Banda Research Project team members Kofi Paul and Kofi Nsia screen soil from a Mound 7 excavation unit at Ngre Kataa as team member Idrusu brings another headpan of soil. The excavated soil is sieved through 1/4 inch mesh screen in order to recover artifacts (fragments of pottery, metals, beads, animal bone) that will be bagged, cataloged and studied. Studying these objects and the contexts from which they were recovered (their provenience) helps archaeologists to learn about the daily lives of past people. Ngre Kataa, 9 July, 2008.
A twinned lost wax cast copper alloy figurine from Ngre Kataa, Mound 6, Unit 44N 6W, Feature 5 cluster. Archaeologists interpret the Feature 5 cluster as a shrine placed among metalworking facilities. Height: 5.9 cm. Weight: 31.3 g. Ngre Kataa, 19 July, 2008.
Iron slag is formed as a byproduct of iron smelting. Here a large slag nodule has broken in half, revealing its interior texture. At the archaeological site of Ngre Kataa, large chunks of 'bubbly' slag like this were occasionally found in household and other contexts, away from areas otherwise associated with metal-working activities. Potters at the time of the site's occupation had begun to use crushed iron slag as a tempering agent in their potting clays, which may explain why large nodules were being carried and cached in areas away from metal-working locations. Ngre Kataa, June, 2008.
Members of the Banda Research Project work together to map profile walls in a 2 x 2 m unit in mound 7 at Ngre Kataa. Left (white hat), Enoch Mensah measures from a level line while Amy Groleau (red shirt) records measurements in preparation for drawing the profile map. With their backs to the camera, Osei Kofi (left) and Amana Logan (right) work as a team to map the opposite wall. Ngre Kataa, 19 July 2008.
Yaw Frimpong uses a short-handled hoe with a wide blade to loosen and remove soil from an excavation unit (46N 8W) in mound 6 at Ngre Kataa. A second short-handled hoe with a narrower, thicker blade rests on the ground (foreground). To the right, colored flags mark artifacts previously excavated by Ben Nutour using a trowel and left insitu. Foreground is a coiled iron bangle/bracelet (SF 08-140), behind which is a partial large pottery bowl. Further excavations yielded a concentration of iron bangles and other objects suggestive of a shrine cluster in this and adjacent excavation units at mound 6. Ngre Kataa, 9 July 2008.
Tanged iron blade with pointed tip (left) and rounded shoulders. Two large concretions adhere to the blade's corroded surface. The tang (right) would have allowed the blade to be hafted to a wooden or bamboo shaft or handle. If hafted to a long shaft, it may have been used as a spear (chombo in Nafaanra). This artifact was found closely associated with a copper alloy twinned figurine, an iron bangle, a rounded quartz pebble and several other objects, which archaeologists interpret as a shrine cluster. The cluster was placed among metal-working features in a metallurgical workshop. Scale in cm. Length: 8.6 cm. Weight: 12.6 g. Site Ngre Kataa. 19 July 2008.
Triangular-headed iron projectile point with a barb at the head's base (left) and a long tang (right). To make an arrow (snini in Nafaanra), the tang was inserted into a straight shaft made of bamboo, reed or lightweight wood to which it was hafted. This artifact was found in an area (mound 7) that archaeologists interpret as a house mound. The projectile point shows signs of corrosion by rusting. Scale in cm. Length: 9 cm. Weight: 9.2 g. Site Ngre Kataa. 7 July, 2008.
Triangular-headed iron projectile point with a single barb at the base of its head (left) and a long thin tang (right). To make an arrow (snini in Nafaanra), the tang was inserted into a shaft made of bamboo, reed or lightweight wood to which it was hafted. The artifact shows signs of corrosion. The point was excavated from a deep midden mound in an disturbed by a pig burrow. Scale in cm. Length: 12.4 cm. Weight: 14.2 g. Site Ngre Kataa. 25 June, 2008.
Triangular-headed projectile point with barbs on either side of the head's base (left). Its long tang (right) is bent. To make an arrow (snini in Nafaanra), the tang was inserted into a straight shaft made of bamboo, reed or lightweight wood to which it was hafted. This artifact was found in an area that archaeologists interpret as a metallurgical workshop. The projectile point shows signs of corrosion by rusting. Scale in cm. Length: 9.8 cm. Weight: 10.2 g. Site Ngre Kataa. 5 July, 2008.
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Ngre Kataa, Mound 6, Unit 44N 6W, Level 3; piece plot: 67-71 cm S, 142-156 W
View from above of an insitu grinding stone (GS 08-03) and a pottery jar (NK 08-176) at the base of excavation level 3 in an area (mound 6) that archaeologists interpret as a metallurgical workshop. The grinding stone has a concave upper surface, partly obscured by unexcavated soil. Roots and rootlets are visible on the right side of the photo. Photo stick marked in 5 cm increments. Arrow pointing north. Site Ngre Kataa. 1 July 2008.