Excavations on the south edge of unit 44N 4W have exposed a cluster of insitu pottery and a tuyere fragment in an area (mound 6) that archaeologists interpret as a metallurgical workshop. Foreground, broken pieces of a pottery jar lie with their exterior surfaces facing down. Behind them and left rests a tuyere fragment (NK 08-284), its circular cross-section visible in front of the sign board. To the right (west) of this cluster is an area of dark reddened soil, one of many examples of burned soil in this area where metals were worked. This diffuse area of reddened soil extended underneath the sherd cluster, center photo. To the right, embedded in the balk behind the north arrow (to its south), the tip of a partial iron point (SF 08-159) is visible (right of the circular patch of dark soil). Photo scale in front marked in cm. Arrow pointing north. Site Ngre Kataa. 10 July 2008.