Banda Research Project team members prepare to profile the north wall of unit 55W 69N at Mound 102, Kuulo Kataa. Osei Kofi (blue shirt) prepares to take measurements from a level string anchored by chaining pins. Alex Caton (wearing a hat) prepares to draw the profile. Wooden pegs mark the corners of the 1 x 2 m unit. Mound 102 is a large deep midden mound which covers approximately 1600 m2 and rises several meters above the surrounding ground surface. A single 1 x 2 m unit was excavated to the base of level 13, after which a 1 x 1 m unit was excavated to almost 4 m, removing roughly 5 m3 of soil. Kuulo Kataa, 8 July, 2000.