North wall, unit 46N 2W, Mound 6, Ngre Kataa, 2009
North wall, unit 46N 2W, Mound 6, Ngre Kataa, 2009
The mouth of a perforated shrine pot (left) is covered with the pedestaled base of another pot. It remains in situ as the surrounding areas of unit 46N 2W are excavated to lower levels. Behind, the stratified layers of Mound 6 are visible in the unit' s north wall. Center (back) are a series of anvil and grinding stones exposed at higher mound levels in other excavation units. During excavations in 2008, a cluster of four anvil/grinding stones was found at a level slightly higher than but adjacent (left/west) to the perforated pot. At right, in lower levels, two grinding stones rest at an angle in association with a burned feature. Archaeologists interpret Mound 6 as a metallurgical workshop at which stratified levels built up through repeated use of the same location. Photo scale in centimeters. Site Ngre Kataa. 2 July, 2009.