In-progress excavations at Mound 130, Kuulo Kataa. A notched tree trunk provides a ladder into the deep units. The south walls of units 93 & 95 E, 110N are visible (center photo), showing the mound' s layered deposits. In unit 95E 106 N (photo right), Emmanuel Duku (left), Wazi Apoh (center) and Leith Smith (right) record soil colors using a Munsell Soil Color Chart. Top left, two team members work by a screen used to sieve excavated soil, piles of which are visible in the background. Mound 130 covers an area of approximately 1100 m2 and rises to roughly a meter above the surrounding ground surface. Excavation here revealed thick layers of ashy midden deposits inter-stratified with walls and floors of houses. Kuulo Kataa, 2000.