Small pedestal-base pottery bowl, Makala Kataa, 1989
Small pedestal-base pottery bowl, Makala Kataa, 1989
Photo of a small pedestal-base pottery bowl. The rim of the bowl is broken away around the entire circumference of the bowl. The exterior surface is burnished and decorated with several triangular impressions (not visible on the surfaces in this photo). The bowl is consistent in shape and size with serving/eating bowls from which an individual (typically a woman) would eat. The bowl was found in association with several other pots and a laterite hearthstone in an area surrounded by oxidized fire-hardened sediment. The wider context of the excavation unit is interpreted as a kitchen area destroyed by an incident of intense fire. Scale in cm. Site Makala Kataa. 11 July, 1989.
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Makala Kataa, Station 6, Mound 5, Unit 0W 4S, Level 5