Credits and Acknowledgements
The digital exhibition is the result of close collaboration within and outside the UVic Libraries.
The digital exhibition project “Glimpses into Chinese Immigration History in Canada: The New Republic and The World Journal Vancouver Newspapers” (shortened to Glimpses into Chinese Immigration) received generous support from the PRRLA (Pacific Rim Research Libraries Alliance) KARL-Lo Grant, the YCW program from the Canadian Council of Archives, the World Journal Vancouver Office, the University of Victoria Libraries & Archives, and the Open Knowledge Practicum program from the UVic Electronic Textual Cultures Laboratory (ETCL).
Dr. Zhongping Chen from UVic, Dr. Xiaoning Shi from York University, and community researcher Ms. Baoheng Jia (Bobbie Jia) provided scholarly reviews and advice about the project content. Ms. Jing Liu, Chinese Studies Librarian at UBC, inspired and helped us to receive the World Journal Vancouver newspaper collection.
Support from the Chinese Canadian community
More importantly, this project will not be possible without the continuous support of the community leaders Mr. John Hsu, Mr. Shang-ping Han and their colleagues from The World Journal Vancouver Office in facilitating the donation of The World Journal Vancouver newspaper to UVic Libraries, granting the non-exclusive online distribution right of its content to share, and providing valuable background information and advice for the project. Simon Ko Bong's family members provided important information about Simon Ko Bong's life and family photos to the exhibition.
Other Content Contributors
This exhibit includes not only content from The World Journal Vancouver newspaper in the UVic Libraries Archives but also content from other institutes, such as letters from the Chief Press Censor for Canada related to The New Republic newspaper, the samples of The New Republic newspaper which are available at the Canadiana website, and historical photographs from the BC Archives and the Multicultural History Society of Ontario. These institutes have kindly granted us the rights for publishing this content on the digital exhibition website. You may find the contributing institute information in the metadata field of “Sources” for each item.
The selection of articles was based on and also limited to the selector’s knowledge of the history and current situation of the Chinese Canadian community in Victoria and Vancouver. If you are looking for more articles from the two Chinese community newspapers, please check the Other Resources page and contact the relevant libraries and archives.