Social Justice 12 items

The articles in this section provide ways of examining, through the lens of Chinese-Canadian media, the continuous racial discrimination that Chinese Canadians faced. These articles discuss important events from different historical periods: CCBA’s efforts to fight against discrimination, the relationship between Chinese-Canadian communities and the local police, immigration from Hong Kong, how traditional Chinese medicine developed in Canada, and the protests against the Maclean’s article “the Asianization of campuses.”

1. 少數警員有種族歧視意識 大部警員對公衆持公平態度

2. 不可往此船作工

3. 警方邁向種族性别平等的努力

4. 小移民成長故事 《系列報導之十一》(下)

5. 華人應以積極投票

6. 平權會抗議:報導扭曲華人父母形象

7. 赫根巴登談加國政府對香港移民的看法(下)

8. 華人將向渥京提人頭稅集體訴訟

9. 大學亞洲化? 校園多元化議題受關注

10. 中醫面臨取締危機 尋求華人聲援