Photo of a dark brown pottery jar rim, neck and body, with profile depicted (left). The rim of the jar is everted in profile. Below the neck, the body of the jar is decorated with a carved roulette rolled across the surface to create a herringbone design. The zone of carved roulette impression is bounded by a horizontal shallow groove. A curvilinear groove cuts across the roulette impression. The ceramic fabric contained both laterite and white grit, as well as finely crushed iron slag. INAA analysis ("NA B-143-8") assigned this jar to the "K1" group, with the implication that it was likely made on the east side of the Banda hills. Rim diameter: 22 cm at interior lip. Sherd represents an estimated 25% of the circumference of the jar. Scale in cm. Site B-143. 14 March, 2001.
Photo of a red-painted and mica-slipped bowl rim, with profile depicted (left). Toward the lip, multiple horizontal bands of grooving and dentate (comb) impression are overlaid by red paint. Below this is a zone with horizontal lines of wavy line impression and grooving overlaid by a mica slip. The lower zone is red-painted. The ceramic fabric includes finely crushed white grit which includes some quartz. An INAA sample ("A94-8") was assigned to the "L" group, indicating that the bowl was made from clays mined west of the Banda hills. Rim diameter: 14 cm at the interior lip. Sherd represents an estimated 15% of the bowl's circumference. Scale in cm. Site A-94. 21 February, 2001.
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University of Victoria Libraries
Site A-94, Mound 2, Unit 1, Level 6
Location(s) Facet:
Site A-94
Wavy line impression; Dentate impression; Red paint; Mica slip; Bowl; Neutron Activation Analysis
Photo of a buff-colored pottery bowl rim and carination, with profile depicted (left). The bowl is decorated with two shallow horizontal grooves, applied below the lip on the exterior surface. Below this is a band of shallow criss-cross incised lines, beneath which is a plain zone, followed by a more deeply incised band of criss-cross incisions, applied just above the exaggerated carination (angled shoulder). Based on patterned overlap in the criss-cross lines, the lines slanted upper left to lower right were made first, after which the lines slanted upper right to lower left were made. The exterior surface below the carination is undecorated. The ceramic fabric included some laterite grit as well as a small amount of finely crushed slag. An INAA sample from this bowl (NA "B143-2") was "unassigned" to a specific group, lending no insight into where the bowl was made. Rim diameter: 15 cm at interior lip. Sherd represents about 15% of the vessel's circumference. Scale in cm. Site B-143. 13 March, 2001.