51. The Wreck Bay pier in 1938
- Description:
- This image was taken during the 1938 visit by the "Valero III" of the Allen Hancock Scientific Expedition. "Wreck Bay is served by an old wooden pier surmounted by a narrow gauge steam railway in the heyday of Rancho El Progreso. Wooden pilings and rough hewn planks [Matazarno] used in its construction are remarkable for their hardines and seeming imperviousness to the ravages of time (Meredith 1939:203)".
- Subjects:
- Hacienda El Progreso; Manuel J. Cobos
- Subjects Facet:
- Galapagos Islands; San Cristóbal Island (Galapagos Islands); Transportation
- Creator:
- Dr. Peter W. Stahl
- Publisher:
- University of Victoria Libraries
- Contributors:
- Dr. Peter W. Stahl
- Date:
- 1938
- Date searchable:
- 1938
- Date searchable:
- 1938
- Genre:
- Photographic Print; Digital image
- Genre Facet:
- Photographic Print; Digital image
- Format:
- image
- Rights:
- Copyright
- Location(s):
- El Progreso (Galapagos Islands); Galapagos Islands
- Location(s) Facet:
- El Progreso (Galapagos Islands); Galapagos Islands
- Date Digitized:
- 2019
- Commentary:
- Meredith, D.W. 1939. Voyages of the Valero III, 2nd ed.Book Haven Press, LA p.203; Allen Hancock Scientific Expedition.