A Ligbi masquerade dancer from Bongase performs at a heritage celebration organized by the Banda Heritage Initiative. He wears a carved wooden baboon mask (mbong in Ligbi). His body is draped in black and his head in shimmering silver cloth. Attendants fan him as he dances. Ahenkro, 28 June, 2019.
Junior High School students pose for a picture with their teacher and members of the Banda Heritage Initiative after participating in a consultation on a draft heritage learning resource ("Learning From Our Past. Banda District, Ghana"). Allison Balabuch (left), a University of Victoria PhD student in Curriculum and Instruction, drafted the resource. The girls hold weaving projects that they worked on during the consultation. The girls' teacher and Banda Heritage Initiative members Patrick Mensah (black cap) and Enoch Mensah (far right) stand with the girls. Model School, Ahenkro, 25 July, 2022.
Women from Boase sit together under a canopy at a heritage celebration organized by the Banda Heritage Initiative. Young women dressed in attire associated with marriage (Bijam) and puberty (Manaa Ndiom) celebrations are seated in the center. To the left are three large calabashes filled with water on which the women will float smaller calabash bowls. These are used as drums to accompany songs sung during marriage and puberty celebrations. Ahenkro, 28 June, 2019.
Heritage; Community event; Drums (musical instrument); Rites and ceremonies; Nafana (African people); Gourd, Calabash; Puberty rites; Marriage customs and rites
Two Junior High School students try their hand at weaving on a simple stick loom as part of a consultation on a draft heritage learning resource ("Learning From Our Past. Banda District, Ghana"), which lays on the desk in front of them. The booklet is open to pages that describe how local people in the past wove textiles on strip looms. Teacher Jerry Tsito looks on as they weave. Model School, Ahenkro, 25 July, 2022.
Two Junior High School students try their hand at weaving on a simple stick loom as part of a consultation on a draft heritage learning resource ("Learning From Our Past. Banda District, Ghana"), which lays on the desk in front of them. The booklet is open to pages that describe how local people in the past wove textiles on strip looms. Model School, Ahenkro, 25 July, 2022.
A group of students at the Calvary Methodist Junior High School in Banda-Ahenkro consult a draft heritage learning resource ("Learning From Our Past, Banda District, Ghana") as they try their hand at weaving on simple stick looms. Teacher Jerry Tsito (blue shirt) coordinated classroom visits to gauge student interest in learning from heritage resources. Ahenkro, 27 July, 2022.
University of Victoria PhD student in Curriculum and Instruction Allison Balabuch helps two Junior High School students at the Model School who are learning to weave on simple stick looms as part of a consultation on a draft heritage learning resource ("Learning From Our Past, Banda District, Ghana"). Ahenkro, 25 July, 2022.
Kuulo women from Dompofie sing songs associated with Kuulo marriage celebrations at a heritage celebration organized by the Banda Heritage Initiative. They wear local strip-woven wraps as skirts and hold microphones as they sing. Ahenkro, 28 June, 2019.
A group of Junior High School students who participated in a consultation on a draft heritage learning resource ("Learning From Our Past, Banda District, Ghana") display weaving projects that they worked on as part of a hands-on learning project. Ahenkro, 29 July, 2022.