Gbԑԑnlԑԑ Katoo in Gbao celebrates the funeral of the caretaker of a shrine who was understood to have been killed by the ' fetish' because of harm he allegedly planned against family members. In this case, the funeral involves special forms of drumming, dancing and songs as part of a thanksgiving to the shrine. Here, two women dance (Ma Millah, center, Adwoa Kupo, right). To the left Yaw Ble plays an antelope antler horn. He wears a strip-woven smock adorned with amulets sewn into leather packets. Two photos. Gbao, 8 August, 1986.
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Location(s) Facet:
Amulets; Gbԑԑnlԑԑ (Gbeenlee) Katoo
Subjects Facet:
Funeral customs and rites; Dance; West African strip weaving; Rites and ceremonies; Drums (musical instrument)