit. Photo scale in cm. Site Kuulo Kataa. 6 July, 2000.
- Rights:
- Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial
- Publisher:
- University of Victoria Libraries
- Provenance:
- Kuulo Kataa, Mound 123, Unit 89E 86S, Level 8
- Date:
- 2000-07-06
- Location(s) Facet:
- Kuulo Kataa
- Subjects Facet:
- Tobacco pipes; Pottery; Artifacts (Antiquities)
- Identifier:
- SF KK 00-379a
- Creator:
- Dr. Ann B. Stahl
- Date searchable:
- 2000
- Date searchable:
- 2000-07-06
- Genre Facet:
- Digital image
- Format:
- Image
- Source:
- Dr. Ann B. Stahl
- Location(s):
- Kuulo Kataa;8.14847222, -2.37472222
- Sketchfab Uid:
- Commentary:
- Composite photo made using Adobe Photoshop 2020
- Geographic Coordinates:
- 8.14847222, -2.37472222
330. Clay smoking pipe, Kuulo Kataa, 2000
- Description:
- A short-stemmed, locally made clay smoking pipe, 2 views (bottom: view from side with pipe bowl to the left; top: view from top). Pipes like this were inspired by those used by America's First Peoples from whom Europeans learned about tobacco. Europeans introduced tobacco smoking to West Africa during the early centuries of trans-Atlantic trade. This pipe's bowl has a flared pedestal base with traces of red paint. The rounded pipe bowl is marked by deep vertical grooves at its base, above which are closely spaced horizontal rows of dentate impressions. The bowl's rim is missing. Its stem joins the bowl at its base (a "single-angled" form). The stem is collared at its end and has a flat lip. The potting clay used to make the pipe is tempered with fine white grit. Photo scale in cm. Site Kuulo Kataa. 4 July, 2000.
- Rights:
- Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial
- Publisher:
- University of Victoria Libraries
- Provenance:
- Kuulo Kataa, Mound 130, 95E 108N, Level 3
- Date:
- 2000-07-04
- Location(s) Facet:
- Kuulo Kataa
- Subjects Facet:
- Tobacco pipes; Pottery; Artifacts (Antiquities)
- Identifier:
- SF KK 00-326
- Creator:
- Dr. Ann B. Stahl
- Date searchable:
- 2000
- Date searchable:
- 2000-07-04
- Genre Facet:
- Digital image
- Format:
- Image
- Source:
- Dr. Ann B. Stahl
- Location(s):
- Kuulo Kataa;8.14847222, -2.37472222
- Sketchfab Uid:
- Commentary:
- Composite photo made using Adobe Photoshop 2020
- Geographic Coordinates:
- 8.14847222, -2.37472222
331. Clay smoking pipe, Ngre Kataa, 2009
- Description:
- A short-stemmed, locally made clay smoking pipe, 2 views (bottom: view from side with pipe bowl to the left; top: view from top). Pipes like this were inspired by those used by America's First Peoples from whom Europeans learned about tobacco. Europeans introduced tobacco smoking to West Africa during the early centuries of trans-Atlantic trade. This pipe's bowl has a flared pedestal base, the bottom of which shows signs of abrasion. Above its base, the pipe bowl is decorated with a zone of criss-cross incisions demarcated by two horizonal incisions (one above and one below). The bowl's rim is missing. Its stem joins the bowl above its base (a "double-angled" form). The stem flares somewhat toward its lip which is flattened. Photo scale in cm. Site Ngre Kataa. 27 May, 2009.
- Rights:
- Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial
- Publisher:
- University of Victoria Libraries
- Provenance:
- Ngre Kataa, Mound 7, Unit 10N 28E, Level 5
- Date:
- 2009-05-27
- Location(s) Facet:
- Ngre Kataa
- Subjects Facet:
- Tobacco pipes; Pottery; Artifacts (Antiquities)
- Identifier:
- SF NK 09-008
- Creator:
- Dr. Ann B. Stahl
- Date searchable:
- 2009
- Date searchable:
- 2009-05-27
- Genre Facet:
- Digital image
- Format:
- Image
- Source:
- Dr. Ann B. Stahl
- Location(s):
- Ngre Kataa;8.11277778, -2.30611111
- Sketchfab Uid:
- Commentary:
- Composite photo made using Adobe Photoshop 2020
- Geographic Coordinates:
- 8.11277778, -2.30611111
332. Clay smoking pipe, Makala Kataa, 1990
- Description:
- Stem and base of a clay smoking pipe, 2 views (bottom: view from side with pipe bowl to the right; top: view from top). Short-stemmed pipes like this were made across West Africa after Europeans learned the practice of smoking tobacco from First Peoples of the Americas and introduced it to Africa in early centuries of the trans-Atlantic trade. This pipe has a round flared base. Its bowl is missing. The stem joins the bowl at the base (a "single-angled" form). The cylindrical stem has a collared, lobed ("quatrefoil") lip with circular impressions and small incisions on each of four lobes. The pipes is decorated overall with a red slip. Photo scale in cm. Site Makala Kataa. 27 June, 1990.
- Rights:
- Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial
- Publisher:
- University of Victoria Libraries
- Provenance:
- Makala Kataa, Station 6, Mound 4, Unit 14W 35S, Level 11
- Date:
- 1990-06-27
- Location(s) Facet:
- Makala Kataa
- Subjects Facet:
- Tobacco pipes; Pottery; Artifacts (Antiquities)
- Identifier:
- SF MK6 90-029
- Creator:
- Dr. Ann B. Stahl
- Date searchable:
- 1990
- Date searchable:
- 1990-06-27
- Genre Facet:
- Digital image
- Format:
- Image
- Source:
- Dr. Ann B. Stahl
- Location(s):
- Makala Kataa;8.142724; -2.382957
- Sketchfab Uid:
- Commentary:
- Composite photo made using Adobe Photoshop 2020
- Geographic Coordinates:
- 8.142724; -2.382957
333. Clay smoking pipe, Kuulo Kataa, 1995
- Description:
- A short-stemmed, locally made clay smoking pipe, 3 views (bottom left: bowl base and step viewed from top; bottom right: bowl base and stem from side, with pipe bowl to the left; top: bowl front). Pipes like this were inspired by those used by America's First Peoples from whom Europeans learned about tobacco. Europeans introduced tobacco smoking to West Africa during the early centuries of trans-Atlantic trade. This pipe's bowl has a slightly pedestaled base, the bottom of which shows signs of abrasion. Above its base, the pipe bowl is outward flaring and constricts slightly at the lip. The upper area of the bowl is decorated by overall vertical incisions interspersed with single vertical rows of circular impressions. A horizontal groove marks the boundary between a lower zone decorated with angled incisions. The pipe's stem joins the bowl above the bowl base (a "double-angled" form) and its lip is rounded. The pipe has been decorated with an overall red slip. It has been minimally cleaned on the exterior and soil remains in the bowl interior, with the end of a root visible in the bowl's base. Photo scale in cm. Site Kuulo Kataa. 29 June, 1995.
- Rights:
- Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial
- Publisher:
- University of Victoria Libraries
- Provenance:
- Kuulo Kataa, Mound 130, Unit 95E 106N, Level 4
- Date:
- 1995-06-29
- Location(s) Facet:
- Kuulo Kataa
- Subjects Facet:
- Tobacco pipes; Pottery; Artifacts (Antiquities)
- Identifier:
- SF KK 00-268
- Creator:
- Dr. Ann B. Stahl
- Date searchable:
- 1995
- Date searchable:
- 1995-06-29
- Genre Facet:
- Digital image
- Format:
- Image
- Source:
- Dr. Ann B. Stahl
- Location(s):
- Kuulo Kataa;8.14847222, -2.37472222
- Sketchfab Uid:
- Commentary:
- Composite photo made using Adobe Photoshop 2020
- Geographic Coordinates:
- 8.14847222, -2.37472222
334. Tanged iron blade, Ngre Kataa, 2009
- Description:
- A curved, tanged iron blade (brɔfiɛn in Nafaanra), slightly shouldered at the base (right), with a short narrow tang for the purpose of hafting to a wood handle. The tool shows signs of corrosion. The artfiact was excavated from a house mound. Scale in cm. Length: 19.1 cm. Weight: 54.7 g. Ngre Kataa, 4 June, 2009.
- Rights:
- Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial
- Publisher:
- University of Victoria Libraries
- Provenance:
- Ngre Kataa, Mound 7, Unit 10N 28-30E, Level 7
- Date:
- 2009-06-04
- Location(s) Facet:
- Ngre Kataa
- Subjects:
- Iron tool
- Subjects Facet:
- Blades (tool and equipment components); Cutting tools; Knives; Iron; Archaeology; Artifacts (Antiquities)
- Identifier:
- SF NK 09-113
- Creator:
- Dr. Ann B. Stahl
- Date searchable:
- 2009
- Date searchable:
- 2009-06-04
- Genre Facet:
- Digital image
- Format:
- Image
- Source:
- Dr. Ann B. Stahl
- Location(s):
- Ngre Kataa;8.11277778, -2.30611111
- Sketchfab Uid:
- Geographic Coordinates:
- 8.11277778, -2.30611111
335. Miniature iron shackles from a shrine cluster, Ngre Kataa, 2009
- Description:
- Miniature iron shackles (manacles). The artifact was excavated from a context that archaeologists interpret as a shrine located in metallurgical workshop. The shrine included many pottery jars and lids, iron bangles and other objects. The miniature shackles were placed inside a pottery jar, which was found lying on its side and broken. The shackles have been corroded by rust. Scale in cm. Width: 7.4 cm. Weight: 16.1 g. Site Ngre Kataa. 9-10 June, 2009.
- Rights:
- Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial
- Publisher:
- University of Victoria Libraries
- Relation:
- Provenance:
- Ngre Kataa, Mound 6, Unit 48N 8W, Level 3. Piece plot, 41cm S, 75 cm W, 83 cm bd
- Date:
- 2009-06-10
- Location(s) Facet:
- Ngre Kataa
- Subjects:
- Manacles
- Subjects Facet:
- Shackles; Iron; Leg irons; Handcuffs; Shrines; Archaeology; Artifacts (Antiquities)
- Identifier:
- SF NK 09-171
- Creator:
- Dr. Ann B. Stahl
- Date searchable:
- 2009
- Date searchable:
- 2009-06-10
- Genre Facet:
- Digital image
- Format:
- Image
- Location(s):
- Ngre Kataa;8.11277778, -2.30611111
- Sketchfab Uid:
- Geographic Coordinates:
- 8.11277778, -2.30611111
336. Iron projectile point, Ngre Kataa, 2009
- Description:
- Triangular-headed iron projectile point with squared base (left) and long tang (right). To make an arrow (snini in Nafaanra), the tang was inserted into a straight shaft made of bamboo, reed or lightweight wood to which it was hafted. This artifact was excavated from what archaeologists interpret as a house mound. It shows signs of corrosion by rust. Scale in cm. Length: 9.6 cm. Weight: 12.6 g. Site Ngre Kataa. 3 June, 2009.
- Rights:
- Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial
- Publisher:
- University of Victoria Libraries
- Provenance:
- Ngre Kataa, Mound 7, Unit 10N 30E, Level 6. Piece plot, 44 cm S, 127 cm W, 76 cmbd
- Date:
- 2009-06-03
- Location(s) Facet:
- Ngre Kataa
- Subjects:
- Iron tool
- Subjects Facet:
- Projectile points; Iron; Archaeology; Artifacts (Antiquities)
- Identifier:
- SF NK 09-090
- Creator:
- Dr. Ann B. Stahl
- Date searchable:
- 2009
- Date searchable:
- 2009-06-03
- Genre Facet:
- Digital image
- Format:
- Image
- Source:
- Dr. Ann B. Stahl
- Location(s):
- Ngre Kataa;8.11277778, -2.30611111
- Sketchfab Uid:
- Geographic Coordinates:
- 8.11277778, -2.30611111
337. Iron projectile point, Ngre Kataa, 2009
- Description:
- Iron projectile point. The head (left) is asymmetrical, perhaps the result of its base being broken. The intact side of the base is shouldered. Two small barbs protrude from opposite sides of the point's long tang (right). To make an arrow, the tang would have been inserted into a shaft made of bamboo, reed or lightweight wood. This point was found in an area (mound 6) that archaeologists interpret as a metallurgical workshop. The artifact has been corroded by rusting. Scale in cm. Length: 10.1 cm. Weight: 8.9 g. Site Ngre Kataa. 4 June, 2009.
- Rights:
- Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial
- Publisher:
- University of Victoria Libraries
- Provenance:
- Ngre Kataa, Mound 6, Unit 50N 6W, Level 3
- Date:
- 2009-06-04
- Location(s) Facet:
- Ngre Kataa
- Subjects:
- Iron tool
- Subjects Facet:
- Projectile points; Iron; Archaeology; Artifacts (Antiquities)
- Identifier:
- SF 09-110
- Creator:
- Dr. Ann B. Stahl
- Date searchable:
- 2009
- Date searchable:
- 2009-06-04
- Genre Facet:
- Digital image
- Format:
- Image
- Source:
- Dr. Ann B. Stahl
- Location(s):
- Ngre Kataa;8.11277778, -2.30611111
- Sketchfab Uid:
- Geographic Coordinates:
- 8.11277778, -2.30611111
338. Artifact cluster, Mound 6, Ngre Kataa, 2009
- Description:
- A tri-looped iron bangle (SF 09-158) and a flat iron disc (SF 09-159) exposed insitu between two stones. The surfaces of the stones showed signs of use for grinding. This group of objects (cluster D) was found near--and may have been part of--a larger cluster of objects (A-D) that archaeologists interpret as a shrine placed over stratified deposits in a metallurgical workshop. Photo scale marked in 5 cm intervals. Arrow pointing north. Site Ngre Kataa. 9 June 2009.
- Rights:
- Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial
- Publisher:
- University of Victoria Libraries
- Relation:
- Provenance:
- Ngre Kataa, Mound 6, Unit 50N 8W, base Level 4
- Date:
- 2009-06-09
- Location(s) Facet:
- Ngre Kataa
- Subjects:
- Grinding stone
- Subjects Facet:
- Archaeology; Excavations (Archaeology); Iron; Bangles; Artifacts (Antiquities)
- Creator:
- Dr. Ann B. Stahl
- Date searchable:
- 2009
- Date searchable:
- 2009-06-09
- Genre Facet:
- Digital image
- Format:
- Image
- Location(s):
- Ngre Kataa;8.11277778, -2.30611111
- Sketchfab Uid:
- Geographic Coordinates:
- 8.11277778, -2.30611111
339. Red-painted pottery bowl, Banda 27, 2001
- Description:
- Photo of a pottery bowl rim, interior view, with profile depicted (left). The shallow bowl's flattened rim is decorated with intersecting red painted lines, and the interior surface with zones of red paint. A narrow band of red paint appears on the external lip of the bowl, which has an otherwise plain exterior surface. An INAA sample ("Banda 27-7") from this bowl was assigned to the "K2" group of ceramic fabrics. It was therefore likely made from clays mined east of the Banda hills. Rim diameter: 26 cm at the interior lip. Sherd represents an estimated 12% of the bowl's circumference. Scale in cm. Site Banda 27. 27 January, 2001.
- Rights:
- Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial
- Publisher:
- University of Victoria Libraries
- Provenance:
- Banda 27, Mound 2, Unit 1, Level 3
- Date:
- 2001-02-27
- Location(s) Facet:
- Site Banda 27
- Subjects:
- Red paint; Bowl; Neutron Activation Analysis
- Subjects Facet:
- Archaeology; Pottery; Artifacts (Antiquities)
- Identifier:
- FS01-119B, INAA Banda 27-7
- Creator:
- Dr. Ann B. Stahl
- Contributors:
- Dr. N. Leith Smith
- Date searchable:
- 2001
- Date searchable:
- 2001-02-27
- Genre Facet:
- 35 mm slide
- Format:
- Image
- Source:
- Dr. Ann B. Stahl
- Location(s):
- Banda 27;8.191119, -2.16954
- Date Digitized:
- 2016
- Sketchfab Uid:
- Commentary:
- Slide scanned by Ann B. Stahl
- Geographic Coordinates:
- 8.191119, -2.16954
340. Tanged iron blade, Kuulo Kataa, 2000
- Description:
- An iron blade, rounded at the tip (left), flared at the base and with a short tang (right) which allowed it to be hafted to a wood handle. The tool shows signs of corrosion. The blade was excavated from a level characterized by abundant iron slag and ashy soil. Scale in cm. Site Kuulo Kataa. 23 June, 2000.
- Rights:
- Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial
- Publisher:
- University of Victoria Libraries
- Provenance:
- Kuulo Kataa, Mound 131, Unit 126E 140N, Level 10
- Date:
- 2000-06-23
- Location(s) Facet:
- Kuulo Kataa
- Subjects:
- Tanged blade; Iron tool
- Subjects Facet:
- Iron; Blades (tool and equipment components); Archaeology; Artifacts (Antiquities)
- Identifier:
- SF KK 00-193
- Creator:
- Dr. Ann B. Stahl
- Date searchable:
- 2000
- Date searchable:
- 2000-06-23
- Genre:
- Digital image
- Genre Facet:
- Digital image
- Format:
- Image
- Source:
- Dr. Ann B. Stahl
- Location(s):
- Kuulo Kataa;8.14847222, -2.37472222
- Sketchfab Uid:
- Geographic Coordinates:
- 8.14847222, -2.37472222
341. Iron projectile point, Ngre Kataa, 2009
- Description:
- Asymmetrical barbed iron projectile point with a bent shaft. This artifact was found in an area that archaeologists interpret as a metallurgical workshop. It was found near--and may have been part of--a large cluster of objects interpreted as a shrine. The (partial?) point has been corroded by rusting. Scale in cm. Length: 9.1 cm. Weight: 11.3 g. Site Ngre Kataa, 6 July 2009.
- Rights:
- Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial
- Publisher:
- University of Victoria Libraries
- Provenance:
- Ngre Kataa, Mound 6, Unit 48N 8W, Level 6. Piece plot, 5 cm S, 5 cm W, 102 cm bd
- Date:
- 2009-07-06
- Location(s) Facet:
- Ngre Kataa
- Subjects:
- Iron tool
- Subjects Facet:
- Projectile points; Iron; Archaeology; Artifacts (Antiquities)
- Identifier:
- SF NK 09-384
- Creator:
- Dr. Ann B. Stahl
- Date searchable:
- 2009
- Date searchable:
- 2009-07-06
- Genre Facet:
- Digital image
- Format:
- Image
- Source:
- Dr. Ann B. Stahl
- Location(s):
- Ngre Kataa;8.11277778, -2.30611111
- Sketchfab Uid:
- Geographic Coordinates:
- 8.11277778, -2.30611111
342. Tanged iron blade, Ngre Kataa, 2008
- Description:
- Tanged iron blade with pointed tip (left) and rounded shoulders. Two large concretions adhere to the blade's corroded surface. The tang (right) would have allowed the blade to be hafted to a wooden or bamboo shaft or handle. If hafted to a long shaft, it may have been used as a spear (chombo in Nafaanra). This artifact was found closely associated with a copper alloy twinned figurine, an iron bangle, a rounded quartz pebble and several other objects, which archaeologists interpret as a shrine cluster. The cluster was placed among metal-working features in a metallurgical workshop. Scale in cm. Length: 8.6 cm. Weight: 12.6 g. Site Ngre Kataa. 19 July 2008.
- Rights:
- Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial
- Publisher:
- University of Victoria Libraries
- Relation:
- Provenance:
- Ngre Kataa, Mound 6, Unit 44N 6W, Feature 5. Piece plot, 15-20 cm S, 161-167 cm W, 78 cm bd
- Date:
- 2008-07-19
- Location(s) Facet:
- Ngre Kataa
- Subjects:
- Iron tool
- Subjects Facet:
- Blades (tool and equipment components); Cutting tools; Knives; Iron; Archaeology; Shrines; Artifacts (Antiquities)
- Identifier:
- SF NK 08-207
- Creator:
- Dr. Ann B. Stahl
- Date searchable:
- 2008
- Date searchable:
- 2008-07-19
- Genre Facet:
- Digital image
- Format:
- Image
- Location(s):
- Ngre Kataa;8.11277778, -2.30611111
- Sketchfab Uid:
- Geographic Coordinates:
- 8.11277778, -2.30611111
343. Iron projectile point, Ngre Kataa, 2008
- Description:
- Triangular-headed iron projectile point with a barb at the head's base (left) and a long tang (right). To make an arrow (snini in Nafaanra), the tang was inserted into a straight shaft made of bamboo, reed or lightweight wood to which it was hafted. This artifact was found in an area (mound 7) that archaeologists interpret as a house mound. The projectile point shows signs of corrosion by rusting. Scale in cm. Length: 9 cm. Weight: 9.2 g. Site Ngre Kataa. 7 July, 2008.
- Rights:
- Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial
- Publisher:
- University of Victoria Libraries
- Provenance:
- Ngre Kataa, Mound 7, Unit 14N 24E, Level 2
- Date:
- 2008-07-07
- Location(s) Facet:
- Ngre Kataa
- Subjects:
- Iron tool
- Subjects Facet:
- Projectile points; Iron; Archaeology; Artifacts (Antiquities)
- Identifier:
- SF 08-128
- Creator:
- Dr. Ann B. Stahl
- Date searchable:
- 2008
- Date searchable:
- 2008-07-07
- Genre Facet:
- Digital image
- Format:
- Image
- Source:
- Dr. Ann B. Stahl
- Location(s):
- Ngre Kataa;8.11277778, -2.30611111
- Sketchfab Uid:
- Geographic Coordinates:
- 8.11277778, -2.30611111
344. Iron projectile point, Ngre Kataa, 2009
- Description:
- Triangular-headed iron projectile point (SF 09-033) with a slightly squared base (left ) and a short tang (right). To make an arrow (snini in Nafaanra), the tang was inserted into a straight shaft made of bamboo, reed or lightweight wood to which it was hafted. This artifact was found close to several anvil/grinding stones in an area (mound 6) that archaeologists interpret as a metallurgical workshop. The projectile point shows signs of corrosion by rusting. Scale in cm. Length: 8.1 cm. Weight: 9.3 g. Site Ngre Kataa. 30 May 2009.
- Rights:
- Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial
- Publisher:
- University of Victoria Libraries
- Relation:
- Provenance:
- Ngre Kataa, Mound 6, Unit 48N 2W, Level 5. Piece plot: 53 cm S, 20 cm W
- Date:
- 2009-05-30
- Location(s) Facet:
- 8.11277778, -2.30611111
- Subjects:
- Iron tool
- Subjects Facet:
- Projectile points; Iron; Archaeology; Artifacts (Antiquities)
- Identifier:
- SF 09-033
- Creator:
- Dr. Ann B. Stahl
- Date searchable:
- 2009
- Date searchable:
- 2009-05-30
- Genre Facet:
- Digital image
- Format:
- Image
- Location(s):
- Ngre Kataa;8.11277778, -2.30611111
- Sketchfab Uid:
- Geographic Coordinates:
- 8.11277778, -2.30611111
345. Tanged iron blade, Kuulo Kataa, 1995
- Description:
- A curved iron blade (brɔfiɛn in Nafaanra), rounded at the tip (left), slightly shouldered at the base, with a long tang (right) for the purpose of hafting. The tool shows signs of corrosion. The artfiact was excavated from a house mound and found in a level of midden-like deposits. Scale in cm. Length: 11.2 cm. Weight: 11.7 gm. Site Kuulo Kataa. 14 June, 1995.
- Rights:
- Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial
- Publisher:
- University of Victoria Libraries
- Provenance:
- Kuulo Kataa, Mound 118, Unit 66W 14N, Level 4
- Date:
- 1995-06-14
- Location(s) Facet:
- Kuulo Kataa
- Subjects:
- Iron tool
- Subjects Facet:
- Blades (tool and equipment components); Cutting tools; Knives; Iron; Archaeology; Artifacts (Antiquities)
- Identifier:
- SF KK 95-089
- Creator:
- Dr. Ann B. Stahl
- Date searchable:
- 1995
- Date searchable:
- 1995-06-14
- Genre Facet:
- Digital image
- Format:
- Image
- Source:
- Dr. Ann B. Stahl
- Location(s):
- Kuulo Kataa;8.14847222, -2.37472222
- Sketchfab Uid:
- Geographic Coordinates:
- 8.14847222, -2.37472222
346. Iron projectile point, Ngre Kataa, 2008
- Description:
- Triangular-headed iron projectile point with a single barb at the base of its head (left) and a long thin tang (right). To make an arrow (snini in Nafaanra), the tang was inserted into a shaft made of bamboo, reed or lightweight wood to which it was hafted. The artifact shows signs of corrosion. The point was excavated from a deep midden mound in an disturbed by a pig burrow. Scale in cm. Length: 12.4 cm. Weight: 14.2 g. Site Ngre Kataa. 25 June, 2008.
- Rights:
- Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial
- Publisher:
- University of Victoria Libraries
- Provenance:
- Ngre Kataa, Mound 8, Unit 8N 127E, Level 12
- Date:
- 2008-06-25
- Location(s) Facet:
- Ngre Kataa
- Subjects:
- Iron tool
- Subjects Facet:
- Projectile points; Iron; Archaeology; Artifacts (Antiquities)
- Identifier:
- SF NK 08-011
- Creator:
- Dr. Ann B. Stahl
- Date searchable:
- 2008
- Date searchable:
- 2008-06-25
- Genre Facet:
- Digital image
- Format:
- Image
- Source:
- Dr. Ann B. Stahl
- Location(s):
- Ngre Kataa;8.11277778, -2.30611111
- Sketchfab Uid:
- Geographic Coordinates:
- 8.11277778, -2.30611111
347. Iron projectile point, Ngre Kataa, 2008
- Description:
- Triangular-headed projectile point with barbs on either side of the head's base (left). Its long tang (right) is bent. To make an arrow (snini in Nafaanra), the tang was inserted into a straight shaft made of bamboo, reed or lightweight wood to which it was hafted. This artifact was found in an area that archaeologists interpret as a metallurgical workshop. The projectile point shows signs of corrosion by rusting. Scale in cm. Length: 9.8 cm. Weight: 10.2 g. Site Ngre Kataa. 5 July, 2008.
- Rights:
- Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial
- Publisher:
- University of Victoria Libraries
- Provenance:
- Ngre Kataa, Mound 6, Unit 44N 6W, Level 3; piece plot: 67-71 cm S, 142-156 W
- Date:
- 2008-07-05
- Location(s) Facet:
- Ngre Kataa
- Subjects:
- Iron tool
- Subjects Facet:
- Projectile points; Iron; Archaeology; Artifacts (Antiquities)
- Identifier:
- SF NK 08-112a
- Creator:
- Dr. Ann B. Stahl
- Date searchable:
- 2008
- Date searchable:
- 2008-07-05
- Genre Facet:
- Digital image
- Format:
- Image
- Location(s):
- Ngre Kataa;8.11277778, -2.30611111
- Sketchfab Uid:
- Geographic Coordinates:
- 8.11277778, -2.30611111
348. Copper alloy (brass) bar, Ngre Kataa, 2009
- Description:
- A piece of a copper alloy (brass) bar, found in association with burned features that archaeologists interpret as linked to metalworking (left: side view; right, end views). The bar is square in cross-section (right). One end appears finished and has a slight circular depression or dimple (bottom right). The other end (top right) is jagged and appears to be broken from a longer bar. The artifact was recovered from soil associated with an amorphous burned feature, underneath which were a series of burned basins likely created by forging activities. The object is similar in appearance to brass bars known from the Ma'adin Ijafen cache of brass ingots documented by Theodore Monod in eastern Mauritania in the 1960s. As such, this may be the form in which metalworkers got the copper alloys that were worked at the site. Length: 1.7 cm. Weight: 2.8 g. Scale in cm. Site Ngre Kataa. 25 June 2009.
- Rights:
- Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial
- Publisher:
- University of Victoria Libraries
- Relation:
- Provenance:
- Ngre Kataa, Mound 6, Unit 50N 8W,Level 5. Piece plot: 198 cm W, 88 cm S, 110 cm bd
- Date:
- 2009-06-25
- Location(s) Facet:
- Ngre Kataa
- Subjects Facet:
- Archaeology; Artifacts (Antiquities); Copper alloys; Metalworkinig
- Identifier:
- SF 09-293
- Creator:
- Dr. Ann B. Stahl
- Date searchable:
- 2009
- Date searchable:
- 2009-06-25
- Genre Facet:
- Digital image
- Format:
- Image
- Source:
- Dr. Ann B. Stahl
- Location(s):
- Ngre Kataa;8.11277778, -2.30611111
- Sketchfab Uid:
- Commentary:
- Composite photo made using Adobe Photoshop 2020
- Geographic Coordinates:
- 8.11277778, -2.30611111
349. Burned features unit 50N 8W, Ngre Kataa, 2009
- Description:
- A cluster of burned features is exposed in the northwest corner of excavation unit 50N 8W in an area interpreted by archaeologists as a metallurgical workshop (mound 6). Along the unit's west wall (left in photo) is an amorphous zone of fire-hardened red (Munsell color 2.5YR 3/6) matrix. A piece of brass bar (SF NK 09-293) was found in soil associated with this burned feature. Above and to the right (northeast), two circular burned features are visible in outline. These basin-shaped features had a thin lining of fire-hardened sediment, red to dark red (Munsell 2.5 YR 3/6 & 4/8) in color. The basins were filled with loose ashy sediment and small pieces of charcoal. A sample of burned matrix from feature 1 (top right basin) yielded a thermoluminescence (TL) age estimate of 1500 +/- 40 CE (Univ. Wash. 2455). Further excavation revealed additional basin-shaped features beneath the amorphous burned feature. The excavation unit's northwest corner peg is visible, upper left. View looking north. Site Ngre Kataa. 27 June 2009.
- Rights:
- Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial
- Publisher:
- University of Victoria Libraries
- Relation:
- Provenance:
- Ngre Kataa, Mound 6, Unit 50N 8W,Level 6
- Date:
- 2009-06-27
- Location(s) Facet:
- Ngre Kataa
- Subjects Facet:
- Excavations (Archaeology); Archaeology; Metalworking; Forging
- Creator:
- Dr. Ann B. Stahl
- Date searchable:
- 2009
- Date searchable:
- 2009-06-07
- Genre Facet:
- Digital image
- Format:
- Image
- Source:
- Dr. Ann B. Stahl
- Location(s):
- Ngre Kataa;8.11277778, -2.30611111
- Sketchfab Uid:
- Geographic Coordinates:
- 8.11277778, -2.30611111
350. Excavated burned basins, unit 50N 8W, Ngre Kataa, 2009
- Description:
- A cluster of burned basin-shaped features is exposed in the northwest corner of unit 50N 8W in an area interpreted by archaeologists as a metallurgical workshop (mound 6). The basins comprised a thin layer of fire-hardened sediment, red to dark red (Munsell colors 2.5 YR 3/6 & 4/8) in color. Basin features 1 (top right) and 2 (left of feature 1) measured about 8-9 cm deep and were filled with ashy soil. Basin feature 5 (far left) was shallower. Its fire-hardened surface showed a pinkish tinge. Samples of burned basin matrix from features 1 and 5 yielded thermoluminescence (TL) age estimates of 1500 +/- 40 CE (feature 1; Univ. Wash. 2455) and 1580 +/- 40 CE (feature 5; Univ. Wash. 2456). Photo bar marked in 5 cm increments. Arrows pointing north. Site Ngre Kataa. 29 June 2009.
- Rights:
- Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial
- Publisher:
- University of Victoria Libraries
- Relation:
- Provenance:
- Ngre Kataa, Mound 6, Unit 50N 8W,Level 6
- Date:
- 2009-06-29
- Location(s) Facet:
- Ngre Kataa
- Subjects Facet:
- Excavations (Archaeology); Archaeology; Metalworking; Forging
- Creator:
- Dr. Ann B. Stahl
- Date searchable:
- 2009
- Date searchable:
- 2009-06-29
- Genre Facet:
- Digital image
- Format:
- Image
- Source:
- Dr. Ann B. Stahl
- Location(s):
- Ngre Kataa;8.11277778, -2.30611111
- Sketchfab Uid:
- Geographic Coordinates:
- 8.11277778, -2.30611111
351. Anvil stone in a metallurgical workshop, Ngre Kataa, 2009
- Description:
- A boulder used as an anvil stone (GS 09-07) sits insitu in an excavated area interpreted as a metallurgical workshop. A black-and-white photo scale stick stands vertically against it. The boulder's upper surface shows signs of use wear and its north-facing side is marked by a cup-shaped depression that resulted from repeated use. To the north (left), a fist-sized hammer stone (GS 09-09) rests insitu on a pedestal of soil left in place as the unit was excavated. Two stones showing evidence of use as grinding stones sit nearby, a north arrow placed by one(GS 09-10; center photo) and one in the southwest corner of the excavation unit (GS 09-08; bottom right). Another insitu anvil stone (GS 09-6) sits in the northeast corner of an adjacent excavation unit (48N 0W; top right of photo). The narrow band of loose soil angled across the southwest corner of the excavation was created by a burrowing animal. Photo stick and small arrow scale in 5 cm intervals. Photo scale arrows pointing north. Site Ngre Kataa. 2 June 2009.
- Rights:
- Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial
- Publisher:
- University of Victoria Libraries
- Relation:
- Provenance:
- Ngre Kataa, Mound 6, Unit 50N 0W, Level 2
- Date:
- 2009-06-02
- Location(s) Facet:
- Ngre Kataa
- Subjects:
- Anvil stone; Grinding stone
- Subjects Facet:
- Excavations (Archaeology); Archaeology; Metalworking
- Creator:
- Dr. Ann B. Stahl
- Date searchable:
- 2009
- Date searchable:
- 2009-06-02
- Genre Facet:
- Digital image
- Format:
- Image
- Source:
- Dr. Ann B. Stahl
- Location(s):
- Ngre Kataa;8.11277778, -2.30611111
- Sketchfab Uid:
- Geographic Coordinates:
- 8.11277778, -2.30611111
352. Anvil stone in a metallurgical workshop, Ngre Kataa, 2009
- Description:
- A boulder used as an anvil stone (GS 09-01) sits insitu in an excavated area interpreted as a metallurgical workshop. This was one of several boulders associated with burned features and other residues of metalworking. The boulder's upper surface showed signs of use wear and its south-facing side is marked by a deep cup-shaped depression that resulted from repeated use. A burned feature interpreted as the remains of a forge is visible behind the anvil stone (upper left) in the northwest corner of excavation unit 50N 2W. Flat photo scale in cm. Arrow pointing north. Site Ngre Kataa. 1 June 2009.
- Rights:
- Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial
- Publisher:
- University of Victoria Libraries
- Relation:
- Provenance:
- Ngre Kataa, Mound 6, Unit 50N 2W, Level 4
- Date:
- 2009-06-01
- Location(s) Facet:
- Ngre Kataa
- Subjects:
- Anvil stone
- Subjects Facet:
- Excavations (Archaeology); Archaeology; Metalworking
- Creator:
- Dr. Ann B. Stahl
- Date searchable:
- 2009
- Date searchable:
- 2009-06-01
- Genre Facet:
- Digital image
- Format:
- Image
- Source:
- Dr. Ann B. Stahl
- Location(s):
- Ngre Kataa;8.11277778, -2.30611111
- Sketchfab Uid:
- Geographic Coordinates:
- 8.11277778, -2.30611111
353. Anvil stones in a metallurgical workshop, mound 6, Ngre Kataa, 2009
- Description:
- Excavations uncovered three insitu boulders placed in a row that were used as anvil stones in an area interpreted as a metallurgical workshop. Multiple surfaces of the boulders show signs of wear caused by hammering and grinding. Repeated use of the anvil stone in the foreground (GS 09-03) has created a clear depression on its upper surface and its left side is flattened by wear. The middle anvil stone (GS 09-02) has multiple depressions created by use on its upper surface. The anvil in the rear of the photo (GS 09-01) shows wear on its top and side surfaces, with dirt still embedded in a deep cup-shaped depression on its south-facing side in this photo. To the east (right) of the boulder in foreground, the flat surface of a grinding stone (GS 09-04) is visible in the east wall of the excavation unit. A broken pedestal base of a pot sits on its side to the east (right) of the middle anvil stone. In the upper left corner of the photo, a burned feature interpreted by archaeologists as the remains of a forge has been exposed. The red-and-white band above the photo sign is a two meter scale, marked in 10 cm increments. View looking north across two exavation units: 50N 2W (top of photo) and 48N 2W (bottom of photo). The 2x2m units have been excavated to slightly different depths. Site Ngre Kataa. 1 June, 2009.
- Rights:
- Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial
- Publisher:
- University of Victoria Libraries
- Relation:
- Provenance:
- Ngre Kataa, Mound 6, Units 48N 2W and 50N 2W, Level 4
- Date:
- 2009-06-01
- Location(s) Facet:
- Ngre Kataa
- Subjects:
- Anvil stone
- Subjects Facet:
- Excavations (Archaeology); Archaeology; Metalworking; Forging
- Creator:
- Dr. Ann B. Stahl
- Date searchable:
- 2009
- Date searchable:
- 2009-06-01
- Genre Facet:
- Digital image
- Format:
- Image
- Source:
- Dr. Ann B. Stahl
- Location(s):
- Ngre Kataa;8.11277778, -2.30611111
- Sketchfab Uid:
- Geographic Coordinates:
- 8.11277778, -2.30611111
354. Iron disc, Ngre Kataa, 2009
- Description:
- A flat, thin iron disk. The object is corroded by rust. Its function is unknown. The disc was found in close association with a large anvil or grinding stone and adjacent to a distinctive pottery vessel and a smaller, irregularly shaped piece of flat iron (SF 09-171). This group of objects was located within an area (mound 6) that archaeologists interpret as a metallurgical workshop. Scale in cm. Width: 9.4 cm. Thickness: .2 cm. Weight: 49.3 g. Site Ngre Kataa. 4 July 2009.
- Rights:
- Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial
- Publisher:
- University of Victoria Libraries
- Relation:
- Provenance:
- Ngre Kataa, Mound 6, Unit 50N 6W, Level 5. Piece plot: 134-140 cm S, 144-151 cm W, 100-107 cm bd
- Date:
- 2009-07-04
- Location(s) Facet:
- Ngre Kataa
- Subjects Facet:
- Iron; Artifacts (Antiquities); Archaeology
- Identifier:
- SF 09-370
- Creator:
- Dr. Ann B. Stahl
- Date searchable:
- 2009
- Date searchable:
- 2009-07-04
- Genre Facet:
- Digital image
- Format:
- Image
- Source:
- Dr. Ann B. Stahl
- Location(s):
- Ngre Kataa;8.11277778, -2.30611111
- Sketchfab Uid:
- Geographic Coordinates:
- 8.11277778, -2.30611111
355. 17-19103
- Description:
- A flat, irregularly shaped iron with circular depression. The object is corroded by rust and its original form and function are unknown. It was found in close association with a large anvil or grinding stone (GS 09-15), a circular iron disk (SF 09-370) and a distinctive pottery vessel (NK 09-787). This group of objects was located within an area (mound 6) that archaeologists interpret as a metallurgical workshop. Scale in cm. Width: 5.7 cm. Thickness: .2 cm. Weight: 9 g. Site Ngre Kataa. 4 July 2009.
- Rights:
- Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial
- Publisher:
- University of Victoria Libraries
- Relation:
- Provenance:
- Ngre Kataa, Mound 6, Unit 50N 6W, Level 5. Piece plot: 130-134 cm S, 152-155 cm W, 109-112 cm bd
- Date:
- 2009-07-04
- Location(s) Facet:
- Ngre Kataa
- Subjects Facet:
- Iron; Artifacts (Antiquities); Archaeology
- Identifier:
- SF 90-371
- Creator:
- Dr. Ann B. Stahl
- Date searchable:
- 2009
- Date searchable:
- 2009-07-04
- Genre Facet:
- Digital image
- Format:
- Image
- Location(s):
- Ngre Kataa;8.11277778, -2.30611111
- Sketchfab Uid:
- Geographic Coordinates:
- 8.11277778, -2.30611111
356. Burned feature, unit 46N 2W, Ngre Kataa, 2009
- Description:
- Two views of a burned basin-shaped feature (Feature 2) in mound 6, unit 46N 2W, part of an area that archaeologists interpret as a metallurgical workshop. The feature has been sectioned to reveal its profile. Viewed from the top, the circular feature consists of a ring of fire-hardened yellowish red (Munsell color 5YR 5/8) sediment. The fire-hardened matrix is thicker at its top edge than it is at the bottom of the basin, where its color is dark red (Munsell 2.5YR 3.6). In profile view (second photo), the basin appears as a narrow band of yellowish red fire-hardened sediment. The fire-hardened sediment is thin and rounded at the base of the basin, suggesting that it may have formed around a round-based vessel used to heat metals. A thermoluminescence sample of the burned matrix yielded a date of 1490 +/- 50 years (Univ. Wash. 2364). Photo scale in cm. Site Ngre Kataa. 23 June 2009.
- Rights:
- Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial
- Publisher:
- University of Victoria Libraries
- Relation:
- Provenance:
- Ngre Kataa, Mound 6, Unit 46N 2W, L7
- Date:
- 2009-06-23
- Location(s) Facet:
- 8.11277778, -2.30611111
- Subjects Facet:
- Excavations (Archaeology); Archaeology; Metalworking; Forging
- Creator:
- Dr. Ann B. Stahl
- Date searchable:
- 2009
- Date searchable:
- 2009-06-23
- Genre Facet:
- Digital image
- Format:
- Image
- Source:
- Dr. Ann B. Stahl
- Location(s):
- Ngre Kataa;8.11277778, -2.30611111
- Sketchfab Uid:
- Geographic Coordinates:
- 8.11277778, -2.30611111
357. Stratified deposits, south wall, unit 50N 0W, Ngre Kataa, 2009
- Description:
- The south wall of excavation unit 50N 0W in mound 6 shows stratified layers that accumulated in an area interpreted as a metallurgical workshop. An anvil stone (GS 09-06; left of the sign board) is pedestaled insitu in the adjacent excavation unit (48N 0W). Other pedestaled grinding stones are visible to the right and behind the sign board. These stones were found just below the mound's top surface. A smaller grinding/anvil stone is visible in the east wall of unit 50N 0W, at a depth of one meter below the anvil stone. Burned orange-red lenses that archaeologists interpret as features associated with processing metals are visible in the strata between the stones. Ashy lenses are visible in the south and west walls. Evidence suggests that these layers built up through repeated use of this location for metalworking activities. Width of unit: 2 meters. Site Ngre Kataa. 9 July 2009.
- Rights:
- Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial
- Publisher:
- University of Victoria Libraries
- Relation:
- Provenance:
- Ngre Kataa, Mound 6, Univ 50N 0W, South Wall
- Date:
- 2009-07-09
- Location(s) Facet:
- Ngre Kataa
- Subjects:
- Anvil stone; Grinding stone
- Subjects Facet:
- Excavations (Archaeology); Archaeology; Metalworking
- Creator:
- Dr. Ann B. Stahl
- Date searchable:
- 2009
- Date searchable:
- 2009-07-09
- Genre Facet:
- Digital image
- Format:
- Image
- Source:
- Dr. Ann B. Stahl
- Location(s):
- Ngre Kataa;8.11277778, -2.30611111
- Sketchfab Uid:
- Geographic Coordinates:
- 8.11277778, -2.30611111
358. Anvil and grinding stones in a metallurgical workshop, Ngre Kataa, 2009
- Description:
- View across four excavation units, looking west across an area interpreted as a metallurgical workshop. An anvil stone (GS 09-01) sits insitu in the foreground in unit 50N 2W. In the northwest corner of the same unit (below the roll of red flagging tape, right), the remains of a partially excavated burned feature interpreted as a forge are visible. A pottery jar (NK 09-686), lidded with a broken rounded base of another pot, is visible in the next unit (50N 4W). It sits adjacent to another burned feature in the unit's northwest corner (behind the pot, not visible in this photo). The jar is overlaid by another burned feature (visible as a layer of orange soil). A second pot (NK 09-685), to the left of the first, is covered by a flat stone (GS 09-13) whose lower surface shows evidence of grinding. A larger flat U-shaped grinding stone (GS 09-12) sits insitu atop a soil pedestal in the northeast corner of the next unit (50N 6W). To the south (left) of the stones, a partially exposed jar rim (NK 09-749) is visible close to the eastern edge of unit 50N 6W). Behind it, a large anvil/grinding stone (GS 09-15; faintly visible because it blends into the surrounding soil color) is partially exposed, with a smaller hammer/grinding stone (GS 09-16) sitting in front and left (south) of the large stone. A smaller grinding stone (GS 09-19; upper left of photo) has been pedestaled insitu in the farthest unit (50N 8W). Subsequent excavations in unit 50N 8W revealed a series of burned features in its northwest corner. A two meter yellow tape is extended along the edge of unit 50N 4W (right). Site Ngre Kataa. 24 June 2009.
- Rights:
- Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial
- Publisher:
- University of Victoria Libraries
- Provenance:
- Ngre Kataa, Mound 6, Units 50N, 2 to 8 W, various levels
- Date:
- 2009-06-24
- Location(s) Facet:
- Ngre Kataa
- Subjects:
- Anvil stone; Grinding stone
- Subjects Facet:
- Excavations (Archaeology); Archaeology; Metalworking; Pottery
- Creator:
- Dr. Ann B. Stahl
- Date searchable:
- 2009
- Date searchable:
- 2009-06-24
- Genre Facet:
- Digital image
- Format:
- Image
- Source:
- Dr. Ann B. Stahl
- Location(s):
- Ngre Kataa;8.11277778, -2.30611111
- Sketchfab Uid:
- Geographic Coordinates:
- 8.11277778, -2.30611111
359. Anvil stone in a metallurgical workshop, Ngre Kataa, 2009
- Description:
- A boulder used as an anvil stone (GS 09-07) sits insitu in an excavated area interpreted as a metallurgical workshop. A black-and-white photo scale stick stands vertically against it. The boulder's upper surface shows signs of use wear and its north-facing side is marked by a cup-shaped depression that resulted from repeated use. To the north (left; center photo), a fist-sized hammer stone (GS 09-09) rests insitu on a pedestal of soil left in place as the unit was excavated. Another stone that shows evidence of use as a grinding stone sits nearby (GS 09-10; left in photo). The narrow band of loose soil angled across the southwest corner of the excavation unit (right of photo) was created by a burrowing animal. Photo stick and small arrow scale in 5 cm intervals; large arrow in 10 cm intervals. Photo scale arrows pointing north. Site Ngre Kataa. 2 June 2009.
- Rights:
- Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial
- Publisher:
- University of Victoria Libraries
- Relation:
- Provenance:
- Ngre Kataa, Mound 6, Unit 50N 0W, Level 2
- Date:
- 2009-06-02
- Location(s) Facet:
- Ngre Kataa
- Subjects:
- Anvil stone; Grinding stone
- Subjects Facet:
- Excavations (Archaeology); Archaeology; Metalworking
- Creator:
- Dr. Ann B. Stahl
- Date searchable:
- 2009
- Date searchable:
- 2009-06-02
- Genre Facet:
- Digital image
- Format:
- Image
- Source:
- Dr. Ann B. Stahl
- Location(s):
- Ngre Kataa;8.11277778, -2.30611111
- Sketchfab Uid:
- Geographic Coordinates:
- 8.11277778, -2.30611111
360. Burned features, unit 46N 2W, Ngre Kataa, 2009
- Description:
- Three burned features are visible at the base of level 6 in unit 46N 2W. Two circular features (F1, right & F2, left) have been cross-sectioned, creating a straight edge. Burned feature 3 is an irregularly shaped (rectangular) area pedestaled on the east (right) side of the excavation unit. Along the unit's west wall (left) is an unexcavated rectangular area. Within this matrix was a perforated pot (NK 09-789) lidded with the pedestal base from another pot. The perforated pot contained cowries and small fragments of iron. In units to the north (behind), a row of insitu anvil stones (GS 09-03, -09-02 and 09-01, near to far) is visible in units 48N 2W and 50N 2W. To the east (right) of these, a flat grinding stone (GS 09-08) and an anvil stone (GS 09-06) can be seen insitu in units 48N 0W and 50N 0W. A pottery jar (NK 09-790) rests insitu in the center of unit 50N 0W. To the left of the archaeologist in the blue shirt (Abass Iddrisu), a flat grinding stone (GS 09-12) and a pot (NK 09-685) lidded with a grinding stone (GS 09-13) are visible on the boundary between units 50N 4-6W. Excavation units measure 2 x 2 meters. Site Ngre Kataa. 24 June 2009.
- Rights:
- Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial
- Publisher:
- University of Victoria Libraries
- Relation:
- Provenance:
- Ngre Kataa, Mound 6, Unit 46N 2W
- Date:
- 2009-06-24
- Location(s) Facet:
- Ngre Kataa
- Subjects:
- Anvil stone; Grinding stone
- Subjects Facet:
- Excavations (Archaeology); Archaeology; Pottery; Metalworking
- Creator:
- Dr. Ann B. Stahl
- Date searchable:
- 2009
- Date searchable:
- 2009-06-24
- Genre Facet:
- Digital image
- Format:
- Image
- Source:
- Dr. Ann B. Stahl
- Location(s):
- Ngre Kataa;8.11277778, -2.30611111
- Sketchfab Uid:
- Geographic Coordinates:
- 8.11277778, -2.30611111
361. Burned feature, unit 46N 2W, Ngre Kataa, 2009
- Description:
- Two views of a burned basin-shaped feature (Feature 2) in mound 6, unit 46N 2W, part of an area that archaeologists interpret as a metallurgical workshop. The feature has been sectioned to reveal its profile. Viewed from the top, the circular feature consists of a ring of fire-hardened yellowish red (Munsell color 5YR 5/8) sediment. The fire-hardened matrix is thicker at its top edge than it is at the bottom of the basin, where its color is dark red (Munsell 2.5YR 3.6). In profile view (second photo), the basin appears as a narrow band of yellowish red fire-hardened sediment. The fire-hardened sediment is thin and rounded at the base of the basin, suggesting that it may have formed around a round-based vessel used to heat metals. A thermoluminescence sample of the burned matrix yielded a date of 1490 +/- 50 years (Univ. Wash. 2364). Photo scale in cm. Site Ngre Kataa. 23 June 2009.
- Rights:
- Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial
- Publisher:
- University of Victoria Libraries
- Relation:
- Provenance:
- Ngre Kataa, Mound 6, Unit 46N 2W, L7
- Date:
- 2009-06-23
- Location(s) Facet:
- Ngre Kataa
- Subjects Facet:
- Excavations (Archaeology); Archaeology; Metalworking; Forging
- Creator:
- Dr. Ann B. Stahl
- Date searchable:
- 2009
- Date searchable:
- 2009-06-23
- Genre Facet:
- Digital image
- Format:
- Image
- Source:
- Dr. Ann B. Stahl
- Location(s):
- Ngre Kataa;8.11277778, -2.30611111
- Sketchfab Uid:
- Geographic Coordinates:
- 8.11277778, -2.30611111
362. Iron projectile point fragment, Ngre Kataa, 2009
- Description:
- Partial iron projectile point, the tip of the head (left) broken off. The base of the head forms a right angle barb with the short tang. The tang (right) would have been inserted into a shaft made of bamboo, reed or lightweight wood to form an arrow. This point was found in an area (mound 7) that archaeologists interpret as a house mound. The artifact is corroded by rust. Scale in cm. Length: 9.1 cm. Weight: 13.6 g. Site Ngre Kataa. 4 June 2009.
- Rights:
- Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial
- Publisher:
- University of Victoria Libraries
- Provenance:
- Ngre Kataa, Mound 7, Unit 10N 30E, Level 8
- Date:
- 2009-06-04
- Location(s) Facet:
- Ngre Kataa
- Subjects:
- Iron tool
- Subjects Facet:
- Projectile points; Iron; Archaeology; Artifacts (Antiquities)
- Identifier:
- SF 09-114
- Creator:
- Dr. Ann B. Stahl
- Date searchable:
- 2009
- Date searchable:
- 2009-06-04
- Genre Facet:
- Digital image
- Format:
- Image
- Source:
- Dr. Ann B. Stahl
- Location(s):
- Ngre Kataa;8.11277778, -2.30611111
- Sketchfab Uid:
- Geographic Coordinates:
- 8.11277778, -2.30611111
363. Iron disc, Ngre Kataa, 2009
- Description:
- Flat, thin iron disk (SF 09-159). The object is corroded by rust and its edges notched in two spots. Its function is unknown. The disc was found in a cluster (cluster D) with an iron bangle (SF 09-158) and two stones whose surfaces showed evidence of grinding. The cluster was part of a wider feature (clusters A-D) that archaeologists interpret as a shrine, which overlaid stratified deposits in a metallurgical workshop (mound 6). Scale in cm. Width: 8.1 cm. Thickness: .2 cm. Weight: 29.8 g. Site Ngre Kataa. 9 June 2009.
- Rights:
- Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial
- Publisher:
- University of Victoria Libraries
- Relation:
- Provenance:
- Ngre Kataa, Mound 6, Unit 50N 8W, Level 3. Piece plot: 194 cm S, 4 cm W, 85 cm bd.
- Date:
- 2009-06-09
- Location(s) Facet:
- Ngre Kataa
- Subjects Facet:
- Iron; Artifacts (Antiquities); Archaeology
- Identifier:
- SF 09-159
- Creator:
- Dr. Ann B. Stahl
- Date searchable:
- 2009
- Date searchable:
- 2009-06-09
- Genre Facet:
- Digital image
- Format:
- Image
- Location(s):
- Ngre Kataa;8.11277778, -2.30611111
- Sketchfab Uid:
- Geographic Coordinates:
- 8.11277778, -2.30611111
364. Tri-looped iron bangle, Ngre Kataa, 2009
- Description:
- A tri-looped iron bangle (SF 09-158). The bangle was formed from a single round iron rod, looped three times at the top (detail, left). The rod is joined with a single twist at the base, with each end of the rod overlaid by a thin iron strap (bottom), causing slight thickening on either side of the twisted base. The bangle was found in close association with a flat iron disc (SF 09-159) and two stones whose surfaces showed evidence of grinding (cluster D). Archaeologists interpret this context as part of a larger shrine feature (clusters A-D) in a metallurgical workshop. The bangle shows signs of corrosion by rusting. Scale in cm. Width: 8.5 cm. Weight: 30.2 g. Ngre Kataa. 9 June 2009.
- Rights:
- Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial
- Publisher:
- University of Victoria Libraries
- Relation:
- Provenance:
- Ngre Kataa, Mound 6, Unit 50N 8W, Level 3. Piece plot: 195 cm S, 22 cm W, 85 cm bd.
- Date:
- 2009-06-09
- Location(s) Facet:
- Ngre Kataa
- Subjects Facet:
- Ornaments; Bangles; Iron; Shrines; Archaeology; Artifacts (Antiquities)
- Identifier:
- SF 09-158
- Creator:
- Dr. Ann B. Stahl
- Date searchable:
- 2009
- Date searchable:
- 2009-06-09
- Genre Facet:
- Digital image
- Format:
- Image
- Source:
- Dr. Ann B. Stahl
- Location(s):
- Ngre Kataa;8.11277778, -2.30611111
- Sketchfab Uid:
- Geographic Coordinates:
- 8.11277778, -2.30611111
365. Insitu artifact cluster, mound 6, Ngre Kataa, 2009
- Description:
- A large insitu anvil/grinding stone in an area interpreted by archaeologists as a metallurgical workshop. It is associated with several smaller stones that show signs of use as grinding or hammer stones. On the northwest side of the stone is a partial pottery vessel--unusual for its layered construction (NK 09-787). To the right of the partial pot are two flat iron discs (larger, above, SF 09-370 and smaller, below SF 90-371). The smaller grinding stone (upper left of photo) rested, grinding surface down, on top of a pottery jar (NK 09-788) which was exposed in the next excavation level. Photo scale bar in 5 cm increments. Photo arrow pointing north. Site Ngre Kataa. 4 July 2009.
- Rights:
- Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial
- Publisher:
- University of Victoria Libraries
- Provenance:
- Ngre Kataa, Mound 6, Unit 50N 6W, Level 7
- Date:
- 2009-07-04
- Location(s) Facet:
- Ngre Kataa
- Subjects:
- Grinding stone
- Subjects Facet:
- Archaeology; Excavations (Archaeology); Iron; Pottery; Artifacts (Antiquities)
- Creator:
- Dr. Ann B. Stahl
- Date searchable:
- 2009
- Date searchable:
- 2009-07-04
- Genre Facet:
- Digital image
- Format:
- Image
- Source:
- Dr. Ann B. Stahl
- Coverage:
- Location(s):
- Ngre Kataa;8.11277778, -2.30611111
- Sketchfab Uid:
- Geographic Coordinates:
- 8.11277778, -2.30611111
366. Insitu artifact cluster, mound 6, Ngre Kataa, 2009
- Description:
- A large insitu anvil/grinding stone in an area interpreted by archaeologists as a metallurgical workshop (two views). It is associated with several smaller stones that show signs of use as grinding or hammer stones. On the northwest side of the large stone (GS 09-15) is a partial pottery vessel--unusual for its layered construction (NK 09-787). Sitting adjacent to the partial pot are two flat iron discs (larger one, above in photo 1, SF 09-370 and smaller, below in photo 1, SF 90-371). A smaller grinding stone (GS 09-24) sits northeast of the anvil stone, positioned with its grinding surface down. It rested on top of a pottery jar (NK 09-788) which was exposed in the next excavation level. An area of fire-hardened sediment to the southeast of the anvil stone (photo 2) is interpreted as part of a forging feature. Photo scale bar in 5 cm increments. Photo arrow pointing north. Site Ngre Kataa. 4 July 2009.
- Rights:
- Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial
- Publisher:
- University of Victoria Libraries
- Relation:
- Provenance:
- Ngre Kataa, Mound 6, Unit 50N 6W, Level 7
- Date:
- 2009-07-04
- Location(s) Facet:
- Ngre Kataa
- Subjects:
- Grinding stone
- Subjects Facet:
- Archaeology; Excavations (Archaeology); Iron; Pottery; Artifacts (Antiquities)
- Creator:
- Dr. Ann B. Stahl
- Date searchable:
- 2009
- Date searchable:
- 2009-07-04
- Genre Facet:
- Digital image
- Format:
- Image
- Location(s):
- Ngre Kataa;8.11277778, -2.30611111
- Sketchfab Uid:
- Geographic Coordinates:
- 8.11277778, -2.30611111
367. Insitu grinding stone and jar, mound 6, Ngre Kataa, 2008
- Description:
- View from above of an insitu grinding stone (GS 08-03) and a pottery jar (NK 08-176) at the base of excavation level 3 in an area (mound 6) that archaeologists interpret as a metallurgical workshop. The grinding stone has a concave upper surface, partly obscured by unexcavated soil. Roots and rootlets are visible on the right side of the photo. Photo stick marked in 5 cm increments. Arrow pointing north. Site Ngre Kataa. 1 July 2008.
- Rights:
- Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial
- Publisher:
- University of Victoria Libraries
- Relation:
- Provenance:
- Ngre Kataa, Mound 6, Unit 44N 4W, Level 3
- Date:
- 2008-07-01
- Location(s) Facet:
- Ngre Kataa
- Subjects:
- Grinding stone; Jar
- Subjects Facet:
- Excavations (Archaeology); Archaeology; Metalworking; Pottery
- Creator:
- Dr. Ann B. Stahl
- Date searchable:
- 2008
- Date searchable:
- 2008-07-01
- Genre Facet:
- Digital image
- Format:
- Image
- Location(s):
- Ngre Kataa;8.11277778, -2.30611111
- Sketchfab Uid:
- Geographic Coordinates:
- 8.11277778, -2.30611111
368. Pottery jar, mound 6, Ngre Kataa, 2008
- Description:
- Photo of a globular pottery jar (NK 08-176) found in an area (mound 6) that archaeologists interpret as a metallurgical workshop. The pot was found sitting next to a large grinding stone (GS 08-03). The jar's lip is slightly everted and its upper surface is undecorated. A horizontal band of contiguous diagonal impressions marked in alternating directions ("/\/\") appears above the jar's rounded shoulder. Its lower body and base are darkened and surface treated with fiber roulette impression. Rim diameter: 18cm at exterior lip. Vessel height (base to rim): 17 cm. Photo scale in cm. Site Ngre Kataa. 1 July 2008.
- Rights:
- Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial
- Publisher:
- University of Victoria Libraries
- Relation:
- Provenance:
- Ngre Kataa, Mound 6, Unit 44N 4W. Piece plot: 145-160 cm W, 12-30 cm S, 46-63 cm bd
- Date:
- 2008-07-01
- Location(s) Facet:
- Ngre Kataa
- Subjects:
- Jar; Fiber roulette
- Subjects Facet:
- Archaeology; Artifacts (Antiquities); Pottery
- Identifier:
- NK 08-176
- Creator:
- Dr. Ann B. Stahl
- Date searchable:
- 2008
- Date searchable:
- 2008-07-01
- Genre Facet:
- Digital image
- Format:
- Image
- Source:
- Dr. Ann B. Stahl
- Location(s):
- Ngre Kataa;8.11277778, -2.30611111
- Sketchfab Uid:
- Geographic Coordinates:
- 8.11277778, -2.30611111
369. Shrine cluster, Mound 6, Ngre Kataa, 2008
- Description:
- A group of insitu artifacts interpreted by archaeologists as a shrine cluster, located in a metallurgical workshop (mound 6). The cluster included a lost-wax-cast twinned figurine (bottom center), an iron bangle (center), a waterworn quartz pebble, a bone fragment (upper left of bangle), a broken iron blade (left of the bone fragment) and a tanged iron blade (upper left of the bangle). An irregularly shaped quartzite cobble (upper left) may have been part of the cluster. Photo scale in cm, arrow pointing north. Site Ngre Kataa. 19 July 2008.
- Rights:
- Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial
- Publisher:
- University of Victoria Libraries
- Relation:
- Provenance:
- Ngre Kataa, Mound 6, Unit 44N 6W, Feature 5
- Date:
- 2008-07-19
- Location(s) Facet:
- Ngre Kataa
- Subjects Facet:
- Archaeology; Shrines; Excavations (Archaeology); Figures; Bangles; Blades (tool and equipment components)
- Creator:
- Dr. Ann B. Stahl
- Date searchable:
- 2008
- Date searchable:
- 2008-07-19
- Genre Facet:
- Digital image
- Format:
- Image
- Location(s):
- Ngre Kataa;8.11277778, -2.30611111
- Sketchfab Uid:
- Geographic Coordinates:
- 8.11277778, -2.30611111
370. Iron projectile point, Ngre Kataa, 2008
- Description:
- Iron projectile point fragment. The elongated head (left) has a single barb at its base and a short tang (right). The point has been corroded by rusting. Scale in cm. Length: 11.3 cm. Weight: 14 g. Site Ngre Kataa. 26 June 2008.
- Rights:
- Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial
- Publisher:
- University of Victoria Libraries
- Provenance:
- Ngre Kataa, Mound 8, Unit 8N 127E, Level 14
- Date:
- 2008-06-26
- Location(s) Facet:
- Ngre Kataa
- Subjects:
- Iron tool
- Subjects Facet:
- Projectile points; Iron; Archaeology; Artifacts (Antiquities)
- Identifier:
- SF 08-024
- Creator:
- Dr. Ann B. Stahl
- Date searchable:
- 2008
- Date searchable:
- 2008-06-26
- Genre Facet:
- Digital image
- Format:
- Image
- Source:
- Dr. Ann B. Stahl
- Location(s):
- Ngre Kataa;8.11277778, -2.30611111
- Sketchfab Uid:
- Geographic Coordinates:
- 8.11277778, -2.30611111
371. Everted-rim pottery jar, Ngre Kataa, 2008
- Description:
- Photo of a pottery jar with a slightly everted rim (NK 08-406), found insitu in an area that archaeologists interpret as a metallurgical workshop. Above its rounded shoulder, the jar's surface is undecorated, with the possible exception of traces of red pigment in some areas. The jar's shoulder is decorated with a band of circular punctates interspersed with cross-hatched designs, repeated twice around the jar's circumference. Its base and lower body are surface treated with cord roulette in a zone bounded by a band of diagonal impressions which create a zigzag design ("/\/\"). The jar is fire-clouded in zones across its surface. The jar was found in the vicinty of a grinding stone (GS 08-10), a partial tuyere (NK 08-284) and a burned feature. Rim diameter at exterior lip: 20 cm. Vessel height: 19 cm. Site Ngre Kataa. 15 July 2008.
- Rights:
- Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial
- Publisher:
- University of Victoria Libraries
- Relation:
- Provenance:
- Ngre Kataa, Mound 6, Unit 42N 4W. Piece plot: 39-56 cm S, 37-55 cm W, 66-81 cm bd
- Date:
- 2008-07-15
- Location(s) Facet:
- Ngre Kataa
- Subjects:
- Jar; Punctate; Cord roulette
- Subjects Facet:
- Archaeology; Pottery; Artifacts (Antiquities)
- Identifier:
- NK 08-406
- Creator:
- Dr. Ann B. Stahl
- Date searchable:
- 2008
- Date searchable:
- 2008-07-15
- Genre Facet:
- Digital image
- Format:
- Image
- Source:
- Dr. Ann B. Stahl
- Location(s):
- Ngre Kataa;8.11277778, -2.30611111
- Sketchfab Uid:
- Geographic Coordinates:
- 8.11277778, -2.30611111
372. In situ pottery and grinding stones, Ngre Kataa, 2008
- Description:
- Excavations in units 42N 4W and 44N 4W have exposed clusters of pottery, grinding stones, tuyeres and an area of burned soil associated with metal working at mound 6, Ngre Kataa. Foreground, bottom right, are a partial pottery jar (NK 08-520) and a small flat grinding stone (GS 08-12; partially visible). To the left (west), framed by photo scales, is a burned feature. Next to it sits a hand-held hammerstone (GS 08-11). Above (to the north), a cluster of pottery and a partial tuyere (NK 08-284) are visible along the boundary between excavation units (marked by stakes). To the right of that cluster (east), a grinding stone (GS 08-10) has been pedestaled where it was found, resting with its working surface face down. Two pottery vessels sit at a slightly lower level (NK 08-406). Top center of the photo, at the far end of the excavated area, a cluster of anvil stones is visible (GS 08-05 to 08) in excavation unit 46N 4W. Photo scale adjacent to burned feature marked in 5 cm intervals. View looking north. Site Ngre Kataa. 7 July 2008.
- Rights:
- Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial
- Publisher:
- University of Victoria Libraries
- Relation:
- Provenance:
- Ngre Kataa, Mound 6, 42-46N 4W, Level 2
- Date:
- 2008-07-05
- Location(s) Facet:
- Ngre Kataa
- Subjects:
- Grinding stone; Anvil stone
- Subjects Facet:
- Archaeology; Excavations (Archaeology); Pottery; Metalworking
- Creator:
- Dr. Ann B. Stahl
- Date searchable:
- 2008
- Date searchable:
- 2008-07-05
- Genre Facet:
- Digital image
- Format:
- Image
- Source:
- Dr. Ann B. Stahl
- Location(s):
- Ngre Kataa;8.11277778, -2.30611111
- Sketchfab Uid:
- Geographic Coordinates:
- 8.11277778, -2.30611111
373. In situ pottery, anvil and grinding stones, Ngre Kataa, 2008
- Description:
- Wide view of excavation unit 44N 6W in an area (mound 6) that archaeologists interpret as a metallurgical workshop. Lower left, below the unit's corner stake (44N 6W), the partial rim of an everted jar (NK 08-408) has been pedestaled. It rests with its rim down. Between it and a large anvil stone (GS 08-25, center photo) is a smaller light-colored stone (GS 08-21) and piece of a jar rim. Another jar rim (NK 08-409) has been pedestaled in place to the left (east) of the anvil stone. Behind the anvil stone, an everted-rim jar (NK 08-407, photo stick in front) has been partially exposed. In the unit's center, to the right of the anvil stone, the rounded edge of a burned feature is visible. To the right (west) and in front (north) of that, a photo scale sits alongside an iron projectile point (SF 08-112). The soil around it has been dampened to aid excavation (dark circular area). To its right (west) is another piece of a worn grinding stone (GS 08-20). Visible in the adjacent units (left, east) is a grindstone (GS 08-10) which has been pedestaled in place and to its right a cluster of pottery and a tuyere (NK 08-284). View looking south. Photo bar marked in 5 cm intervals. Site Ngre Kataa. 7 July 2008.
- Rights:
- Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial
- Publisher:
- University of Victoria Libraries
- Relation:
- Provenance:
- Ngre Kataa, Mound 6, 44N 6W, 70 cm bd
- Date:
- 2008-07-05
- Location(s) Facet:
- Ngre Kataa
- Subjects:
- Anvil stone; Grinding stone; Jar
- Subjects Facet:
- Archaeology; Excavations (Archaeology); Pottery; Metalworking
- Creator:
- Dr. Ann B. Stahl
- Date searchable:
- 2008
- Date searchable:
- 2008-07-05
- Genre Facet:
- Digital image
- Format:
- Image
- Source:
- Dr. Ann B. Stahl
- Location(s):
- Ngre Kataa;8.11277778, -2.30611111
- Sketchfab Uid:
- Geographic Coordinates:
- 8.11277778, -2.30611111
374. Iron bangle, Ngre Kataa, 2008
- Description:
- An iron bangle (SF 08-182) made by coiling a flat iron rod with thinned pointed ends. The bangle was found in association with pottery, other bangles and artifacts (cluster A). Archaeologists interpret this context as part of a larger shrine feature (clusters A-D) that capped a metallurgical workshop. The bangle shows signs of corrosion by rusting. Scale in cm. Width: 8.2 cm. Weight: 38.8 cm. Site Ngre Kataa. 15 July 2008.
- Rights:
- Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial
- Publisher:
- University of Victoria Libraries
- Relation:
- Provenance:
- Ngre Kataa, Mound 6, Unit 46N 8W, Level 1. Piece plot: 0 cm S, 110-117 cm W, 36-38 cm bd
- Date:
- 2008-07-15
- Location(s) Facet:
- Ngre Kataa
- Subjects Facet:
- Ornaments; Bangles; Iron; Shrines; Archaeology; Artifacts (Antiquities)
- Identifier:
- SF 08-182
- Creator:
- Dr. Ann B. Stahl
- Date searchable:
- 2008
- Date searchable:
- 2008-07-15
- Genre Facet:
- Digital image
- Format:
- Image
- Source:
- Dr. Ann B. Stahl
- Location(s):
- Ngre Kataa;8.11277778, -2.30611111
- Sketchfab Uid:
- Geographic Coordinates:
- 8.11277778, -2.30611111
375. Iron bangle, Ngre Kataa, 2008
- Description:
- An iron bangle (SF 08-183) made from a spiral-twisted round iron rod with overlapping ends. The bangle was found in association with pottery, other bangles and a dog cranium and jaws (cluster B). Archaeologists interpret this context as part of a larger shrine feature (clusters A-D) that capped a metallurgical workshop. The bangle shows signs of corrosion by rusting. Scale in cm. Width: 9.5 cm. Weight: 115.5 g. Site Ngre Kataa. 15 July 2008.
- Rights:
- Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial
- Publisher:
- University of Victoria Libraries
- Relation:
- Provenance:
- Ngre Kataa, Mound 6, Unit 48N 8W, Level 1. Piece plot: 112-122 cm S, 138-148 cm W, 37 cm bd
- Date:
- 2008-07-15
- Location(s) Facet:
- Ngre Kataa
- Subjects Facet:
- Ornaments; Bangles; Iron; Shrines; Archaeology; Artifacts (Antiquities)
- Identifier:
- SF 08-183
- Creator:
- Dr. Ann B. Stahl
- Date searchable:
- 2008
- Date searchable:
- 2008-07-15
- Genre Facet:
- Digital image
- Format:
- Image
- Source:
- Dr. Ann B. Stahl
- Location(s):
- Ngre Kataa;8.11277778, -2.30611111
- Sketchfab Uid:
- Geographic Coordinates:
- 8.11277778, -2.30611111
376. Brass casting mold and bottle opener, Kumasi, 2009
- Description:
- Skilled craftsmen at the Centre for National Culture in Kumasi, Ghana demonstrate techniques of lost wax casting by making souvenir items like the brass bottle opener pictured here (bottom left). To the right (and top left) is a discarded lost-wax-casting mold that has been broken open to remove the finished objects. This mold produced two bottle openers. The inside of the mold shows the impressions left by the original wax models when they were encased in ashy clay (black matrix). Visbile toward the base of the casting mold are impressions of the tubes, out of which the melted wax drained and through which the molten brass was poured to fill the mold. Brass bottle opener height: 9 cm. Kumasi, Ghana. 4 July 2009.
- Rights:
- Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial
- Publisher:
- University of Victoria Libraries
- Date:
- 2009-07-04
- Location(s) Facet:
- Kumasi
- Subjects:
- Brass
- Subjects Facet:
- Copper alloys; Lost Wax Casting; Handicraft
- Creator:
- Dr. Ann B. Stahl
- Date searchable:
- 2009
- Date searchable:
- 2009-07-04
- Genre Facet:
- Digital image
- Format:
- Image
- Source:
- Dr. Ann B. Stahl
- Location(s):
- Kumasi;6.70296105118106, -1.6305405
- Sketchfab Uid:
- Commentary:
- Composite photo made using Adobe Photoshop 2020
- Geographic Coordinates:
- 6.70296105118106, -1.6305405
377. Shrine cluster, Mound 6, Ngre Kataa, 2009
- Description:
- A pottery lid (NK 09-626) is positioned vertically with its interior surface facing south. Above it (slightly right) is a poorly preserved, friable dog skull. A large tree root has been truncated above and left of the pot lid. Beneath the lid is an iron bangle (SF 09-219), angled upward. The bangle is pressed up against a dog mandible, which has been placed at a diagonal angle below the pot lid, its mandibular joint oriented upward. Several teeth remain in the mandible. A burned feature can be seen immediately below this assemblage of objects. This cluster (B, 11) was part of a larger set of clusters (A-D) that archaeologists interpret as a shrine in a metallurgical workshop. Photo scale at top in cm. Arrow pointing north. Site Ngre Kataa. 16 June 2009.
- Rights:
- Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial
- Publisher:
- University of Victoria Libraries
- Provenance:
- Ngre Kataa, Mound 6, Unit 48N 8W, Levels 4-5, Cluster 11
- Date:
- 2009-06-16
- Location(s) Facet:
- Ngre Kataa
- Subjects Facet:
- Excavations (Archaeology); Ornaments; Bangles; Dogs; Shrines; Archaeology; Artifacts (Antiquities)
- Creator:
- Dr. Ann B. Stahl
- Date searchable:
- 2009
- Date searchable:
- 2009-06-16
- Genre Facet:
- Digital image
- Format:
- Image
- Source:
- Dr. Ann B. Stahl
- Location(s):
- Ngre Kataa;8.11277778, -2.30611111
- Sketchfab Uid:
- Geographic Coordinates:
- 8.11277778, -2.30611111
378. Shrine cluster, Mound 6, Ngre Kataa, 2009
- Description:
- A pottery lid (NK 9 09-626) is positioned vertically with its interior surface facing south. Above it (slightly right) is a poorly preserved, friable dog skull. A large tree root has been truncated above and left of the pot lid. Beneath the lid is an iron bangle (SF 09-219), angled upward. The bangle is pressed up against a dog mandible, which has been placed at a diagonal angle below the pot lid, its mandibular joint oriented upward. Several teeth remain in the mandible. A burned feature can be seen immediately below this assemblage of objects. This cluster (B, 11) was part of a larger set of clusters (A-D) that archaeologists interpret as a shrine in a metallurgical workshop. Photo scale at top in cm. Arrow pointing north. Site Ngre Kataa. 16 June 2009.
- Rights:
- Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial
- Publisher:
- University of Victoria Libraries
- Relation:
- Provenance:
- Ngre Kataa, Mound 6, Unit 48N 8W, Levels 4-5, Cluster 11
- Date:
- 2009-06-16
- Location(s) Facet:
- Ngre Kataa
- Subjects Facet:
- Excavations (Archaeology); Ornaments; Bangles; Dogs; Shrines; Archaeology; Artifacts (Antiquities)
- Creator:
- Dr. Ann B. Stahl
- Date searchable:
- 2009
- Date searchable:
- 2009-06-16
- Genre Facet:
- Digital image
- Format:
- Image
- Source:
- Dr. Ann B. Stahl
- Location(s):
- Ngre Kataa;8.11277778, -2.30611111
- Sketchfab Uid:
- Geographic Coordinates:
- 8.11277778, -2.30611111
379. Shrine cluster, Mound 6, Ngre Kataa, 2009
- Description:
- A fragmented pottery lid (NK 09-626) is positioned vertically with its interior surface facing south. A large tree root is visible behind the lid, below the sign board. A dog cranium positioned above and an iron bangle placed below the lid have been removed. Additional excavation has exposed several pottery rim sherds below a dog mandible, which is positioned diagonally below the pot lid with its mandibular joint oriented upward. Several teeth remain in the mandible. A second less well-preserved dog mandible has been exposed below this. A burned feature can be seen immediately below this assemblage of objects. This cluster (B, 11) was part of a larger set of clusters (A-D) that archaeologists interpret as a shrine in a metallurgical workshop. Photo scale marked in 5 cm increments. Arrow pointing north. Site Ngre Kataa. 30 June 2009.
- Rights:
- Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial
- Publisher:
- University of Victoria Libraries
- Relation:
- Provenance:
- Ngre Kataa, Mound 6, Unit 48N 8W, Levels 4-5, Cluster 11
- Date:
- 2009-06-30
- Location(s) Facet:
- Ngre Kataa
- Subjects Facet:
- Excavations (Archaeology); Dogs; Shrines; Archaeology; Artifacts (Antiquities)
- Creator:
- Dr. Ann B. Stahl
- Date searchable:
- 2009
- Date searchable:
- 2009-06-30
- Genre Facet:
- Digital image
- Format:
- Image
- Source:
- Dr. Ann B. Stahl
- Location(s):
- Ngre Kataa;8.11277778, -2.30611111
- Sketchfab Uid:
- Geographic Coordinates:
- 8.11277778, -2.30611111
380. Iron bangle, Ngre Kataa, 2009
- Description:
- An iron bangle (SF 09-219) made from a round iron rod, its ends fused to create a continuous circle. The bangle was found beneath a pottery lid in a composition that included a dog cranium and jaw bones (cluster B/11). Archaeologists interpret this context as part of a larger shrine feature (clusters A-D) in a metallurgical workshop. The bangle shows signs of corrosion by rusting. Scale in cm. Width: 7.6 cm. Weight: 26.8 g. Site Ngre Kataa. 16 June 2009.
- Rights:
- Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial
- Publisher:
- University of Victoria Libraries
- Provenance:
- Ngre Kataa, Mound 6, Unit 48N 8W, Level 5. Piece plot: 108-112 cm S, 137-144 cm W, 108-110 cm bd
- Date:
- 2009-06-16
- Location(s) Facet:
- Ngre Kataa
- Subjects Facet:
- Ornaments; Bangles; Iron; Shrines; Archaeology; Artifacts (Antiquities)
- Identifier:
- SF 09-219
- Creator:
- Dr. Ann B. Stahl
- Date searchable:
- 2009
- Date searchable:
- 2009-06-16
- Genre Facet:
- Digital image
- Format:
- Image
- Source:
- Dr. Ann B. Stahl
- Location(s):
- Ngre Kataa;8.11277778, -2.30611111
- Sketchfab Uid:
- Geographic Coordinates:
- 8.11277778, -2.30611111
381. Yellow glass bead, Ngre Kataa, 2008
- Description:
- A barrel-shaped drawn glass bead (SF 08-234), opaque yellow in color. The bead is somewhat asymmetrical in shape and has angled ends. Compositional analysis of the bead (via LA-ICP-MS) showed it be made of mineral soda alumina (m-Na-Al) glass, probably produced in South Asia. The bead was found in the fill of a feature adjacent to a circular area of burned soil in a context (mound 6) that archaeologists interpret as a metallurgical workshop. Scale in cm. Length: 4.6 mm. Weight: 0.18 g. Site Ngre Kataa. 17 July 2008.
- Rights:
- Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial
- Publisher:
- University of Victoria Libraries
- Relation:
- Provenance:
- Ngre Kataa, Mound 6, Unit 44N 6W, 78-91 cm bd
- Date:
- 2008-07-17
- Location(s) Facet:
- Ngre Kataa
- Subjects Facet:
- Archaeology; Artifacts (Antiquities); Glass beads; Ornaments
- Identifier:
- SF 08-234
- Creator:
- Dr. Ann B. Stahl
- Date searchable:
- 2008
- Date searchable:
- 2008-07-17
- Genre Facet:
- Digital image
- Format:
- Image
- Source:
- Dr. Ann B. Stahl
- Location(s):
- Ngre Kataa;8.11277778, -2.30611111
- Sketchfab Uid:
- Geographic Coordinates:
- 8.11277778, -2.30611111
382. Pottery bowl and iron bangles, Ngre Kataa, 2008
- Description:
- The body and base of a large pottery bowl has been exposed by exavation in unit 46N 8W. Surrounding this bowl was a cluster of sherds from other pottery vessels, now removed to expose several iron bangles of different shapes and sizes, seen insitu here. Between the bowl and the photo scale is an iron bangle (SF NK 08-169) formed from a spiral-twisted rod. Pedestaled to the right of the bowl (east) is an iron bangle (SF NK 08-140) made from a round rod that was coiled. Visible in the wall behind and to the right of the bowl (north) is a smalled coiled iron bangle made from a flattened piece of iron (SF NK 08-182). This cluster (A) was part of a larger cluster (A-D) of artifacts that archaeologists interpret as a shrine placed in a metallurgical workshop. Rootlets are visible in the wall and floor of the unit. View looking north. Photo scale in 5 cm increments. Site Ngre Kataa. 9 July 2008.
- Rights:
- Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial
- Publisher:
- University of Victoria Libraries
- Relation:
- Provenance:
- Ngre Kataa, Mound 6, Unit 46N 8W, Level 2
- Date:
- 2008-07-09
- Location(s) Facet:
- Ngre Kataa;8.11277778, -2.30611111
- Subjects Facet:
- Archaeology; Excavations (Archaeology); Pottery; Ornaments; Bangles; Metalworking; Shrines
- Creator:
- Dr. Ann B. Stahl
- Date searchable:
- 2008
- Date searchable:
- 2008-07-09
- Genre Facet:
- Digital image
- Format:
- Image
- Source:
- Dr. Ann B. Stahl
- Location(s):
- Ngre Kataa;
- Coverage-Temporal:
- Ngre Kataa
- Sketchfab Uid:
- Geographic Coordinates:
- 8.11277778, -2.30611111
383. Base of a shrine cluster, Mound 6, Ngre Kataa, 2009
- Description:
- A tree that took root atop a shrine cluster has been cut back to a stump (center photo). Most of the objects in the shrine clusters (B-C) have been removed. To the left and below the tree stump, clusters of pottery (10 & 11) can be seen, including a red-colored pottery lid oriented vertically (cluster 11). An iron bangle, a dog cranium and dog mandibles were found associated with that lid. To the right (north) of the stump, a tri-looped iron bangle (SF 09-218) has been pedestaled (left of the black-and-white photo scale stick). The level above this had been covered by a cluster (cluster C) of pottery, including several pot lids, together with an iron bangle and a miniature pair of iron manacles. To the east and west, two large anvil stones are visible, one to the right (east) of the tree stump (GS 09-26) and one to the left (west, GS 09-32). To the left of the stump, a burned feature is visible below the pottery cluster (cluster 11). Photo scale bar marked in 5 cm increments. Arrow pointing north. Site Ngre Kataa. 16 June 2009.
- Rights:
- Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial
- Publisher:
- University of Victoria Libraries
- Relation:
- Provenance:
- Ngre Kataa, Mound 6, Unit 48N 8W, Level 4
- Date:
- 2009-06-16
- Location(s) Facet:
- Ngre Kataa
- Subjects Facet:
- Excavations (Archaeology); Shrines; Ornaments; Bangles; Dogs; Archaeology; Artifacts (Antiquities)
- Creator:
- Dr. Ann B. Stahl
- Date searchable:
- 2009
- Date searchable:
- 2009-06-16
- Genre Facet:
- Digital image
- Format:
- Image
- Source:
- Dr. Ann B. Stahl
- Location(s):
- Ngre Kataa;8.11277778, -2.30611111
- Sketchfab Uid:
- Geographic Coordinates:
- 8.11277778, -2.30611111
384. Iron bangle, Ngre Kataa, 2008
- Description:
- An iron bangle (SF 08-184) made by coiling a flattened iron rod, its ends rounded and overlapping. The bangle was found in association with pottery, other bangles and a dog cranium and jaws (cluster B). Archaeologists interpret this context as part of a larger shrine feature (clusters A-D) that capped a metallurgical workshop. The bangle shows signs of corrosion by rusting. Scale in cm. Width: 6.9 cm. Weight: 39.2 g. Site Ngre Kataa. 15 July 2008.
- Rights:
- Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial
- Publisher:
- University of Victoria Libraries
- Provenance:
- Ngre Kataa, Mound 6, Unit 48N 8W, Level 2. Piece plot: 121-127 cm S, 140-150 S, 53-58 cm bd
- Date:
- 2008-07-15
- Location(s) Facet:
- Ngre Kataa
- Subjects Facet:
- Ornaments; Bangles; Iron; Shrines; Archaeology; Artifacts (Antiquities)
- Identifier:
- SF 08-184
- Creator:
- Dr. Ann B. Stahl
- Date searchable:
- 2008
- Date searchable:
- 2008-07-15
- Genre Facet:
- Digital image
- Format:
- Image
- Source:
- Dr. Ann B. Stahl
- Location(s):
- Ngre Kataa;8.11277778, -2.30611111
- Sketchfab Uid:
- Geographic Coordinates:
- 8.11277778, -2.30611111
385. Iron bangle, Ngre Kataa, 2009
- Description:
- An iron bangle (SF 09-147) fragment made from a flattened iron rod. The fragment is bent at an acute angle. It was found in association with a pottery lid, other pottery sherds, a dog cranium and jaw bones (cluster B). Archaeologists interpret this context as part of a larger shrine feature (clusters A-D) in a metallurgical workshop. The bangle fragment shows signs of corrosion by rusting. Scale in cm. Width: 7.1 cm. Weight: 9.3 g. Site Ngre Kataa. 9 June 2009.
- Rights:
- Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial
- Publisher:
- University of Victoria Libraries
- Provenance:
- Ngre Kataa, Mound 6, Unit 48N 8W, Level 2. Piece plot: 93 cm S, 144 cm W, 70-80 cm bd
- Date:
- 2009-06-09
- Location(s) Facet:
- Ngre Kataa
- Subjects Facet:
- Ornaments; Bangles; Iron; Shrines; Archaeology; Artifacts (Antiquities)
- Identifier:
- SF 09-147
- Creator:
- Dr. Ann B. Stahl
- Date searchable:
- 2009
- Date searchable:
- 2009-06-09
- Genre Facet:
- Digital image
- Format:
- Image
- Source:
- Dr. Ann B. Stahl
- Location(s):
- Ngre Kataa;8.11277778, -2.30611111
- Sketchfab Uid:
- Geographic Coordinates:
- 8.11277778, -2.30611111
386. Iron bangle, Ngre Kataa, 2009
- Description:
- An iron bangle (SF 09-170) made from a round iron rod with flattened ends. The bangle is open on one side (3/4 circle). The bangle was found in association with pottery, other bangles and artifacts (cluster B). Archaeologists interpret this context as part of a larger shrine feature (clusters A-D) in a metallurgical workshop. The bangle shows signs of corrosion by rusting. Scale in cm. Width: 5 cm. Weight: 8.2 g. Site Ngre Kataa. 10 June 2009.
- Rights:
- Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial
- Publisher:
- University of Victoria Libraries
- Relation:
- Provenance:
- Ngre Kataa, Mound 6, Unit 48N 8W, Level 6. Piece plot: 98 cm S, 196 cm W, 79 cm bd
- Date:
- 2009-06-10
- Location(s) Facet:
- Ngre Kataa
- Subjects Facet:
- Ornaments; Bangles; Iron; Shrines; Archaeology; Artifacts (Antiquities)
- Identifier:
- SF 09-170
- Creator:
- Dr. Ann B. Stahl
- Date searchable:
- 2009
- Date searchable:
- 2009-06-10
- Genre Facet:
- Digital image
- Format:
- Image
- Source:
- Dr. Ann B. Stahl
- Location(s):
- Ngre Kataa;8.11277778, -2.30611111
- Sketchfab Uid:
- Geographic Coordinates:
- 8.11277778, -2.30611111
387. Insitu anvil/grinding stones, Ngre Kataa, 2008
- Description:
- A cluster of four large insitu anvil/grinding stones in an area (mound 6) that archaeologists interpret as a metallurgical workshop. The stone at the bottom of the photo (GS 08-06) was oriented with its grinding surface down (not, therefore, visible in the photo). The middle right stone (GS 08-07) also rested with its most-used grinding surface down. The largest stone (middle, left, GS 08-05) had no clear working surface. The stone at the back (GS 08-08) was associated with a fist-sized round quartz hammerstone, seen insitu slightly above. Later exavations (2009) revealed a perforated pot (NK 09-750), lidded with the base of another pot (NK 09-750), adjacent to but approximately 40 cm below this cluster in the next excavation unit. Photo scale in 5 cm increments. Arrow pointing north, view looking east. Site Ngre Kataa. 3 July 2008.
- Rights:
- Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial
- Publisher:
- University of Victoria Libraries
- Relation:
- Provenance:
- Ngre Kataa, Mound 6, Unit 46N 4W, Level 3
- Date:
- 2008-07-03
- Location(s) Facet:
- Ngre Kataa
- Subjects:
- Grinding stone; Anvil stone
- Subjects Facet:
- Excavations (Archaeology); Archaeology; Metalworking
- Creator:
- Dr. Ann B. Stahl
- Date searchable:
- 2008
- Date searchable:
- 2008-07-03
- Genre Facet:
- Digital image
- Format:
- Image
- Source:
- Dr. Ann B. Stahl
- Location(s):
- Ngre Kataa;8.11277778, -2.30611111
- Sketchfab Uid:
- Geographic Coordinates:
- 8.11277778, -2.30611111
388. Burned feature and stone hammer, Ngre Kataa, 2008
- Description:
- A small round stone (GS 08-11) rests insitu next to an irregularly shaped area of burned fire-hardened sediment in an area (mound 6) that archaeologists interpret as a metallurgical workshop. The stone has wear consistent with use as a hammerstone. The burned sediment was next to a circular area of soil that showed signs of oxidation through exposure to high heat. A small piece of copper alloy metal lies at the edge of the fire-hardened sediment, to the left of the hammerstone and above the right site of the photo stick. The feature is likely associated with forging activities. Photo scale at bottom marked in 5 cm intervals. View from above, north at top of photo. Site Ngre Kataa. 5 July 2008.
- Rights:
- Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial
- Publisher:
- University of Victoria Libraries
- Relation:
- Provenance:
- Ngre Kataa, Mound 6, Unit 42N 4W, Level 2
- Date:
- 2008-07-05
- Location(s) Facet:
- Ngre Kataa
- Subjects Facet:
- Excavations (Archaeology); Archaeology; Metalworking
- Creator:
- Dr. Ann B. Stahl
- Date searchable:
- 2008
- Date searchable:
- 2008-07-05
- Genre Facet:
- Digital image
- Format:
- Image
- Source:
- Dr. Ann B. Stahl
- Location(s):
- Ngre Kataa;8.11277778, -2.30611111
- Sketchfab Uid:
- Geographic Coordinates:
- 8.11277778, -2.30611111
389. Everted-rim pottery jar, Ngre Kataa, 2008
- Description:
- Photo of a pottery jar with a slightly everted rim (NK 08-406), found insitu in an area that archaeologists interpret as a metallurgical workshop. Above its rounded shoulder, the jar's surface is undecorated, with the possible exception of traces of red pigment in some areas. The jar's shoulder is decorated with a band of circular punctates interspersed with cross-hatched designs, repeated twice around the jar's circumference. Its base and lower body are surface treated with cord roulette in a zone bounded by a band of diagonal impressions which create a zigzag design ("/\/\"). The jar is fire-clouded in zones across its surface. The jar was found in the vicinty of a grinding stone (GS 08-10), a partial tuyere (NK 08-284) and a burned feature. Rim diameter at exterior lip: 20 cm. Vessel height: 19 cm. Site Ngre Kataa. 15 July 2008.
- Rights:
- Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial
- Publisher:
- University of Victoria Libraries
- Relation:
- Provenance:
- Ngre Kataa, Mound 6, Unit 42N 4W. Piece plot: 39-56 cm S, 37-55 cm W, 66-81 cm bd
- Date:
- 2008-07-15
- Location(s) Facet:
- Ngre Kataa
- Subjects:
- Jar; Punctate; Cord roulette
- Subjects Facet:
- Archaeology; Pottery; Artifacts (Antiquities)
- Identifier:
- NK 08-406
- Creator:
- Dr. Ann B. Stahl
- Date searchable:
- 2008
- Date searchable:
- 2008-07-15
- Genre Facet:
- Digital image
- Format:
- Image
- Source:
- Dr. Ann B. Stahl
- Location(s):
- Ngre Kataa;8.11277778, -2.30611111
- Sketchfab Uid:
- Geographic Coordinates:
- 8.11277778, -2.30611111
390. Pottery bowl and iron bangles, Ngre Kataa, 2008
- Description:
- The body and base of a large pottery bowl has been exposed by exavation in unit 46N 8W. Surrounding this bowl was a cluster of sherds from other pottery vessels, now removed to expose several iron bangles of different shapes and sizes, seen insitu here. At the base of the photo, center, is an iron bangle (SF NK 08-169) formed from a spiral-twisted rod. Pedestaled to the right of the bowl (east) is an iron bangle (SF NK 08-140) made from a round rod that was coiled. Visible in the wall behind and to the right of the bowl (north; above the photo scale) is a small coiled iron bangle made from a flattened piece of iron (SF NK 08-182). A smaller bangle-like artifact lies directly above the pot, center photo (north; SF 08-139). This area (cluster A) was part of a larger cluster (clusters A-D) of artifacts that archaeologists interpret as a shrine placed in a metallurgical workshop. Rootlets are visible in the wall and floor of the unit. View from above, north at top of photo. Photo scale in cm increments. Site Ngre Kataa. 9 July 2008.
- Rights:
- Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial
- Publisher:
- University of Victoria Libraries
- Relation:
- Provenance:
- Ngre Kataa, Mound 6, Unit 46N 8W, Level 2
- Date:
- 2008-07-09
- Location(s) Facet:
- Ngre Kataa
- Subjects Facet:
- Archaeology; Excavations (Archaeology); Pottery; Ornaments; Bangles; Metalworking; Shrines
- Creator:
- Dr. Ann B. Stahl
- Date searchable:
- 2008
- Date searchable:
- 2008-07-09
- Genre Facet:
- Digital image
- Format:
- Image
- Source:
- Dr. Ann B. Stahl
- Location(s):
- Ngre Kataa;8.11277778, -2.30611111
- Sketchfab Uid:
- Geographic Coordinates:
- 8.11277778, -2.30611111
391. Iron bangle, Ngre Kataa, 2008
- Description:
- An iron bangle (SF 08-140) made by coiling a round iron rod with thinned pointed ends. The bangle was found in association with pottery, other bangles and artifacts (cluster A). Archaeologists interpret this context as part of a larger shrine feature (clusters A-D) that capped a metallurgical workshop. The bangle shows signs of corrosion by rusting. Scale in cm. Width: 8.8 cm. Weight: 40 g. Site Ngre Kataa. 9 July 2008.
- Rights:
- Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial
- Publisher:
- University of Victoria Libraries
- Relation:
- Provenance:
- Ngre Kataa, Mound 6, Unit 46N 8W, Level 1. Piece plot: 30-37 cm S, 97-105 cm W, 28-50 cm bd
- Date:
- 2008-07-09
- Location(s) Facet:
- Ngre Kataa
- Subjects Facet:
- Ornaments; Bangles; Iron; Shrines; Archaeology; Artifacts (Antiquities)
- Identifier:
- SF 08-140
- Creator:
- Dr. Ann B. Stahl
- Date searchable:
- 2008
- Date searchable:
- 2008-07-09
- Genre Facet:
- Digital image
- Format:
- Image
- Source:
- Dr. Ann B. Stahl
- Location(s):
- Ngre Kataa;8.11277778, -2.30611111
- Sketchfab Uid:
- Geographic Coordinates:
- 8.11277778, -2.30611111
392. Iron bangle, Ngre Kataa, 2008
- Description:
- An iron bangle (SF 08-139) made by coiling a flat iron rod. One end is pointed, the other squared. The bangle was found in association with pottery, other bangles and artifacts (cluster A). Archaeologists interpret this context as part of a larger shrine feature (clusters A-D) that capped a metallurgical workshop. The bangle shows signs of corrosion by rusting. Scale in cm. Width: 6.1 cm. Weight: 21.3 g. Site Ngre Kataa. 9 July 2008.
- Rights:
- Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial
- Publisher:
- University of Victoria Libraries
- Relation:
- Provenance:
- Ngre Kataa, Mound 6, Unit 46N 8W, Level 2. Piece plot: 2-7 cm S, 132-135 cm W, 50-60 cm bd
- Date:
- 2008-07-09
- Location(s) Facet:
- Ngre Kataa
- Subjects Facet:
- Ornaments; Bangles; Iron; Shrines; Archaeology; Artifacts (Antiquities)
- Identifier:
- SF 08-139
- Creator:
- Dr. Ann B. Stahl
- Date searchable:
- 2008
- Date searchable:
- 2008-07-09
- Genre Facet:
- Digital image
- Format:
- Image
- Source:
- Dr. Ann B. Stahl
- Location(s):
- Ngre Kataa;8.11277778, -2.30611111
- Sketchfab Uid:
- Geographic Coordinates:
- 8.11277778, -2.30611111
393. Iron bangle, Ngre Kataa, 2008
- Description:
- An iron bangle (SF 08-169) made from a round iron rod that has been spiral-twisted. The bangle's ends are flattened and overlap slightly. The bangle was found in association with pottery, other bangles and artifacts (cluster A). Archaeologists interpret this context as part of a larger shrine feature (clusters A-D) that capped a metallurgical workshop. The bangle shows signs of corrosion by rusting. Scale in cm. Width: 9.1 cm. Weight: 96.8 g. Site Ngre Kataa. 14 July 2008.
- Rights:
- Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial
- Publisher:
- University of Victoria Libraries
- Relation:
- Provenance:
- Ngre Kataa, Mound 6, Unit 46N 8W, Level 2. Piece plot: 59-68 cm S, 118-127 cm W. 53 cm bd
- Date:
- 2008-07-14
- Location(s) Facet:
- Ngre Kataa
- Subjects Facet:
- Ornaments; Bangles; Iron; Shrines; Archaeology; Artifacts (Antiquities)
- Identifier:
- SF 08-169
- Creator:
- Dr. Ann B. Stahl
- Date searchable:
- 2008
- Date searchable:
- 2008-07-14
- Genre Facet:
- Digital image
- Format:
- Image
- Source:
- Dr. Ann B. Stahl
- Location(s):
- Ngre Kataa;8.11277778, -2.30611111
- Sketchfab Uid:
- Geographic Coordinates:
- 8.11277778, -2.30611111
394. Insitu iron projectile point, Ngre Kataa, 2008
- Description:
- A triangular-headed iron projectile point (SF 08-112a) exposed insitu in an area (mound 6) that archaeologists interpret as a metallurgical workshop. The point's long tang (left) is bent in a way that made it unusable. The soil around the point has been moistened by excavators to facilitate excavation. The point was found in the vicinity of burned features and anvil stones. Photo scale in cm. View looking south. Site Ngre Kataa. 7 July 2008.
- Rights:
- Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial
- Publisher:
- University of Victoria Libraries
- Relation:
- Provenance:
- Ngre Kataa, Mound 6, Unit 44N 6W, Level 3. Piece plot: 67-71 cm S, 142-156 cm W, 66 cm bd
- Date:
- 2008-07-07
- Location(s) Facet:
- Ngre Kataa
- Subjects:
- Iron tool
- Subjects Facet:
- Projectile points; Iron; Archaeology; Artifacts (Antiquities)
- Identifier:
- SF 08-112a
- Creator:
- Dr. Ann B. Stahl
- Date searchable:
- 2008
- Date searchable:
- 2008-07-07
- Genre Facet:
- Digital image
- Format:
- Image
- Source:
- Dr. Ann B. Stahl
- Location(s):
- Ngre Kataa;8.11277778, -2.30611111
- Sketchfab Uid:
- Geographic Coordinates:
- 8.11277778, -2.30611111
395. Iron projectile point, Ngre Kataa, 2008
- Description:
- A triangular-headed iron projectile point (SF 08-112a) with barbs at the head's base (left) and a long tang (right). The tang is bent, making it unusable. To make an arrow (snini in Nafaanra), the long tang would be inserted into a straight shaft made of bamboo, reed or lightweight wood. The point was exposed insitu in an area (mound 6) that archaeologists interpret as a metallurgical workshop. It was found in the vicinity of burned features and anvil stones. The point shows signs of corrosion by rusting. Scale in cm. Length: 9.8 cm. Weight: 10.2 g. Site Ngre Kataa. 7 July 2008.
- Rights:
- Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial
- Publisher:
- University of Victoria Libraries
- Relation:
- Provenance:
- Ngre Kataa, Mound 6, Unit 44N 6W, Level 3. Piece plot: 67-71 cm S, 142-156 cm W, 66 cm bd
- Date:
- 2008-07-07
- Location(s) Facet:
- 8.11277778, -2.30611111
- Subjects:
- Iron tool
- Subjects Facet:
- Projectile points; Iron; Archaeology; Artifacts (Antiquities)
- Identifier:
- SF 08-112a
- Creator:
- Dr. Ann B. Stahl
- Date searchable:
- 2008
- Date searchable:
- 2008-07-07
- Genre Facet:
- Digital image
- Format:
- Image
- Source:
- Dr. Ann B. Stahl
- Location(s):
- Ngre Kataa;8.11277778, -2.30611111
- Sketchfab Uid:
- Geographic Coordinates:
- 8.11277778, -2.30611111
396. Burned features in a metalworking area, Ngre Kataa, 2008
- Description:
- An arc of orange-red burned features has been exposed in excavation units 46N 8W and 48N 8W in an area (mound 6) that archaeologists interpret as a metallurgical workshop. To the left (west), the body and base of a large pottery bowl (NK 08-522) has been pedestaled insitu. A number of iron bangles surrounded this bowl (cluster A) as part of a large shrine cluster that extended into adjacent units (where the trunk of a small tree is visible, upper left). The base of this cluster was about 20-30 cm above the burned basins exposed in this photo. Center photo, flanked by photo scales, the round rim of a pottery jar is visible in outline. To the right (east) of the burned features, two hammerstones rest insitu next to one another. To the north of the burned features (forward right of the sign board), a zone of white plaster-like sediment is visible. Far right, archaeologist Abass Iddrisu uses a trowel to expose the contours of burned sediment in an adjacent excavation unit. Red and white scale is two meters in length. Arrow pointing north. Site Ngre Kataa. 17 July 2008.
- Rights:
- Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial
- Publisher:
- University of Victoria Libraries
- Relation:
- Provenance:
- Ngre Kataa, Mound 6, Units 46-48N 8W, 70 cm bd
- Date:
- 2008-07-17
- Location(s) Facet:
- Ngre Kataa
- Subjects Facet:
- Archaeology; Excavations (Archaeology); Pottery; Metalworking; Shrines
- Creator:
- Dr. Ann B. Stahl
- Date searchable:
- 2008
- Date searchable:
- 2008-07-17
- Genre Facet:
- Digital image
- Format:
- Image
- Source:
- Dr. Ann B. Stahl
- Location(s):
- Ngre Kataa;8.11277778, -2.30611111
- People Depicted:
- Abass Idrisu
- Sketchfab Uid:
- Geographic Coordinates:
- 8.11277778, -2.30611111
397. Insitu grinding stone, Ngre Kataa, 2008
- Description:
- A large grinding stone (GS 08-04) rests insitu along the south edge of unit 48N 4W in an area (mound 6) that archaeologists interpret as a metallurgical workshop. The stone's visible surface is concave in profile, a result of use. The surface that is oriented face down exhibited greater wear from grinding. The white marks on the stone's upper surface were created by excavators' tools as they dug. A piece of copper alloy rod (greenish in color, SF 08-53) is visible insitu in soil below the center of the grindstone. Root fragments are seen in the surrounding soil. Photo scale in cm. View looking south. Site Ngre Kataa. 1 July 2008.
- Rights:
- Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial
- Publisher:
- University of Victoria Libraries
- Relation:
- Provenance:
- Ngre Kataa, Mound 6, Unit 48N 4W, Level 4
- Date:
- 2008-07-01
- Location(s) Facet:
- Ngre Kataa
- Subjects:
- Grinding stone
- Subjects Facet:
- Excavations (Archaeology); Archaeology; Copper alloy
- Creator:
- Dr. Ann B. Stahl
- Date searchable:
- 2008
- Date searchable:
- 2008-07-01
- Genre Facet:
- Digital image
- Format:
- Image
- Source:
- Dr. Ann B. Stahl
- Location(s):
- Ngre Kataa;8.11277778, -2.30611111
- Sketchfab Uid:
- Geographic Coordinates:
- 8.11277778, -2.30611111
398. Slag and copper alloy rod, Ngre Kataa, 2008
- Description:
- A small piece of slag (top) and a copper alloy ( brass) rod fragment (bottom, SF 08-053). The greenish hue of the rod is a product of weathering. These artifacts were found next to one another in unit 48N 4W in an area (mound 6) that archaeologists interpret as a metallurgical workshop. They were found adjacent to and below a large grinding stone (GS 08-04). Site Ngre Kataa. 1 July 2008.
- Rights:
- Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial
- Publisher:
- University of Victoria Libraries
- Relation:
- Provenance:
- Ngre Kataa, Mound 6, Unit 48N 4W, Level 4. Piece plot 178 cm S, 142 cm W, 54 cm bd.
- Date:
- 2008-07-01
- Location(s) Facet:
- Ngre Kataa
- Subjects:
- Slag
- Subjects Facet:
- Copper alloys; Artifacts (Antiquities); Archaeology
- Creator:
- Dr. Ann B. Stahl
- Date searchable:
- 2008
- Date searchable:
- 2008-07-01
- Genre Facet:
- Digital image
- Format:
- Image
- Source:
- Dr. Ann B. Stahl
- Location(s):
- Ngre Kataa;8.11277778, -2.30611111
- Sketchfab Uid:
- Geographic Coordinates:
- 8.11277778, -2.30611111
399. Insitu anvil/grinding stones and burned feature, Ngre Kataa, 2009
- Description:
- Looking eastward over excavation unit 48N 10W toward unit 48N 8W in an area (mound 6) that archaeologists interpret as a metallurgical workshop, a series of anvil/grinding stones have been left in place and a burned feature exposed. Foreground, right, a large anvil stone (GS 09-33) rests atop another stone (GS 09-34). To the right (south), the circular rim of an everted-rim jar has been left in place. To the left (north) is a zone of darker ashy soil flecked with charcoal. Center photo is an anvil stone (GS 09-32), against which a partial elephant tusk--now removed--was found resting. Behind this stone is a tree root and base of a tree stump. The area from this stone (GS 09-32) and extending beyond the stump had been covered with artifacts (clusters B-D, now removed) that archaeologists interpret as a large shrine feature. Some of these artifacts were superimposed directly over the amorphous orange-red burned feature (center photo), which was likely created by high heat associated with forging metals. Other smaller stones have been left in place across the unit. Photo scales marked in 5 cm increments, arrows pointing north. Site Ngre Kataa. 4 July 2009.
- Rights:
- Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial
- Publisher:
- University of Victoria Libraries
- Relation:
- Provenance:
- Ngre Kataa, Mound 6, Units 48N 10W, 48 N 8W, Level 4
- Date:
- 2009-07-04
- Location(s) Facet:
- 8.11277778, -2.30611111
- Subjects:
- Anvil stone; Grinding stone; Jar
- Subjects Facet:
- Excavations (Archaeology); Archaeology; Pottery; Metalworking; Forging
- Creator:
- Dr. Ann B. Stahl
- Date searchable:
- 2009
- Date searchable:
- 2009-07-04
- Genre Facet:
- Digital image
- Format:
- Image
- Source:
- Dr. Ann B. Stahl
- Location(s):
- Ngre Kataa;8.11277778, -2.30611111
- Sketchfab Uid:
- Geographic Coordinates:
- 8.11277778, -2.30611111
400. Iron bangle, Ngre Kataa, 2008
- Description:
- An iron bangle (SF 08-184) made by coiling a flattened iron rod, its ends rounded and overlapping. The bangle was found in association with a concentration of artifacts, including pottery, other iron bangles, a dog skull and jaw bones (cluster B), that archaeologists interpret as part of a larger shrine feature (clusters A-D). This feature capped stratigraphic layers in a metallurgical workshop (mound 6). The bangle shows signs of corrosion by rusting. Scale in cm. Width: 6.9 cm. Weight: 39.2 g. Site Ngre Kataa. 15 July 2008.
- Rights:
- Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial
- Publisher:
- University of Victoria Libraries
- Relation:
- Provenance:
- Ngre Kataa, Mound 6, Unit 48N 8W, Level 2. Piece plot: 121-127 cm S, 140-150 S, 53-58 cm bd
- Date:
- 2008-07-15
- Location(s) Facet:
- Ngre Kataa
- Subjects Facet:
- Ornaments; Bangles; Iron; Shrines; Archaeology; Artifacts (Antiquities)
- Identifier:
- SF 08-184
- Creator:
- Dr. Ann B. Stahl
- Date searchable:
- 2008
- Date searchable:
- 2008-07-15
- Genre Facet:
- Digital image
- Format:
- Image
- Source:
- Dr. Ann B. Stahl
- Location(s):
- Ngre Kataa;8.11277778, -2.30611111
- Sketchfab Uid:
- Geographic Coordinates:
- 8.11277778, -2.30611111