21. External Combustion Chamber of Fire Box with Door 2018
- Description:
- Externally fed combustion chamber of a fire box supporting structure for a boiler. Top: Boiler support structure with combustion chamber. Bottom: Fire box door embossed with Walsh & Weidner Boiler Co. Chattanooga Tenn USA. This company, formed in 1889 to produce pressure vessels and both fire and water tube boilers, was subsequently consolidated as Hedges, Walsh, Weidner Co. in 1928.
- Subjects:
- Hacienda El Progreso; ingenio
- Subjects Facet:
- San Cristóbal Island (Galapagos Islands); Sugar Factories; Steam-boilers
- Creator:
- Dr. Peter W. Stahl
- Publisher:
- University of Victoria Libraries
- Contributors:
- Dr. Peter Stahl
- Date:
- 2018
- Date searchable:
- 2018
- Date searchable:
- 2018-7-20
- Genre:
- Digital image
- Genre Facet:
- Digital image
- Format:
- image
- Identifier:
- Fig. 4.11
- Rights:
- Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial
- Location(s):
- El Progreso, (Galapagos Islands);Galapagos Islands
- Location(s) Facet:
- El Progreso, (Galapagos Islands);Galapagos Islands
- Date Digitized:
- 2018