Red-painted, mica-slipped pottery bowl rim, Site A-94, 2001
Red-painted, mica-slipped pottery bowl rim, Site A-94, 2001
Photo of a red-painted and mica-slipped bowl rim, with profile depicted (left). Toward the lip, multiple horizontal bands of grooving and dentate (comb) impression are overlaid by red paint. Below this is a zone with horizontal lines of wavy line impression and grooving overlaid by a mica slip. The lower zone is red-painted. The ceramic fabric includes finely crushed white grit which includes some quartz. An INAA sample ("A94-8") was assigned to the "L" group, indicating that the bowl was made from clays mined west of the Banda hills. Rim diameter: 14 cm at the interior lip. Sherd represents an estimated 15% of the bowl' s circumference. Scale in cm. Site A-94. 21 February, 2001.
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University of Victoria Libraries
Site A-94, Mound 2, Unit 1, Level 6
Location(s) Facet:
Site A-94
Wavy line impression; Dentate impression; Red paint; Mica slip; Bowl; Neutron Activation Analysis