11. Weaving the tongue of a basketry fish trap, Akanyakrom, 2022
- Description:
- Ewe fishermen Dzobo Sebastian (center), and Dzobo Rubben (left) weave the tongue (exa woade in Ewe) of a basketry fish trap. They use vine cordage to secure the bamboo sticks. This portion of the trap is inserted into the woven cylindrical trap body, allowing fish to enter but blocking their exit from the basketry trap. Maxwell Gbadago (right) uses a wooden mallet to pound a vine that has been twisted and dried in order to remove its bark and make it pliable. The resulting rope will be used to weave remaining parts of the fish trap. Akanyakrom, 23 July, 2022.
- Rights:
- Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial
- Publisher:
- University of Victoria Libraries
- Relation:
- https://exhibits.library.uvic.ca/spotlight/iaff/catalog/17-19549
- Location(s) Facet:
- Akanyakrom (resettled)
- Subjects:
- Men's work
- Subjects Facet:
- Bamboo; Cordage; Fish traps; Handicrafts; Baskets; Ewe (African people)
- Creator:
- Allison Balabuch
- Date searchable:
- 2022
- Date searchable:
- 2022-07-23
- Genre Facet:
- Digital image
- Format:
- Image
- Source:
- Dr. Ann B. Stahl
- Location(s):
- Akanyakrom (resettled);8.246709, -2.244840
- Sketchfab Uid:
- Geographic Coordinates:
- 8.246709, -2.244840