Photo of a pottery jar with a slightly everted rim (NK 08-406), found insitu in an area that archaeologists interpret as a metallurgical workshop. Above its rounded shoulder, the jar' s surface is undecorated, with the possible exception of traces of red pigment in some areas. The jar' s shoulder is decorated with a band of circular punctates interspersed with cross-hatched designs, repeated twice around the jar' s circumference. Its base and lower body are surface treated with cord roulette in a zone bounded by a band of diagonal impressions which create a zigzag design ("/\/\"). The jar is fire-clouded in zones across its surface. The jar was found in the vicinty of a grinding stone (GS 08-10), a partial tuyere (NK 08-284) and a burned feature. Rim diameter at exterior lip: 20 cm. Vessel height: 19 cm. Site Ngre Kataa. 15 July 2008.