Photo of an everted-rim pottery jar excavated from Ngre Kataa, Mound 4, Unit 1, Level 5. The jar (Vessel 2) was located in the north profile wall of the unit together with another vessel (Vessel 1). The jar has a carinated shoulder and a rounded base. The upper area of the jar is decorated with three horizontal grooved lines inbetween which are lines of dentate impression. The base of the jar is surface treated with a twisted cord roulette. Two roughly parallel horizontal grooved lines separate the cord rouletted zone from a plain zone below the carination. A hole in the base of the pot (ca. 7 cm across) may have been deliberately broken in this otherwise whole pot. Rim diameter 22 cm at exterior lip. Photo scale in cm. Site Ngre Kataa ("Banda 40"). 5 April, 2001.