The Banda Cultural Centre provides space for community gatherings and guest rooms for Banda Research Project and other community visitors. The Centre's motto/logo is "Nyu nunu," (Nafaanra) or "Unity." Commissioned in 1995, the main building was constructed in 1994-95 through a combination of Banda Research Project funding and communal labor supplied by Ahenkro's four Unit Committees. The free-standing annex (right in photo) was added in 2000. It houses additional guest rooms and storage and was also built through a combination of Banda Research Project funding and communal labor. The building is administered and maintained by the community. Ahenkro, July 2001.
Photo of a pottery bowl rim and body, with profile depicted (left). The bowl's interior surface is decorated with lines of red paint applied in reticulate and pendant patterns. The rim of the bowl is slightly everted. A portion of the interior surface is blackened as an effect of firing. An INAA sample ("Banda 27-11") from this bowl was assigned to the "K2" group of ceramic fabrics. It was therefore likely made from clays mined east of the Banda hills. Rim diameter: 34 cm at exterior lip. Sherd represents an estimated 20% of the bowl's circumference. Scale in cm. Site Banda 27. 28 February, 2001.
Photo of a pottery bowl rim and body, exterior surface, with profile depicted (left). The rim of the bowl is slightly everted. The bowl's exterior is decorated with several bands of red paint, one applied below the angle of the rim, one mid-way down the bowl body, and one toward the base. Blackened areas of the exterior are a result of firing. An INAA sample ("Banda 27-11") from this bowl was assigned to the "K2" group of ceramic fabrics. It was therefore likely made from clays mined east of the Banda hills. Rim diameter: 34 cm at exterior lip. Sherd represents an estimated 20% of the bowl's circumference. Scale in cm. Banda 27. 28 February, 2001.
Photo of a pottery bowl rim, exterior surface, with profile depicted (left). The bowl is decorated with several shallow horizontal grooves above its angular carination. A row of vertical impressions marks the carination, below which is a zone of angled "dentate" impressions, bounded by a shallow groove at its lower edge. Traces of red paint appear on the upper portions of the bowl. An INAA sample ("Banda 27-1") from this bowl was assigned to the "K2" group of ceramic fabrics. It was therefore likely made from clays mined east of the Banda hills. Rim diameter: 20 cm at the interior lip. Sherd represents an estimated 15% of the bowl's circumference. Scale in cm. Site Banda 27. 29 January, 2001.
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University of Victoria Libraries
Banda 27, Mound 1, Unit 1, Level 3
Location(s) Facet:
Site Banda 27
Dentate impression; Red paint; Bowl; Neutron Activation Analysis
Photo of an everted-rim jar excavated from Ngre Kataa, Mound 1, Unit 1, levels 3-6. The jar (Vessel 1) was found upside-down, resting on its rim and in association with a cluster of several other complete (Vessels 2 & 3) and broken pots in what has been interpreted as a kitchen area. The round-based jar is decorated on its lower surface by faint twisted cord-roulette impressions. The zone of cord rouletting is separated from the undecorated surface above by three arching grooves or channels. Multiple small circular punctates mark the place where grooved lines meet. Whole pot. Rim diameter c. 30 cm at exterior lip. Photo scale in cm. Site Ngre Kataa ("Banda 40"). 5 April, 2001.
Photo of a dark brown pottery jar rim, neck and body, with profile depicted (left). The rim of the jar is everted in profile. Below the neck, the body of the jar is decorated with a carved roulette rolled across the surface to create a herringbone design. The zone of carved roulette impression is bounded by a horizontal shallow groove. A curvilinear groove cuts across the roulette impression. The ceramic fabric contained both laterite and white grit, as well as finely crushed iron slag. INAA analysis ("NA B-143-8") assigned this jar to the "K1" group, with the implication that it was likely made on the east side of the Banda hills. Rim diameter: 22 cm at interior lip. Sherd represents an estimated 25% of the circumference of the jar. Scale in cm. Site B-143. 14 March, 2001.
Photo of a red-painted and mica-slipped bowl rim, with profile depicted (left). Toward the lip, multiple horizontal bands of grooving and dentate (comb) impression are overlaid by red paint. Below this is a zone with horizontal lines of wavy line impression and grooving overlaid by a mica slip. The lower zone is red-painted. The ceramic fabric includes finely crushed white grit which includes some quartz. An INAA sample ("A94-8") was assigned to the "L" group, indicating that the bowl was made from clays mined west of the Banda hills. Rim diameter: 14 cm at the interior lip. Sherd represents an estimated 15% of the bowl's circumference. Scale in cm. Site A-94. 21 February, 2001.
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University of Victoria Libraries
Site A-94, Mound 2, Unit 1, Level 6
Location(s) Facet:
Site A-94
Wavy line impression; Dentate impression; Red paint; Mica slip; Bowl; Neutron Activation Analysis
Photo of the rim and shoulder of a large pottery bowl, with profile depicted (left). The bowl's exterior is decorated with a herringbone design, created by rolling a carved wooden roulette across its entire surface, except for a narrow band just below the bowl's lip. A single diagonal shallow groove was applied across the surface above the shoulder. An INAA sample (NA "A212-8") from this bowl was "unassigned" to a specific group of ceramic fabrics, lending no insight into where the bowl was made. Rim diameter: 20 cm at the interior lip. Sherd represents about 11% of the bowl's circumference. Scale in cm. Site A-212. 18 February, 2001.
Photo of an everted-rim jar. The round-based pot is decorated on its lower surface by maize cob impressions, created by rolling a kernel-less maize cob over the pot's surface. The top edge of the maize-cob-rouletted zone is marked by pendant grooves or channels. Small circular punctates mark the place where pendant grooved lines meet. A single grooved line offsets this decorated zone from an undecorated zone below the jar's neck. Whole pot. Scale in cm. Site A-9. 1 Feb. 2001.
Body sherds from a large jar. The exterior surface is decorated with bands of horizontal grooving, inside of which are bands of dentate (comb) impressions. Rows of dentate impression applied at an angle create a chevron design across the central zone. An overall red paint or slip finishes the surface. An INAA sample from this jar ("Banda 27-13") was assigned to the "K2" group of ceramic fabrics. It was therefore liked made from clays mined east of the Banda hills. Scale in cm. Site Banda 27. 1 March, 2001.
Creative Commons Attribution--NonCommercial
University of Victoria Libraries
Banda 27, Mound 2, Unit 1, Level 16
Red paint; Dentate impression; Jar; Neutron Activation Analysis