Gbԑԑnlԑԑ Katoo in Gbao celebrates the funeral of the caretaker of a shrine who was understood to have been killed by the ' fetish' because of harm he allegedly planned against family members. In this case, the funeral involves special forms of drumming, dancing and songs as part of a thanksgiving to the shrine. On the left, Yaw Ble plays an antelope antler horn while holding an iron gong in his right hand. To the right of women playing calabash rattles (Akua Bedu Wo and Akua Asԑmpasa) Kwame Fnaso (standing) plays the special drums associated with the shrine. Ma Millah (right, blue top) looks on. Gbao, 8 August, 1986.
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Location(s) Facet:
Rattles; Horn; Gbԑԑnlԑԑ (Gbeenlee) Katoo
Subjects Facet:
Drums (musical instrument); Rites and ceremonies; Funeral customs and rites; Gourd, Calabash; Gongs