A group of men work together, gathered at farm, processing calabash (gourd; chrԑ in Nafaanra) for market sale. The calabash is split, its pulpy interior removed, and the gourd's interior surface scraped clean before drying. Shavings from this thinning process are scattered about on the ground. Several children are gathered nearby as the men work. A basket sits next to a pile of prepared calabash bowls (chrԑgbͻͻ in Nafaanra). Farm near Ahenkro, August, 1982.
An educational poster with pictures and text focused on histories of farming and drought in the Banda area. It describes how archaeologists learn about farming in the past and what has been learned about the foods which Banda peoples used in a period of severe drought several centuries ago. It is one of five posters prepared for a Banda community event held in 2014. Printed versions of the posters are available in the Banda Cultural Centre, Ahenkro.
Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial
University of Victoria Libraries
Location(s) Facet:
Farming; Community engagement; Poster
Subjects Facet:
Droughts; Agriculture; Foodways; Sorghum; Corn; Pearl millet; Heritage
Ma Mnama had a reputation as a successful farmer in the Banda area. Here she uses a short-handled hoe (kagbaan in Nafaanra; pl. kagbɛɛn) to cultivate her intercropped field, located to the east of Banda-Ahenkro, 1982
A young cassava plant (dwa in Nafaanra) growing in an intercropped field. Manihot esculenta was introduced to Africa from the western hemipshere. It can be grown on soils that have been depleted of nutrients by other crops. Its cultivation requires little labor and its tubers, which provide a starchy staple, can be left in the ground for long periods. Other than as a source of calories, the tubers have little nutritional value. Cassava leaves, however, are used as vitamin- and nutrient-rich additions to soups. Lying on the ground around the cassava plant are dried maize stalks (bleju in Nafaanra) left behind from a previous planting cycle. Sabiye, 15 July, 2022.
A cassava tuber (dwa in Nafaanra). Manihot esculenta was introduced to Africa from the western hemipshere. It can be grown on soils that have been depleted of nutrients by other crops. Its cultivation requires little labor and its tubers, which provide a starchy staple, can be left in the ground for long periods. Other than as a source of calories, the tubers have little nutritional value. Ahenkro, 12 July, 2022.
Maize plants (bleju in Nafaanra) growing in an intercropped field. Zea mays L. was introduced to Africa from the western hemisphere. It is today a staple crop valued for its relatively high yields and its short maturation time that can allow farmers to grow two crops in one year. Ahenkro, 12 July, 2022.
To the right of a large tree, a field planted with tobacco is seen from the roadside. After clear-cutting, the rectangular field was tractor-plowed and planted with seedlings provided by the Pioneer Tobacco Company. Trees left standing mark the edges of the field. Visible in foreground is scarring created by construction of a new grated road. Near Nyrie, June, 1994.
A cashew tree (Anacardium sp.) grows in an agricultural field planted (foreground) with calabash (Lagenaria siceraria). Sampson Attah stands near the tree. Calabash has long been grown as a cash crop for local and regional sale in the Banda area. When cashew trees were first planted in the area from the mid-1990s, they were grown singly or in small numbers. A growing shift to cashew farming in the area during the early 2000s was accompanied by the planting of large stands of cashew trees referred to locally as "plantations." Banda area, June, 1995.
A no-trespassing sign posted by the Bui Power Authority along the paved Ahenkro-Bongase road several kilometers north of Ahenkro identifies "land under acquisition" by the Bui Power Authority (BPA). Electrical poles and wires run along the roadside. The large land parcel under acquisition by BPA has long been home to farms worked by families in Ahenkro and Bongase. These farms produce food for household consumption and cash crops, including cashew. View looking northward, Ahenkro-Bongase road, June, 2016.
Creative Commons Attribution--NonCommercial
University of Victoria Libraries
Location(s) Facet:
Ahenkro; Bongase
Subjects Facet:
Agriculture; Cash crops; Bui Dam (Ghana); Roads; Electrification
The soil of a agricultural mound has been dug away to expose a yam (Dioscorea sp.) tuber. The yam vine spreads across the mound and beyond at the top of the photo, its roots surrounding the tuber. A yellow pencil is placed to the left of the yam to provide scale. Banda area, June, 1982.