The central sugar mill processing area lies directly to the west and down-slope from the Hacienda House. Historic mill infrastructure that could not be relocated or scavenged, remains today in various states of preservation. The image here is a three-dimensional LiDAR point cloud representing archaeological artifacts, measured using a FARO Focus 3D terrestrial laser scanner. LiDAR points have been colourized using digital photos of the features and surrounding area collected at the time of the LiDAR scans. Points relating to trees and other overlying vegetation have been removed to more clearly visualize the archaeological artifacts of interest. The animated walk-through shows the central mill area surrounded on either end by preserved HRT boilers. The walk-through circles around the central flue and boiler heating areas which lie directly across from the water retention ponds.
Hacienda El Progreso; Sugar Mill; San Cristóbal Island (Galapagos Islands); sugar factories